Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1748: Narrowly win

Gu Fei opened the three inner worlds, drew endless heaven and earth essence, exhausted vitality, and was immediately replenished, making his whole person full of power again. 【//

"Drive me!"

Gu Fei roared, and poured a powerful vitality into Shanhe Ding with all his strength. When Shanhe Ding stood up, it shook. It was this moment that the golden crow that was suppressed above Shanhe Ding was immediately shaken off.


There was a great upheaval in the Golden Crow Formation, the chaos and the majestic spirit were mighty, ninety-nine and eighty-one Golden Crow banners were faltering, and the great formation almost collapsed.

"Unfortunately, I have not been able to make this big formation show its true power, otherwise..."

The Chaos Demon Lord was shocked and flew out of a thousand feet, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and the endless real fire of the sun was quickly dissipating like a cloud of smoke being blown away by the wind.

"If it doesn't work once, then come the second time."

Gu Fei has three inner heavens and earths that provide a steady flow of heaven and earth essence, and he is performing one of the nine secrets of immortality, the secret of ascension, he can control that powerful force.


Shanhe Ding shook again. Although he consumed a lot of vitality, Gu Fei didn't care at all. The vitality from his body was taken away by Shanhe Ding. He could mobilize the power of the three inner worlds to supplement the consumed vitality.


The entire Golden Crow formation almost collapsed, and Shanheding was like an ancient behemoth turning over. The movement caused was terrible, and countless golden Dao patterns were disillusioned.


The Chaos Demon Lord was shocked again, vomiting blood, the quasi-sage demon blood, like golden water, the golden light was shining, and there was terrible power inside.

Such blood can definitely penetrate the semi-sage.

The quasi-sage is the closest to the existence of a sage. The things on the quasi-sage are treasures, flesh and blood, and the essence of the quasi-sage, which can be used to refine medicine.

However, in this world, no one is crazy enough to use Quasi-Sage’s essence and blood to refine medicine. You know, Quasi-Sage’s essence and blood are hard to get.

To some extent, the quasi-sage is already the most powerful existence in this world.

Gu Fei kept shaking Shanhe Ding with terrifying fluctuations, and the entire Golden Crow formation seemed likely to collapse at any time, and the eighty-one Golden Crow banner became dim.

Even the incarnation of the Golden Crow became fuzzy, as if it was about to dissipate.


The situation took a turn for the worse, and the monks who watched the battle in the distance were stunned and shocked to the extreme. Although the supreme artifact Shanheding did not emit supreme power, it still shook the Golden Crow formation.

"Supreme artifact, too strong..."

This was the first thought that everyone had in their minds. Of course, the true power of the Golden Crow formation could not be displayed by the Chaos Demon Lord.


Just after Gu Fei collided more than a dozen times in a row, amidst a loud noise, the entire Golden Crow formation finally made him collide with a life-threatening collision.

All the eighty-one Golden Crow banners were shaken off, and the light became dim. Even the incarnation of the Golden Crow could not withstand the power of the mountain and river tripod, and dissipated into the void.

The endless real fire of the sun swept away in all directions, the burning void was annihilated, nothing was left, and everything passed by turned into fly ash.


The Golden Crow formation collapsed, and the sun inside turned into hundreds of millions of divine lights, rushing in all directions, shocking all spectators.

There is nothing to think about, all the monks above the sky turned around and fled. That is the real fire of the sun, even if the half-sage is burned, it will be destroyed.

After all, the screams sounded. Many monks were hit by the real fire of the sun flying away, and they were instantly burned into ashes, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

Even the powerhouses of the great power level have died several times, which makes everyone fearful and flees desperately, even those who have sacred objects on their bodies.

No one wants to take risks.

The Golden Crow Array collapsed, and the creatures within thousands of miles of the other side were a catastrophe. The real fire of the sun burned everything. As long as it was rushed by this kind of sacred fire, everything would be left with a pile of catastrophe.

The earth is sinking, the mountains are collapsing, and the whole area is in chaos, as if the end is coming, terrifying.


The Chaos Demon Lord roared and flew upside down again. This time, she was severely injured, and the golden crow formation was shattered, causing her to almost burst to death.


Gu Fei used the mountains and rivers to protect his body, smashing the sun and sacred fire, and rushing towards the Chaos Demon Lord.


The Chaos Demon Lord soared into the sky, the golden wings vibrated, and the speed seemed to be no slower than Gu Fei's Bahuang steps. She evaded, unwilling to regret Gu Fei.

Eighty-one Golden Crow banners were summoned by the Chaos Demon Lord, and gathered from all directions, forming a simplified Golden Crow formation around the Chaos Demon Lord.

"Smash you!"

