Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1739: Guards against the sky

The supreme evil corpse in the crystal coffin reached its extreme point. The lid of the crystal coffin was just cracked open, and the evil force radiating from it could actually contend with the three strongest forces.

Feeling all this, even a determined person like Gu Fei couldn't help being shocked.

It cannot be said that the yin and yang **** map is not strong, nor the human emperor **** soldier is not strong, but when facing this crystal coffin, these forces seem to be at a disadvantage.


A deep roar came out from the crystal coffin, and then the gap above the coffin lid gradually increased. Something in the crystal coffin wanted to open the lid and rushed out.

This is not a good thing. The great figures of the Jiuyin Ancient Half Sage and the Wild Ancient Zhao Family had to change their colors. They were previously calculated by the Thousand Illusion Evil Exalted and trapped in the Supreme Remnant Formation, which has consumed a lot of vitality. .

Almost all of their bloodline power was lost, and it was difficult to awaken the power of the human emperor. At this time, if the supreme evil corpse in the crystal coffin was born, even if they had a human emperor's soldier, they might have life concerns.

The Eastern aristocratic family and the ancient Zhao family are both ancient families that once had a human emperor. The strong men in these families have the blood of a human emperor flowing in their bodies.

The rejuvenation of the human emperor's blood can enable the great figure of Jiuyin Ancient Half-Holy and Desolate Ancient Zhao Family to borrow the power of their ancestors for their own use.

The bloodline was fully recovered, and the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin was once incarnate as the adult emperor, but it is a pity that he was calculated by the Qianhuan Xiezun, and this bloodline power was consumed on the supreme remnant formation.

And the great figure of the wild ancient Zhao family is like the Jiuyin ancient half-sage, the strongest power is consumed on the broken formation, at this time, it is impossible for them to revive the blood of the emperor in the body again.


Just as the crystal coffin vibrated more and more severely, the yin-yang Taiji **** picture floating above the crystal coffin was also shaking, yin and yang intertwined, and a strong force came down from the **** picture.

The yin and yang are vigorous, the **** map seals all directions, and on the **** map, there seems to be a tall figure looming.


With the appearance of the figure above the **** map, the crystal coffin became more uneasy, and endless evil power emerged from the crystal coffin, and **** evil patterns covered the entire crystal coffin.

The supreme evil force is condensing, and the blood-colored evil pattern attracts a force of evil and evil.


Jiuyin Ancient Half Sage was cruel, and directly bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the human emperor seal. He was using the blood of the human emperor's descendant to activate the human emperor brand on the human emperor's seal.

After spitting out that spit of blood, Jiuyin Ancient Half Saint's face instantly turned pale as paper, his expression paused, and he hurt his vitality again.


A peerless and terrifying human emperor power suddenly burst out from that side of the big seal, the chaos void continued to collapse, and the strongest human emperor power appeared again.


The erupting power of the Yin Yang God Map and the Human Emperor Seal directly suppressed the crystal coffin and sank thousands of feet down.


At the same time, the heavenly mirror was also showing its power, the bright mirror light directly shone on the lid of the crystal coffin, and the endless evil spirit dissipated under the mirror light.

A palm that had stretched out of the crystal coffin could be vaguely seen, and under the light of the mirror, it quickly retracted into the crystal coffin.

Gu Fei sensed all this. He didn't take advantage of Jiuyin Ancient Half-Holy's weakness. He knew very well that at this time, only the three powerful forces could work together to forcefully suppress the supreme evil corpse in the crystal coffin. live.

If Gu Fei shot and killed Jiuyin Ancient Half Saint, the consequences would be hard to predict.

In any case, the supreme evil corpse must never be born. Once this evil corpse appears in the human world, it will definitely be a disaster.

"Unexpectedly, the far north one is also taking action."

Standing in the chaos, Gu Fei sensed the fluctuations radiating from the yin-yang Taiji **** map, and couldn't help being moved. He was no stranger to this power.

Back then, he was given the Yin-Yang jade pendant to break the shackles of cultivation and achieve what he is today.


At this moment, a more powerful evil force erupted from the crystal coffin, and the crystal coffin lid with a crack in it flew up.


A terrifying roar sounded in the crystal coffin, and the breath of peerless horror came out vigorously, even the monk in the imaginary realm separated by a layer of chaos heard the roar.

"what is that……"

In Xutian territory, countless monks were paying attention to the battle in the depths of the chaos, and the supreme evil corpse had undergone a corpse transformation, threatening all the monks, and no one could remain calm.

The power of the most evil and the most evil erupts, like the supreme demon ancestor is awakening, this power is too strong, it is overwhelming and unstoppable, this is waiting for the same supreme to come!

