Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1749: Ancient heavy catastrophe

In Gu Fei’s inner world, the killing array under the black sky is showing its final power,


Like the trembling of a divine soldier, sword lights rushed out of the killing array, countless sword lights illuminating the entire world, and all the sword lights pointed at one person.

At this time, Gu Fei and Heitian stood on a mountain a dozen miles away from the killing formation.

"This is the last change in the killing formation, Wan Jian lore."

Heitian’s eyes lit up, and Gu Zhong was really about to break out of the formation. With such combat power, did Gu Zhong’s cultivation level really break through to the realm of great power?

This killing array couldn't hold back the power, and the black sky deployed this killing array to sharpen Gu Zhong, in order to stimulate Gu Zhong's potential and make Gu Zhong make a breakthrough in the most extreme environment.


There was a roar from the killing array, and the countless array patterns of the whole killing array were burning, releasing the last force, the strongest force.

Thousands of sword lights rushed for thousands of feet, intertwined into a dazzling sword net, piercing towards the ancient hole in the killing array,


Gu exhaled heavily, his whole body was blooming with golden light, like a golden divine sun appearing in the heavens and the earth, the powerful Jin Xing true power spread out.

The entire array was shaking, and when the sword light of ten thousand swords shattered and dissipated from the mighty Jin Xing true power from Gu Zhong's body, it was like hitting a golden wall.


Gu Zhong punched a Jin Xing fist, and an invincible fist intent spread from his body. Under his fist, all the sword lights collapsed and turned into a little golden light. Dissipated in the void,

With just one punch, the killing formation under the black sky cloth was broken, countless formation patterns collapsed, and the whole land shook. Zhigang Xeon's punch shook the world.

The path of Gu Zhong and his master Gu Fei is obviously different. Although the same is a way of martial arts, Gu Zhong only cultivated gold to exercise true power.

A single martial artist who cultivated the true power of gold was not without in the distant past. When Gu Fei was a humble disciple in the Taixuan Sect, he found it in the cave deep in the cold pool of Heishui The immortal body is the immortal martial body that cultivates the true power of gold,

One of the five elements can be cultivated to become the strongest person in the world.

However, Gu Fei’s true power can be transformed. The five elements transform yin and yang, and yin and yang transform into chaos, constantly transforming, getting stronger and stronger, getting closer and closer to the ancestral energy of heaven and earth.

The road that Gu Fei walked was something that no one had ever walked before, it was the supreme martial ancestor, and it was not this road of infinite transformation.

The killing array collapsed, but no destructive damage occurred. At the same time as the array pattern disappeared, the power of the killing array also retreated like a tide.

A golden figure came out,

This is a man pouring like gold. The big fat man Gu Zhong is gone. There is no fat on his body, and the big belly Gu Zhong is two people.


Both Gu Fei and Hei Tian were dumbfounded,

"This change is too big."

Gu Zhong was originally a big fat man, but now he has turned into a strong man. This really makes Gu Fei and Heitian unbelievable. Could it be that this guy has reshaped his martial arts after breaking through his cultivation base,

"Master, Uncle Hei."

Gu Zhong walked over, taking a step more than ten miles, just one step, and people came to the mountain where Gu Fei and Heitian were. The speed was almost comparable to that of Gu Fei.

"Both master and apprentice are evil evildoers against the sky."

Hei Tian sensed the vast wave of true power in Gu Zhong's body like an endless sea. This wave of power was too strong. Even if he became a semi-sage, he still felt a strong pressure.

"You suppressed the cultivation base."

Gu Fei saw it at a glance, his disciple suppressed his own cultivation realm, but there is still a ray of powerful aura that lingers in Gu Zhong's body.


Gu nodded his head. At this time, he knew the gap between himself and the master. Even if his cultivation had broken through to the realm of great power, he still couldn't see the depth of Gu Fei.

"You want to..., what kind of disciple is taught by any master."

As soon as Hei Tian's eyes turned, he immediately thought of Gu Zhong's purpose of suppressing his cultivation. It seemed that he didn't know who was going to be unlucky. The two masters and disciples were so personal.

"How do you feel..."

Gu Fei looked at his disciple up and down. The figure of his disciple had changed too much. The big fat man before was gone.

"I still like that big fat man."

Hei Tian laughed, the old fat guy Gu Zhong is indeed much more "cute" than the old one now.

"Uncle Hei, this is still thanks to you. The killing formation you laid out can not only improve my cultivation base, but also the effect of losing weight."

Gu Zhong said,

Even he himself can hardly believe that he can actually lose weight.

"I haven't named this kind of killing formation yet. It seems that it can be called the weight loss formation. A fat man who throws into the formation becomes a strong man. This is really..."

Heitian couldn't help but smile,

"Let's go, it's not possible to cross the catastrophe here."

