Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1747: Three inner worlds


The Shenyang sinks, and the peerless and powerful force crushes the world to tremble. This is a round of Shenyang that the complete Dao patterns of the Golden Crow interweave and merge.

This is like the ancient sacred beast Golden Crow shooting, and the shadow of the mountain and river tripod covering Gu Fei is shaking. Under the impact of the power of the Golden Crow, the ancient tripod gradually dims.

Hundreds of billions of golden light radiated from above the divine sun, shining on the heaven and the earth, brighter than the real divine sun in the sky, the golden light penetrated the void, and inside the divine sun, there was a golden figure condensing,


Gu Fei roared to the sky, his long hair dancing wildly, he stared at the sinking Shenyang in the sky, this is definitely a force that can instantly kill himself countless times.

In order to kill himself, the Chaos Demon Lord actually used the background of the Golden Bird clan, which made Gu Fei startled and angry.

"no solution anymore."

Gu Fei knew that it was either the other party's death or the death of himself. He didn't want to die. In a thought, an ancient tripod rushed out of his dantian.

An aura that seemed to open up the world, spread out from the ancient cauldron, just a ray of energy, it has already turned the world away.

At the same time, the strength of Gu Fei's body was also rapidly soaring, he placed the ancient Ding on his hands,


Gu Fei had no choice but to perform this secret technique. His eyes were fierce, and his eyes flickered like stars, giving people a powerful sense of oppression.


The void around Gu Fei's body was shaking, and circles of transparent ripples spread from his body. The powerful wave of power from his body shook the void.

In his body, it was as if an ancient behemoth had awakened, and the power that burst out of him was too strong.

This wave of power even spread out from the Golden Crow formation, making all the powerful people thousands of miles away feel a sense of fright.


In the Golden Crow formation, the Chaos Demon Lord was shocked. The human race trapped in the formation suddenly increased the power fluctuations by several times.

Has this human race practiced some secret technique that can instantly increase combat power?

Moreover, the aura from the mountain and river tripod also made the Chaos Demon Lord very uneasy. This ancient tripod was very extraordinary. Even in the Golden Crow formation, the power of the Golden Crow could hardly be shaken.


Gu Fei’s strength is beyond the estimation of the Chaos Demon Lord. This is definitely not a good thing for the Chaos Demon Lord. This human race definitely has a big background.

At this time, Gu Fei displayed one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's Ascension Secret Art. His combat power instantly soared five times. This state made his combat power break through to the point of semi-sage.

Gu Wu is a half saint, that is a peerless and powerful existence. The chaotic Dao pattern on Gu Fei's body moves the power of the avenue, and his whole person is as terrible as an ancient saint.


Driven by the semi-sage level martial arts power, the mountain and river tripod in Gu Fei's hand shook, and an opening force spread out from the mountain and river tripod.


Under this force, the real fire of the sun around Gu Fei quickly dissipated into the void like ice and snow under the scorching sun, turning into primitive essence.


While breathing, those real fires of the sun that turned into primitive essence were all swallowed by Gu Fei, replenishing the vitality consumed in the body.


The Chaos Demon Lord sensed all this and couldn't help but shake his heart.

"Golden Sun Yaokong, Golden Crow burns the sky."

The Chaos Demon Lord did not dare to neglect, and directly drove the Golden Crow Array to show the strongest power of this large Array. Nine-nine-nine and eighty-one Golden Crow banners danced wildly, and endless sun energy rushed out of the banner. , Submerged above that round of Shenyang in the middle of the great formation,


The heavens and the earth shook, and the terrifying breath came from above the sinking golden divine sun. Inside the divine sun, a golden crow wanted to break out of its cocoon.

This is the power of the ancient sacred beast Golden Crow. In this great formation, there is an incarnation of this supreme sacred beast, which shocked Gu Fei.

Feelings The nine-nine-nine-eighty-one Golden Crow banner was left by the ancestor of the Golden Crow.

The ancient sacred beast, the Golden Crow, can compete with the ancient human emperor. These eighty-one banners are incredible. They are equivalent to a human emperor’s magic weapon.

Gu Fei had to work hard. The opponent’s cultivation base was much stronger than his own. Although he displayed one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao’s Ascension Secret Art, his combat power was forcibly increased to the level of semi-sage.

However, the understanding of the avenue between the two is irreparable and cannot be crossed.

The deeper the understanding of the Dao, the stronger the power of the magic weapon can be displayed. With Gu Fei’s current cultivation level, it is impossible to revive the supreme artifact by his own strength.

However, the situation of the Chaos Demon Lord is different. She is a quasi-sage and has a deep understanding of the Dao. It only takes half a step to become a Dao.

