Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1745: Terrible blood power

Gu Fei showed his strongest combat power and punched the Chaos Fist. The Chaos Fist was invincible. With a punch, more than a dozen golden sword lights shattered immediately.

A little golden light, blooming under Gu Fei’s fist, countless golden lights, like golden meteors, cut through the void and shot out in all directions.


A little golden light hit a large mountain in the distance, and the mountain collapsed into dust in an instant, and disappeared on the ground.


Seeing this scene, those who watched the battle from a distance were panicked, because many golden lights were shooting at them, and a little golden light was destroying a mountain. This kind of power, I am afraid that even the semi-holy will retreat.


There were sacred objects trembling, and the power of the holy grade was resurrecting. Someone took the holy soldiers and shot the golden light against everyone. No one could see what shape the holy objects were.

Everyone only saw the phantom of a divine phoenix flying out, like a real supreme divine phoenix descending, revealing powerful fluctuations of the holy rank.

The divine phoenix flew, a little golden light completely dissipated in the void, and then the phantom of the divine phoenix also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If someone held the Saint Soldier and blocked the golden light, there would be many dead people.

"Who is making the shot."

"Does anyone from that ancient race survive?"

There are some old antiques that seem to have seen something, but these well-informed old antiques are not too sure, because that ancient race is said to have been annihilated.

At this time, the battle was still going on. Gu Fei fought against the Chaos Demon Lord. Every time he punched, he shook the whole world, and the mountains in the distance continued to collapse.


The golden sword aura was agitated, and the Chaos Demon Lord was so powerful that he turned out a hundred thousand golden Taoist swords, slashing towards Gu Fei like the sky.

Each golden sword light is enough to tear apart the world of void, with great power,

This is the quasi-sage's great art of life and death. You must know that the quasi-sage is the strongest person between the heaven and the earth, the closest to the sage. In the entire human world, even at the moment when the great world is coming, there are not many quasi-sages.

Such existence is a deterrent force in the human world,

However, now, Gu Fei is actually challenging the quasi-sage. Everyone who saw this scene was unbelievable. The pinnacle was able to challenge the quasi-sage, and the war was endless, and there was no wind. Such things have never appeared in the past and present. Over,


The true power of chaos is exploding, and a series of chaotic gods are looming on Gu Fei’s body, stimulating the power of the chaos of the world, and the power of the chaos between the world is rising and falling with Gu Fei’s fist.

This force is too strong, it's just breaking the world,

"How can he be so strong."

It was the Chaos Demon Lord, who had to be moved at this time. Gu Fei’s strength has exceeded everyone’s expectations. This is not the peak power.

However, Gu Fei’s cultivation is indeed the pinnacle of power, but his combat power is strong enough to be a quasi-sage. This is the terrible way of Wu.

Invincible at the same level, challenging by leapfrogging, this is absolutely impossible in the eyes of others, but it is not a legend.

Gu Feisheng shattered his heavy golden sword light, and killed the Chaos Demon Lord on the opposite side. The Chaos Demon Lord would become his own grindstone.


The Chaos Demon Lord was frightened and angry. She was cruel, biting the tip of her tongue hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, which merged into the nine golden sword lights in front of her.

The nine golden sword lights immediately stained a layer of blood red,


Nine swords light penetrated the void in an instant, sank into the void, and disappeared.

At this moment, Gu Fei suddenly felt a panic, as if something bad was about to happen.

This is a natural reaction of the martial arts to the advent of danger,


At this moment, he only felt the nine places around his body, and suddenly there was a strange fluctuation. At the same time, nine **** golden lights pierced the void and shot towards him.


Gu Fei was taken aback. These nine blood-colored golden sword lights were obviously different from the others. After just one glance, he realized that there were blood-colored Dao patterns looming on top of the nine sword lights.


Gu Fei wanted to escape, but the nine sword lights came out of the broken void from different locations around his body. The nine sword lights had already trapped himself to death.

Whether you rush out from that direction, you have to take a sword,

At this time, there was no time for Gu Fei to choose to rush out from that direction. He instinctively rushed to the side, because rushing there, the power of the nine sword lights was the weakest.


With blood splashing, Gu Fei’s left shoulder was pierced by a **** golden sword, and the other eight sword lights were evaded by him. Only this sword light could not be avoided.

There is a power attached to the **** golden sword light, which can penetrate the martial body. The golden light penetrates the front of Gu Fei's shoulder, and then penetrates through behind him, bringing out a **** flower.

"What a powerful bloodline."

Gu Fei suffered a big loss. His martial art was extremely powerful. Even if he was struck by the golden sword light of the Chaos Demon Lord, he would not suffer so much damage.

Although the Golden Dao Sword is powerful, it is difficult to hurt Gu Fei, but the golden sword light with the blood of the Chaos Demon Lord is different.

This golden bird clan is the descendant of the ancient sacred beast Golden Crow. There is the blood of the Golden Crow in his body. The chaos demon master sprayed his blood on the nine golden sword lights and attached the power of the blood to it.

"Hmph, no matter how strong your physique is, you will die under my Golden Crow Blood Sword." The Chaos Demon Lord sneered. No one who was hit by her Golden Crow Blood Sword could survive.

Being invaded by the power of the Chaos Demon Lord’s bloodline, this external force was destroying Gu Fei’s vitality, which made Gu Fei feel dangerous.

This is not good,

He felt that the vitality in his body was rapidly draining, and the wound on his left shoulder was difficult to heal. There was a force attached to it that was difficult to drive away.

"Unexpectedly, the power of blood can be used in this way."

Gu Fei was shocked. The Golden Bird had the bloodline of the Golden Crow. This bloodline force invaded his body. It was as if he was fighting against the ancient beast, the Golden Crow.

The power of the Golden Crow’s bloodline is eroding the vitality in his body. At this time, if you continue to fight, it will be very bad for you.

Gu Fei thought of this and wanted to retreat.

The opponent’s cultivation level is much higher than his own. In his heyday, he may be able to fight endlessly with him, but at this time, there is a problem with his martial arts, which affects his combat power.

However, just when Gu Fei wanted to retreat, the Chaos Demon Lord had already taken action, and a large flag filled with flames rushed out of her body, trapping Gu Fei in ninety-nine and eighty-one banners. In a formation formed,

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