Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1746: Golden Crow Array

The Chaos Demon Lord wanted to kill Gu Fei, he actually used the blood power of the Golden Bird clan, which was inherited from the legendary ancient beast Golden Crow.

This bloodline power is comparable to the bloodline of the emperor,

The ancient sacred beast, the Golden Crow, is an innate sacred beast born from the sun star. Although it is not a supreme sacred beast, the Dacheng Golden Crow is also comparable to the human emperor.

As the quasi-sage of the Golden Bird clan, the Chaos Demon Lord definitely had more than half of the bloodline power awakened, and even this half of the bloodline power was enough to put Gu Fei into danger.


Gu Fei roared, on his left shoulder, the Golden Crow Blood Sword pierced a small blood hole the size of a fist, and the clothes around the wound had been broken.

The skin around the wound was blood-red, and there were continuous waves of golden things on it. Under the skin, it was like a strip of earthworms walking.

"this is……"

Gu Fei sensed this power and couldn't help changing its color. The Golden Crow bloodline began to erode his martial arts, and the flesh and blood around the wound was entwined with golden snake-like essence.

These golden spirits are the power of the Chaos Demon Lord’s body that inherits from the bloodline of the ancient divine beast Golden Crow.

This force was impacting the chaotic power on Gu Fei's body. The chaotic marking on his left shoulder gradually dimmed at this time, and it seemed that he could no longer resist this bloodline power.

This bloodline is very powerful, and those golden spirits are constantly pulsing towards my own heart. If it weren't for the Dao pattern that my general understood to imprint my body, the martial arts are extremely powerful, at this time, I am afraid that I will die long ago.

Gu Fei’s body had a problem and could no longer fight. He wanted to retreat.

However, at this time, the Chaos Demon Lord made another move. This time, she played ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one flags, sealed the world, and trapped Gu Fei in an ancient formation.

"Hmph, you are proud to die under my golden bird clan."

The Chaos Demon Lord stood in the big array, and under her feet, a golden sacred flower emerged, supporting her. This is a sacred flower that is completely condensed by the power of the real fire of the sun, with blossoming petals. It's as solid as it is made of gold,


Gu Fei originally wanted to retreat, but the other party was reluctant. Could it be that this demon master, quasi-sage, thought he was the weak human race of the day?


An extremely powerful aura erupted from Gu Fei's body. Chaos lines emerged around the wound on his shoulder.

Chaos Dao patterns are intertwined to prevent the golden blood power from spreading to the whole body,

Then, the void around Gu Fei's body was suddenly distorted, and a world appeared in the void. This was Gu Fei's inner world, the power of the world was mighty, he opened the inner world,

From the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one big flags, a monstrous sun divine fire appeared. On the big flags, there are ancient Dao patterns looming. This is the treasure of the Golden Bird clan.

This clan has long been extinct this year. This Chaos Demon Lord is probably the last golden bird in the world. He has many treasures left by the powerful people of the clan in his hands.

Daqizhen seals the ten sides, and the formation formed is fast moving, and a shocking force is rapidly gathering.


Eighty-one big flags turned the void into a sea of ​​fire within a radius of tens of miles. In the sea of ​​fire, the figure of the golden crow was looming, and a powerful wave of holy rank spread.

"This is a holy formation..."

There was something that Old Antique had seen, shocked, a complete holy formation, this is too amazing, such a big formation, only the ancestors of the ancient forces can have,

Moreover, the sacred ranks of the ancient forces cannot move. They can only protect the ancestral court from foreign enemies. Where is it like this Chaos Demon Lord that can arrange a sacred rank in an instant?

The great formation of the holy rank is extremely terrifying, because it is specially used to deal with the saints, even if the real saints break in, there is a danger of falling.

And Gu Fei, he is far from a saint,


The power of the terrifying sun is mighty, and the ancient golden Dao patterns began to rush out from the eighty-one flags, the Dao patterns are intertwined, and the Dao patterns rushed out of each big flag are condensed into one Golden Crow,


Gu Fei couldn’t help but feel moved when he sensed this change in the big formation. This big formation is not just as simple as the holy rank.

Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one golden crows, like nine-nine-nine-eighty-one rounds of divine sun, collided toward Gu Fei under the control of the Chaos Demon Lord, and the horrible sun burned into the void.

The inner world around Gu Fei's body shook, the power of the big formation was too strong, I am afraid that the power of this big formation has surpassed the holy rank.

It is too easy to kill a pinnacle power with such power. If it is like squeezing an ant,

However, Gu Fei, the ant, is extremely tenacious. The more powerful the opponent, the more vigorous the fighting spirit. With a wave of his right hand, blood splashed and one arm fell off.


