Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1764: Return to Dragon Imperial City

Outside the ancient battlefield, mysterious people appeared, leading Gu Fei into a mountain range thousands of miles away.

"who are you."

The mysterious man stopped. This mysterious man gave Gu Fei a feeling of deja vu. How could this happen? Could this mysterious man be someone he knew?


Void vibrated, the mysterious person suddenly turned around and patted Gu Fei with a palm. Numerous runes rushed out of this person's palm and moved towards Gu Fei's brand.

Every rune is shining, and the inner strength is extremely powerful. This surprised Gu Fei, but also knew where the opponent came from.

"You are from the Shangqing Sect."

When Gu Fei moved his feet, he immediately retreated. Those runes didn't even touch the corners of his clothes. However, the place where he stood before exploded, and even the chaotic energy was beaten out.


At this time, Gu Zhong and Heitian had also arrived. They just saw the man in black making a move, and they were all shocked. Someone challenged Gu Fei.


Runes emerged from the mysterious person, and the runes were intertwined, motivating the power of the heavens and the earth. This person is using the power of the heavens and the earth for his own use.


Gu Fei’s eyes lit up. This is the secret of the Shang Qing sect. Only the disciples of the Shang Qing sect can learn this great art of Shang Qing.

An ancient Taoist talisman imprinted in the void, and aroused the spiritual energy of all directions. A big dragon appeared in front of everyone, and then pounced towards Gu Fei.

"It's half holy..."

Hei Tian was taken aback. This mysterious person was a powerful semi-sage. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a Taoist talisman. With strong combat power, he was definitely a strong one among semi-sages.


Gu Fei no longer retreated. He punched the pounced dragon, very directly. He wanted to use an absolutely powerful force to disperse the dragon formed by this Dao Talisman.


Gu Fei hit the dragon's head with a fist, and the martial arts real power burst out, directly blasting the huge dragon head apart, and the mysterious man was shocked and flew away.

Gu Fei was also blocked by the power of the big dragon.

"it is good."

The mysterious man rushed up again. This time, countless Tao Fu turned into a chain of laws and gods, rushed out of the mysterious man, and entangled towards Gu Fei.

At this time, Gu Fei was hitting his second punch, completely blasting away the dragon that had been transformed into a Taoist talisman.


The law of the **** chain penetrated the void, ignoring the distance of the space, and instantly appeared around Gu Fei's body, entwining him like rice dumplings,



Seeing this scene, Gu Zhong and Hei Tian couldn't help but shake their hearts. The strength of this mysterious man was beyond their expectations. Even Gu Fei was entangled by the chains of laws and gods.


At this moment, Gu Fei, who was entangled in the chain of laws and gods, sneered, and then, a powerful wave of power suddenly erupted from his body.


The law and **** chain entwined on Gu Fei's body all broke apart, and countless Taoist talisman collapsed in the void.


A figure flashed through the void in an instant, and then appeared directly in front of the mysterious person, with a big hand grabbing towards the mysterious person,

The mysterious man seemed to have anticipated that Gu Fei would break the chain of laws formed by Tao Fu. Just when Gu Fei broke the chain of laws, the mysterious man had already begun to retreat.

However, Gu Fei's speed is too fast, this is the world's fastest speed, even if the enemy is the first opportunity, it is difficult for the mysterious person to avoid Gu Fei's shot completely.


The void vibrated, and behind the mysterious person appeared a dark void, intertwined with Taoism, it was a heaven and earth, and a breath of heaven and earth radiated from the void.

"Opened up my own world."

Gu Fei was very surprised. This mysterious person is not simple. A world is evolving behind the mysterious person, and then the mysterious person is sucked in.

"Want to escape."

Gu Fei was extremely powerful. He stepped forward and broke directly into that world. The void was shattering, and the world that the mysterious man had evolved shook violently.

"You dare to come in."

The mysterious man is still extremely calm. Gu Fei dared to break into his inner world, which is bold enough. You must know that once he enters the opponent's inner world, he enters a cage.

In the inner world of the mysterious man, the mysterious man is the supreme god, and Gu Fei is an ant in the world. Even if the cultivation base of Gu Fei is higher than the mysterious man, it is difficult for him to go against the sky.

"Why not dare."

Gu Fei really broke in,

The mysterious man immediately wanted to close the inner world, but Gu Fei would not let him close it. Once he closed the inner world, then he was really trapped in this world.


Gu Fei punched out, directly smashing the inner world exit that was closing quickly.


A more powerful force of heaven and earth rushed out of Gu Fei’s body, opening the exit of the mysterious man’s inner heaven and earth, and then a piece of heaven and earth appeared around Gu Fei’s body.

"this is……"

At this time, the mysterious man can no longer maintain his composure. Gu Fei’s inner world is obviously stronger and more stable than the inner world he cultivated.

"Well, if you are good, there will be some time later."