Gu Fei had already sensed the pressure from the heaven and the earth at this time. This was a sign before the tribulation came. Even if Gu Zhong could suppress his own cultivation base, the feeling between the heaven and the earth was subtle and unpredictable. Will come sooner or later,

He opened the inner world,

"Finally I can go out and breathe."

Gu Zhong was thrown into the killing formation. The only thing he did every day was cultivation. Now that he has successfully broken through to the realm of great power, of course, he needs someone to practice his hand.

However, he didn't want to waste the mighty Tribulation. As long as he shot and showed the powerful cultivation base, the Tribulation might come soon.

Master Gu Fei was also very particular about the location of the robbery.

They left Gu Fei’s inner world and appeared among the hundred thousand mountains,

"That is……"

As soon as he came out of Gu Fei’s inner world, Gu Zhong sensed a few breaths that were so powerful that he could not imagine. In the face of these fluctuations, he felt that he was as weak as an ant.

"The battle in the virtual world is still not over."

Both Gu Fei and Heitian were surprised. After so long, the human emperor's aura and the demonic power of demons still enveloped the entire 100,000 mountains.

"Master, Xutian Realm."

Gu regained interest,

"You want to see it."

Gu Fei knows very well what his disciple is thinking. This guy’s hands are itchy, and he wants to find someone to pass the trick, practice his hands, and try the new strength.

Gu nodded his head, and at this time in the Void Heaven Realm, there were a lot of strong people, and even the power of the human emperor appeared. This is a good opportunity to sharpen yourself.

Of course, Gu Zhong’s biggest purpose is to try his own combat power.

"But your catastrophe..."

Gu Fei knew that Gu Zhong’s Heavenly Tribulation was about to come, and this was the result of Gu Zhong's suppression of his cultivation base. If he did not suppress his cultivation base, he might be afraid that the Heavenly Tribulation would come when his cultivation base broke through to the realm of great power.

"The robbery can't be wasted. Let's find the trouble with those big bald heads."

Hei Tian said by the side, he actually wants to return to the Xuantian Realm again, you know, there are many good things in the Xuantian Realm.

"Okay, then we will kill another carbine."

Gu Fei nodded. He knew that the Void Heaven Realm at this time would definitely gather most of the strongest from the entire Tenglong Continent, and all the superpowers must be there.

The birth of the supreme corpse affects the nerves of every monk,

It’s impossible for the people of the Western Tu Buddhist School to be absent. The Chaos Demon Lord has already appeared. Although Gu Fei was beaten away, another Buddhist guardian did not appear.

I haven’t seen any traces of the contemporary Qinglian Buddha. Perhaps the Buddhist monk is plotting something in secret,

And the members of the Eastern family, the Beitang family, and the ancient Zhao family all had great feuds with Gu Fei. At this time, the strongest among these three cultivating families must have arrived.

Gu Zhong’s mighty celestial calamity cannot be wasted,


Gu Fei soared into the sky and flew directly towards the sky where the Xuantian realm was located. Gu Zhong and Heitian hurriedly chased them up. This time, they returned to the Xutian realm for the third time.

At this time, outside the gate of the market, the major forces occupy one side and monitor each other,

These wild ancient forces, no one believes anyone, the wild ancient Zhao family, the Eastern family, and the Beitang family joined forces to occupy a large area.

The ancient Zhao family is a wild ancient power, with an incomparably long heritage, which has appeared since the ancient time, and the Eastern aristocratic family is also a wild ancient power.

However, the Eastern aristocratic family is different from other desolate ancient forces. The desolate ancient family did not move the entire family outside the sky, but stayed on the earth.

Among these three forces, the weakest is the Beitang family. This is a new family in the cultivation world. This family has peak power, even a semi-sage existence.

However, the family's background is too small, and it has to be attached to the super power and protected by the super power.

Soon, three figures appeared near the gate of the sky market.

The disciples of Buddhism occupies an area to the west of the gate of the sky, and an aura of peace enveloped that area. Among these disciples of Buddhism, it is clear that there are real strong Buddhist practitioners.

And among the people of the Huanggu Zhao family, there are half saints sitting in town. If there is no such level of existence, the people of the Huanggu Zhao family would have been driven away by other forces.

What about the desolate ancient family, if they are all weak, it is absolutely impossible to stay here,

In the human world, although the ancient forces are strong, there are also people who are not afraid of the ancient forces. The water in the human world is very deep. No one knows how many powerful existences are in the human world.

"how about it."

Gu Fei and the others came to the top of a mountain. They carefully observed the surrounding terrain. It was also easy to find places where the three major forces such as Huanggu Zhao’s family joined forces.

"Jump directly into the crowd, and then trigger Heavenly Tribulation."

Gu Zhong said that only this kind of sudden attack can make the strong among the three powers inevitable. If they can jump into the crowd, they can definitely damage the three powers.

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