Gu Fei’s hair was flying, the muscles on his face twitched slightly due to severe pain, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans rolled on his forehead.

He actually used his hand as a knife, and slashed his left hand and his left arm with a single knife. If this cut off his half body,


The Chaos Demon Lord standing on the sacred flower condensed by the real fire of the sun couldn’t help his heart beating when he saw this scene. This human race is more difficult to deal with than in his own image.

Such a person is extremely determined, and he is dedicated to the pursuit of the strongest power. If he is provoked by such a person, once he cannot kill the other person, it will inevitably become a major disaster in the future.

Gu Fei's cultivation has reached the point of rebirth from a drop of blood. He only suffered a pain after cutting off his half body. The vitality in his body is majestic, the wounded muscles and bones are quickly reorganized, and the flesh and blood are reborn in an instant. , The beheaded half of the body is as good as before,


At this moment, a scream came out of Gu Fei’s body, and the phantom of an ancient cauldron emerged on his body and enveloped him.


The entire Golden Crow Array shook, and the eighty-one Golden Crow phantoms that rushed towards Gu Fei all collapsed and turned into Sunfire Spirit again.

In the fire, the golden Dao patterns are disillusioned,

In the golden crow formation, the ancient ding was floating and sinking, and despite the overwhelming real fire of the sun shining from the eighty-one flags, the emptiness of the burning heaven and earth was annihilated, and it was difficult to shake the ancient ding.

"It's Shanheding..."

Someone recognized the ancient tripod floating in the sea of ​​fire, and the chaos and majestic aura made everyone watching the game feel a great depression.

Of course, the real Chaos and Harmony Qi has not yet appeared, this is just the breath of the ancestral aura of heaven and earth.

If you want to use the mountain and river tripod all at once, with Gu Fei’s current cultivation base, it is difficult to do it. It takes a long time to prepare for using the supreme artifact and borrow the power of heaven and earth.

It is not supreme. It is absolutely impossible to drive supreme artifact with its own power. Even if it is borrowed from the power of heaven and earth, it is difficult for the supreme artifact to show its true power.

However, even if it can only inspire a ray of supreme fluctuation, it is enough to kill all opponents.


Sensing the breath of Shanheding, the Chaos Demon Lord couldn't sit still anymore. She roared and rose directly into the sky, and the sacred flower under her feet dissipated.


The eighty-one banners that make up the Golden Crow Array were shaking, and the eighty-one Golden Crows that were scattered by the waves of the mountain and river tripod condensed from the banner again.

The big formation moved, the sky and the earth were darkened. Almost all of the yang energy cast by the sun star high above was swallowed by the big formation.

The Golden Crow Array is so terrifying that it actually borrowed the power of the Sun Star,


Gu Fei moved his face, but the sun star has existed since the prehistoric world. This star illuminates the starry sky for endless years, and the power of the sun is absolutely unimaginable.

Legend has it that in that era of mythology, there was a supreme being who wanted to refine this star, but in the end they all failed.

This is a miracle between heaven and earth, an eternal star, even the supreme, is difficult to refine, the ancient golden beast, which is comparable to the emperor, was born on this star.

Gu Fei did not dare to neglect, the other party attracted such power, it was like driving a supreme artifact, the phantom of Shanhe Ding was constantly shaking, and there were signs of dimming.


The endless sun energy was attracted by the Golden Crow Array, those eighty-one banners were blooming with endless sun fire, and the whole world was reflected into a golden color.

Eighty-one golden crows bathed in the essence of the sun, and then rushed from all directions, "boom." They collided together, and the golden crows disappeared, but a round of Shenyang appeared there.

A wave of power that truly surpassed the holy rank spread from that round of Shenyang, and the mighty world, shocking everyone,

"It's too strong, it's like a real golden crow coming."

Even some old antiques were shocked at this time. How could the Golden Bird clan have such a powerful formation, how could it have completely declined?

The rise and fall of this kind of race must be the great secret,

When the eighty-one golden crow phantoms collided together, the golden crow Dao patterns on the eighty-one banners were fused together, and the complete Dao patterns comparable to the imperial level were intertwined.

It was like a real round of Shenyang sinking from the sky, the golden fire burned the entire world, the earth was sinking, and spectators who were thousands of miles away had to retreat further.

The heat from the real fire of the sun is too amazing. The vegetation within a thousand miles is rapidly dying, and the water contained in the vegetation is rapidly losing.

This is a thriving area, but within a few breaths, it turned into a withered world. This change is too fast.

At this time, Gu Fei felt a great danger. The divine sun in the sky was sinking towards him. This was a force comparable to a human emperor, and this force plunged him into a dangerous situation.

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