Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1763: Mystery man

In the Void Sky Realm, the Supreme Law is constantly evolving. In the end, this kind of power reveals from the gate of the sky, and even the gate of the sky that is guarded by the ancient four spirit formations cannot bear this power.

The gate of the market sky collapsed, and the ancient four spirits ancient formation also collapsed. In front of the law of the supreme avenue, there is nothing left, even things from the myth age.

With the disappearance of the market gate, the passage between the virtual world realm and the human world has also completely disappeared. From then on, it will be difficult for anyone to enter the virtual world again.

The Xutian Realm has truly become a completely independent world.

No one could have imagined such a result. The Void Heaven Realm completely disappeared in front of everyone in this way.

What kind of supreme gods, so many giant coffins of the mythological age, these have nothing to do with the monks in the human world, because no one can directly open the barrier between the big world and the virtual world,

All the monks gathered near the gate of the market sky quickly dispersed, but the world-famous figures did not stop after coming out of the virtual sky realm.


In an ancient battlefield in the depths of the 100,000 Dashan Mountains, there was a loud noise. Two figures were fighting in the battlefield. The terrifying fluctuations shocked the entire battlefield.

This battlefield is covered with bones and mists for many years. Even in broad daylight, the battlefield is very eerie and terrifying. It is possible that many evil things have been born in the depths of the battlefield.

However, just today, this battlefield ushered in a catastrophe.

Fengdu Ghost Emperor and Qianhuan Xie Zun are facing each other in this battlefield. There are still countless Dao laws in this ancient battlefield. In this battle, you can fight to your heart's content without any scruples.

Because there are countless Dao laws that have never been dissipated. These Dao laws are the immortal laws played by the Gedai figures who have fallen on this ancient battlefield.

The war here can minimize the damage caused by the war,


Qianhuan Xie Zun was shooting, evil spirits rushed into the sky, among the bleak green evil spirits, countless evil spirits were looming, and a huge palm came out of that evil spirit.


The entire ancient battlefield shook. Thousand Illusion Xie Venerables are extremely powerful, and can destroy a region with every move. His cultivation may have entered the Holy Order.


Fengdu Ghost Emperor roared, he directly opened the inner world, one hundred thousand ghost soldiers rushed out of his inner world, and then all fell into his body.

Attracting 100,000 ghost soldiers into the body, the power of Fengdu Ghost Emperor is rapidly soaring,


A force of power erupted from Fengdu Ghost Emperor, and his body seemed to have an ancient prehistoric beast awakened fiercely, and his power instantly increased several times.


Fengdu Ghost Emperor also slapped it with a palm, and greeted him with the big hand that came from the other party.


The two big hands collided together, terrifying power erupted, countless Dao patterns were disillusioned, and the two powerful men used the power of Dao Law.

The ancient battlefield has cracked a series of hideous cracks. This is a battlefield of flesh and bones. The soil is all red.

It’s hard to imagine how many creatures fell here in that battle.

In this ancient battlefield, half-holy, even quasi-line weapon fragments can be seen everywhere, and even supreme figures have fallen here.

After Fengdu Ghost Emperor and the Qianhuanxie Venerable had a hard blow, both of them were shocked by each other’s strength and flew out.


The two great figures are moving fast, the collision sounds intensively, and it is extremely shocking, like two giants colliding, and the void is constantly being punched through.

In the face of this kind of power, the void of heaven and earth is as easy to tear as a thin piece of paper, and the quasi-sages will be instantly killed when they come.

At this time, on a mountain peak outside this ancient battlefield, three figures stood,

"These people are probably super old antiques."

Hei Tian was shocked, and the combat power displayed by Fengdu Ghost Emperor and Qian Huan Xie Zun was too strong, even Gu Fei had to move.

Not long ago, he had learned the method of the ancient half-sage of the stars, that is, after the ancient half-sage of the stars used the secret technique to temporarily restore the former peak power, I am afraid that they are not the opponents of the Fengdu ghost emperor.

The existence of Fengdu Ghost Emperor is too strong. It is hard to imagine that there will be such a powerful existence in the human world. This kind of existence may have surpassed the saint.

The three people on the mountain peak are Gu Fei. Although they used the teleportation formation, they did not go far and turned back again.

The guy Hei Tian has an obsession with the Supreme God Zang in the Void Heaven Realm. They turned back and wanted to fish in troubled waters. They just caught up with the battle between Fengdu Ghost Emperor and Qianhuan Xie Zun.

At this time, the fierce man from the extreme north demon realm had already left. During the time he was away, the demon head in the extreme north demon realm was all rushing against the seal laid by the fierce man.

The seal placed by the fierce man will not last long. If he does not return to the northern demon realm, the demon in the demon cave may break the seal and all run out.