A picture of the **** rushed out of the mysterious person's body. As soon as the picture of the **** came out, a wave of holy steps spread from the picture of the god.


Gu Fei was awe-inspiring. He quickly put away his inner world, and then rushed out from the mysterious man's inner world. The other party used the sacred artifact, and he might be shocked by accident.


The emptiness is rippling, and the mysterious person and the heaven and earth disappear in an instant.


Gu Fei did not expect such a result. The other party’s methods are really clever, that is, it is difficult for him to keep the other party and was evacuated by this mysterious man.

The mysterious man moved too fast. No one would have thought that the mysterious man would retreat like this. Hei Tian and Gu Zhong had no time to stop him.

"Master, who is that person."

Gu Zhong and Heitian came to Gu Fei's side,

"A person from the Shang Qing Sect."

Gu Fei’s mood is a bit complicated. The Shang Qing sect has been hidden from the world. In the past hundreds of years, the disciples of the Shang Qing sect have hardly appeared, but now, he has met a master.

The Dao Talisman technique of the Shang Qing Sect can be said to be the unique secret technique of the cultivation world, which cannot be learned by disciples who are not directly passed on. The cultivation of this mysterious man is extremely powerful, and he is a semi-sage.

When did Shang Qingzong, one of the three main road gates, have such a figure?

Semi-sage, even in this world of earth, it is a superb existence. There is a semi-sage who sits in town. How can Shang Qingzong be hidden?

I can’t figure it out, there is a half-sage in the Shang Qing sect. It doesn’t need to be secluded at all. The half-sacred deterrence is extraordinary. It has a half-sage power and is definitely a big power in the cultivation world.

Although it is not comparable to the ancient aristocratic family, but it can also compete with the cultivation forces of the Beitang family.

The appearance of the people of the Shang Qing sect reminded Gu Fei a lot. He faintly felt that there was something hidden in it. Perhaps the appearance of the Three Avenue Gate was not accidental.

At this time, the battle in the ancient battlefield continued. Fengdu Ghost Emperor was invincible and attracted hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers into his body, and his combat power soared to the point where he could kill the saints.

And that Thousand Illusionary Evil Venerable is really good, he actually triggered all the Yin and Evil power that has condensed endless years under the ancient battlefield.

The entire ancient battlefield almost collapsed, and the thousand phantasmagoria seemed to have opened up the hell, endless evil forces rushed out, and the evil forces enveloped the entire ancient battlefield.

Qianhuanxiezun uses great magic power to attract Yin and evil into his body, and fights endlessly with Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

"The two guys in this chain are almost supreme even if they are not supreme in the distant past."

Hei Tian sighed that the combat power displayed by Fengdu Ghost Emperor and Qianhuan Xie Zun was too strong, as if two Supremes descended on the ancient battlefield, fighting an ultimate battle.

Gu Fei and the others came again near the ancient battlefield. They dared not approach the ancient battlefield on that side. If they were affected by the war, the consequences would be disastrous.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, the ancient battlefield really broke apart. Under the ground of the ancient battlefield, there was stinking blood.

This ancient battlefield seems to have life, the battlefield is bleeding,

"How many creatures have fallen here?"

The old antiques who saw this scene couldn't help but sigh, this is a battlefield piled up with the corpses of sentient beings.

In the end, the aura of Fengdu Ghost Emperor and Qian Huan Xie Zun disappeared, and no one knew the result of that battle, because at the end, even if the god’s purpose old antique was cultivated, it would be difficult to see into the battlefield.

It was not until more than ten days later that the Fengdu Ghost Mansion heard the news of the return of the Fengdu Ghost Emperor. The Ghost Emperor was seriously injured and returned, and the Supreme Ghost was almost maimed.

But that Thousand Illusion and Evil Venerable never appeared again.

The result of this battle seemed to end in the victory of Fengdu Ghost Emperor. Fengdu Ghost Emperor won. It was very difficult to win. This was a tragic victory.

Qian Huan Xie Zun, who used to cross the sky and the earth in that distant past, was almost invincible, and finally was completely beheaded and clean.

The battle ended, Gu Fei and the others left Shiwan Dashan,

This time in the virtual world, Gu Fei’s harvest was unmatched by anyone. The Peerless Sword was successfully reorganized and became an indispensable supreme Sword.

A supreme artifact is absolutely priceless,

However, everything that happened in the Void Sky Realm has had a considerable impact on the cultivation world. The existence in the crystal coffin is an indelible shadow in the hearts of those old antiques in the cultivation world.

No one knows whether there will be any changes in the crystal coffin,

A few days later, Gu Fei and the others appeared in the Dragon Imperial City. The current Dragon Imperial City is definitely a bustling scene, with people coming and going on the streets, and most of them are monks.

Such a scene in the Dragon Emperor City would be absolutely unimaginable if it were placed hundreds of years ago.

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