The Chaos Demon Lord can revive the Golden Crow Banner to a certain extent. Although it cannot be fully recovered, this force is enough to contend with the mountain and river.


Amidst the loud noises, the terrifying collision began. Gu Fei and the Chaos Demon Lord were desperately desperate. Around the Chaos Demon Lord, a ghost of golden birds emerged.

This is the vision that appeared when the Golden Crow's demon power in her body reached its limit.

That round of Shenyang collided with Shanhe Ding, countless golden Dao patterns appeared at once, and instantly covered the whole world, the golden crow inside Shenyang finally rushed out.


Just when Shenyang collided with Shanhe Ding, Gu Fei, who was holding Shanhe Ding in his hand, shook his body, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

The human emperor rank is too powerful, even with the protection of the mountain and river tripod, his martial arts still received a great impact, making him vomit blood.


The mountain and river tripod shook, and this ancient tripod changed to the size of a hill. It was held high by Gu Fei's hands and slammed into the Shenyang. On the top of Gu Fei's hands, the blue veins were beating.

His coat was shaken to pieces by the martial arts power erupting from him, revealing the strong bronze skin under the clothes.


Gu Fei roared, his muscles were swelling, his muscles and bones were shaking, and his whole body seemed to grow abruptly. Chaos and divine light wandered around him, and his sweat was evaporated into mist by the martial arts power.

Exhausting his best, Gu Fei demonstrated the secret technique of ascension, and released all his potential at this moment. This is an extremely powerful force.

The originally silent mountain and river tripod, under Gu Fei's desperate efforts, was finally successfully inspired by Gu Fei a ray of chaos and majestic aura, an infinitely long and ancient aura that spread from the mountain and river tripod.

It was just a ray of chaos and majestic air that resisted the sinking round of Shenyang, making Gu Fei a sigh of relief.


Seeing that ancient tripod was only emitting a ray of energy, it blocked the Golden Crow and Shenyang, which made the Chaos Demon Lord directly dumbfounded. How could this be possible,

The Chaos Demon Lord couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes.

"Could it be..."

She thought of one thing in the legend. How could it be possible? Myths and legends are not necessarily true. That thing probably doesn't exist, but now it seems that not all legends are groundless.


The Chaos Demon Lord made a desperate bet and directly mobilized the power of the entire Golden Crow Formation to suppress the ancient cauldron. The incarnation of the Golden Crow condensed after the fusion of the indispensable Golden Crow pattern also felt the threat from the Shanhe Ding. Shot,

However, no matter how crazy the Golden Crow Array is running, the mountain and river tripod remains as a mountain and is hard to shake.


Among the crowd watching the battle, an old voice came out. The old antique in the human world saw the origin of the ancient tripod looming in the endless sea of ​​fire.

The real fire of the sun is one of the most terrifying real fires in the world. According to legend, the ancestor of the golden crow used the real fire of the sun to sacrifice the gods.

This kind of real fire can smelt immortal talents,

Only the supreme artifact can resist this kind of real fire. The ancient cauldron is immortal and difficult to be refined by the real fire of the sun. This ancient cauldron must be the supreme artifact.

The two powerhouses are desperately trying to deter everyone. This is the real rise of the human martial arts. The human martial arts has grown to the point where it can be called a quasi-sage.

This also means that even if it is a quasi-sage, it may not really suppress Gu Fei.

People who have enemies with Gu Fei are all courageous, especially the Beitang family, the Eastern family, and the ancient Zhao family. These three families all have great feuds with Gu Fei.

Some people began to retreat. Gu Fei was so powerful that once he was allowed to vacate his hands, he would definitely be liquidated. If he didn’t leave at this time, he might have his life left here.


Gu Fei desperately resisted the rolling of the Golden Crow Array, bloodshot oozing out of the seven orifices, the power required to drive the Shanhe Ding was too huge, even if it was a villain-level figure like Gu Fei, it almost exhausted his body. All power,




Just when Gu Fei was about to exhaust, his eyebrows, chest, dantian, three positions, each burst out a divine light, a new force, from the three positions on his body.

At this critical juncture, Gu Fei did not keep it anymore. He directly opened the three inner worlds on his body, motivating the vitality of the three inner worlds.


Gu Fei opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of **** stale air. The entire martial art body was like a dry tree suddenly being irrigated with nectar. The vitality that was almost absorbed by the mountain and river tripod was quickly recovering.

This is the advantage of Inner World. If Gu Fei’s body is equipped with three movable aura treasure houses, it will provide him with a steady flow of aura.

After a few breaths, Gu Fei recovered.

"how can that be……"

When the Chaos Demon Lord saw this scene, she was dumbfounded again, this guy actually opened up three inner worlds in her body.

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