Gu Fei didn't have any extra words. He soared into the sky and smashed the mountain and river cauldron directly at the Chaos Demon Lord. This immortal artifact, even if it didn't recover, was equally terrifying.


After seeing the power of this supreme divine cauldron, where did the Chaos Demon Lord regret Gu Fei?


The Chaos Demon Lord made a decisive decision and took the eighty-one Golden Crow banner directly into a ball of divine fire, broke through the void, and fled away.

Gu Fei wanted to stop, but as soon as he moved, he staggered and almost fell to the ground. Even the Supreme Divine Artifact Shanheding almost couldn't grasp it.

At this time, Gu Fei felt that the power on his body was rapidly fading, and the time for the secret technique of ascension had arrived, and the power spawned by the secret technique was quickly dissipating.

Gu Fei only felt that his whole body was soft, so he couldn't take any strength, he just wanted to fall down and sleep for a few days and nights.

Excessive overdraft of the potential in the body will have this sequelae, even if it is as powerful as Gu Fei. Although he has three inner heavens and earths that continuously provide him with the essence of heaven and earth, his martial arts are still affected.


Gu Fei knew the changes on his body, taking advantage of the power of the Ascension Secret Technique had not completely faded, he stepped on the Eight Desolation Void Steps and quickly left this place.

The war ended in this way, and no one expected such an outcome.

This is amazing. Gu Fei’s name is destined to spread throughout the entire Tamron Continent. He defeated a quasi-sage with his peak and mighty cultivation base. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, no one will know it. believable.

The fire of the sun **** in this area was difficult to extinguish for a long time, and the area of ​​thousands of miles was turned into scorched earth, and nothing remained. The real fire of the sun destroyed everything.

This place was destroyed by the real fire of the sun, and the sun’s essence was condensed.

Many people even sat around the battlefield directly, running the profound arts, stimulating the sun's essence in the surrounding void, and practicing.

At this time, Gu Fei had already rushed into a certain valley in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and then fell to the ground, panting. He was a terrible victory in this battle.

However, in the end he won, and Gu Fei couldn't believe the result.

"Too dependent on the supreme artifact!"

Gu Fei had to admit that it was not his own power that defeated the Chaos Demon Lord, but the power of Shanhe Ding, the supreme artifact.

After all, the borrowed power was not his own. If he relied on his own cultivation base and strength, Gu Fei would not be able to defeat the Chaos Demon Lord, there was a big gap between the two.

With the help of the supreme artifact, this is not what Gu Fei wants, only the power that truly belongs to him is truly powerful, without the use of any other power.

To become the strongest in the world, you can only rely on yourself.

Gu Fei sat up cross-legged on the ground, and then ran the profound arts. The spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth began to gather towards him. By this time, he had already closed the three inner heavens and earth in his body.

He used Shanhe Ding ten times and consumed a lot of heaven and earth essence. The essence of heaven and earth among the three inner heavens and earth has also become thinner, and he needs to recover slowly.

A little green light floated out from above the flowers and trees near Gu Fei, flew towards Gu Fei, and then submerged in Gu Fei's body, being refined into his vitality.

Sisi aura penetrated, Gu Fei felt that his strength gradually grew, and his breathing gradually became regular.

In the end, he drew out a spring of the **** of life, refined the huge life essence contained in it, and barely recovered.

"Boss, you are too fierce, you are so powerful, you dare to challenge the quasi-sage."

Gu Fei opened the inner world and released Heitian. Heitian couldn't get in the battle between Gu Fei and the Chaos Demon Lord. He could only throw Heitian into his inner world.

"Making you big."

Gu Fei kicked Heitian a somersault.

This time he won by a narrow margin. Next time, if he meets the Chaos Demon Lord again, he won't be so lucky. After all, the opponent is an ancient quasi-sage.

At this time, Gu Fei suddenly sensed strange fluctuations in his inner world.

"Could it be..."

There was a rare smile on Gu Fei's face. He opened Inner Heaven and Earth, walked in with Hei Tian, ​​and then directly came to the front of a killing formation.


The killing array shook, countless array patterns flickered, and a shocking force spread from the killing array, and the impact almost collapsed the entire killing array.

"Did the big fat man finally break through?"

Hei Tian sensed the wave of power in the killing formation, and couldn't help but secretly startled. This killing formation was laid by himself, and it was set up to hone Gu Fei's disciple Gu Zhong.

When Gu Zhong can break through this killing formation, he will be able to get out of the formation. Gu Zhong has been trapped in the killing formation for some time.

Today, Gu Zhong finally took that step.

"Master, are you here?"

In the killing formation, Gu Zhong's voice came out.


Gu Fei sensed the movement in the killing formation and couldn't help nodding. This disciple of his own finally did not let him down. After all, Gu Zhong's cultivation had broken through to the realm of great power.

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