The Demon Cavern of the Far North Demon Territory is a source of demon in the human world. I don’t know how many demon heads are in it. If all these demon heads are allowed to run out, the human world will be a catastrophe.

But the crystal coffin carried the mysterious existence, flew into the depths of the starry sky, and disappeared into the universe.

Gu Fei’s gains during this trip to the Void Heaven Realm were the greatest, but compared to the major forces, those forces suffered heavy losses.

Especially the Eastern family, the ancient Zhao family and the Beitang family,


The news came that in the ancestral court of the Eastern family, the Eastern Patriarch was so angry that he smashed a jade bottle carved from mutton fat white jade.

"Damn it, if I don't kill Gu Fei, I will not give up."

The Patriarch of the East was mad with hatred. Many masters in the East Clan died at the hands of Master Gu Fei. This time, so many elite children were lost, which made the Patriarch of the East almost vomit blood.

And when the disappearance spread to the ancestral court of the ancient Zhao family, the Patriarch of the ancient Zhao family was also furious, and he immediately ordered that the great figure of the ancient Zhao family who was still in the hundred thousand mountains was directly chased by the emperor's soldiers. Gu Fei,

However, the ancient flying track was uncertain, and the strong man from the ancient Zhao family could not find him for a while.

The ancient half-sage of Jiuyou and the ancient half-sage of stars were also looking for Gu Fei. They also wished to slash Gu Fei thousands and thousands of swords. There were emperor soldiers in their hands. They did not believe that Gu Fei had three heads and six arms.

At this time, the fluctuations caused by the battle between Fengdu Ghost Emperor and Qian Huan Xie Zun were sensed by many people. Some figures appeared outside the ancient battlefield.

Gu Fei and the others didn’t want to meet those people, so they hid their figures.

"Master, do you think Fengdu Ghost Emperor and that evil demon can win."

With Gu Zhong’s cultivation base, it’s still difficult to see who is stronger and whoever is among the powers of this level, even Gu Fei and Heitian can’t tell.

You know, Fengdu Ghost Emperor and the evil demon are too powerful.

"Fengdu Ghost Emperor has never lost. Such a character has an invincible heart. He must win in the end." Hei Tian said such words.

Being strong is important, but having an invincible heart is even more important.

Although some people are not as good as their opponents, they have invincible hearts. It is this invincible belief that makes the phenomenon of defeating the strong by the weak appear.

Gu Fei could not help nodding when he heard Heitian's words.

The cultivation of the state of mind is very important. This is the key to enlightenment. If a monk frightens an opponent who is stronger than him and loses his belief in invincibility, then he loses the qualification to be the strongest.

The war in the ancient battlefield continues, where there is light from time to time rushing out, and the atmosphere of terror sweeps through the four places,

At this moment, a figure appeared silently behind Gu Fei and the others. This was a thin, masked man.


Gu Fei suddenly felt something.


At the moment the person arrived, Gu Fei turned around abruptly, and glanced at the person with two sharp eyes like heavenly swords.

Hei Tian and Gu Zhong were shocked, and at the same time secretly shocked, this person came behind them before being noticed by Gu Fei. This person's cultivation is incredible.

"who are you."

Gu Fei looked at the man in black indifferently. Obviously, the man in black had already made enough preparations. Even his martial arts eyes could hardly see the true face of this man.

The strange treasures of this person, the gods of Gu Fei and Heitian are all invalid.

The man suddenly tilted his head and looked up and down Gu Fei, and then said: "Gu Fei..., I didn't expect you to grow up eventually."


Hei Tian and Gu Zhong couldn't help but glance at each other. This person said such words as soon as they came up, but they were shocked.

"who are you."

Gu Fei’s expression became dignified. At this time, many people knew that they had the supreme artifact Shanhe Ding on their bodies, and they didn’t know how many people were jealous.

Could it be that this person came for the mountains and rivers,

This man in black has a pair of bright and spiritual eyes, which makes Gu Fei a little familiar, but he can't remember anything for a while.

"If you want to know who I am, then follow along."

The man in black rushed directly down the mountain, and was halfway up the mountain in an instant. Such a speed made Gu Fei, a man with an eight-step extreme speed, also felt his heart shake.


Without any hesitation, Gu Fei directly chased him down. With his current cultivation base, as long as he didn't encounter some super old antiques, there was no danger.



Gu Zhong and Heitian were taken aback again. Gu Fei’s move was too rash. If the opponent set up a round for Gu Fei to drill, it would be bad.

Seeing Gu Fei and the man in black disappeared in front of them, Hei Tian and Gu Zhong had to chase them down.

Soon, during this chase, Gu Fei and the black masked man had already rushed thousands of miles away, and this place was already close to the edge of the hundred thousand mountains.

Suddenly, the man in black who was running unhurriedly in front suddenly stopped.

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