Without any suspense, the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin, the great figure of the ancient Zhao family, and the yin-yang Taiji **** map were all shaken away.

Both the Human Emperor Seal and the Heavenly Dao Mirror were shaken and flew into the depths of the chaos, which made the Jiuyin Ancient Half Saint and the great figure of the Zhao family shocked.

The imperial soldier, the treasure of the family, should not be lost. Although the two of them received a great impact and kept vomiting blood, they still desperately pursued the shocked imperial soldier.


Just as the supreme evil corpse was showing its power, in the far north demon realm, a figure sitting crouched over a demon cave suddenly opened its eyes.

In the dim world, the divine light from this person's eyes flashed like a flash of lightning, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

This is a middle-aged man, he is like a supreme **** of war, the breath that radiated from his body stunned the entire area, and the scalp tingling magic whistle came from below the magic cave from time to time.

In the depths of the magic cave, there are definitely terrifying monsters, and there are many more.

However, no monster dared to rush out of the cave. In the area near the cave, there were a lot of huge bones. Those bones were all black. They were the bones left after some powerful monsters were killed. .

These demon bones can be seen everywhere around the devil's cave. For hundreds of years, countless monsters have died in the hands of this person. He has controlled the devil's cave with his own power.

"how is this possible……"

The middle-aged man's body is intertwined with yin and yang, and a series of ancient Dao patterns condenses in the void around him. He sensed something, and then looked towards the 100,000 mountains in the southern wilderness.

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void, ignoring the distance and the barrier between the heavens and the earth, looking into the void of heaven, and into the depths of chaos.


The middle-aged man stood up in the void, and then took a step forward, tore the void directly, walked in, and disappeared into the demon cave in an instant.


As soon as the middle-aged man left, the devil's cave boiled open, and endless demon energy emerged from the depths of the devil cave. In the demon energy, countless demon races were wrapped in it, and they rushed towards the exit of the demon cave.

This demon cave is the largest demon cave in the entire Far North Demon Land, but it is said that this is the source of the demon clan of the Far North Demon Land, and the earliest demons of the Far North Demon Land walked out from here.

During these centuries, demons appeared in many places in the human world, and many powerful demons were born.

However, the Far North Demon Land is a region, but there are very few powerful Demon Races appearing. The reason is simple, because the source of the Demon Race was suppressed by one person.

During these years, the countless demons below the demon cave were thinking about how to break the seal, and then the demons came to the world.

However, that person was peerlessly powerful, and he had a picture of the Yin-Yang God of Unseen Dao Device in his hand. He was as powerful as a demon. He was also sealed by this life for hundreds of years. No demon could escape.

Now that the man had left, the demon heads in the depths of the demon cave were of course taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break the seal, and the demon came to the world.


When countless demon heads rushed to the exit of the demon cave, the entire demon cave suddenly shook, and then, a series of ancient Dao patterns continued to condense in the void.

But in the blink of an eye, countless Dao patterns were shrouded above the exit of the magic cave.


Numerous Dao patterns are intertwined, and a huge picture of Yin-Yang Tai Chi that covers thousands of miles in a radius appears between the heaven and the earth.


Countless demon heads were shocked, they ran into the huge Yin Yang Tai Chi picture, and a ball of devil blood bloomed on the **** map, and those demon heads were directly shocked into blood mist by the mighty power of the **** map. , Form and spirit are all destroyed.

More demon heads fell from above into the depths of the magic cave.


"How could this be……"

There was a peerless and powerful demon roaring, and they were frightened and angry. Even if the person left, they could not rush out of the devil's cave, and the person left a shocking formation.

The big formation is moving, transforming into a yin and yang Taiji **** map, sealing the ten directions, countless demon heads constantly attacking the big formation, but still no demon head can escape.

At the time of the great chaos in the magic cave, the master of the yin and yang **** map had already appeared directly in the virtual sky realm at this time, and then entered the depths of the chaos.

The man from the far north showed great supernatural powers, and in a short while, he rushed here from the far north. The speed was so fast that Gu Fei was absolutely beyond the dust.

The arrival of that person made the old antiques in the Void Heaven Realm extremely excited.

Without any extra words, as soon as the person arrived, he shot directly at the existence in the crystal coffin, the yin and yang **** map fell into the hands of that person, and the power displayed suddenly increased tenfold.


The crystal coffin that had been opened was swept away by the yin and yang **** map in that person's hand, and a figure that had already sat up in the coffin was suppressed.

"Is there really a supreme evil corpse in this world?"

The person who rushed from the far north was shocked, but at this time, the others wanted to unite, but he was not afraid of the existence in the crystal coffin.

"This man is too strong."

Even if he swept the crystal coffin away, the combat power displayed by this man was so powerful that it was against the sky, even Gu Fei was dumbfounded.

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