Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1770: Heitian is playing black hands again

The ancient gravity cut the Buddha, this is a big earthquake, and it is also announcing to the world that Gu Zhong has truly risen and directly challenged the Buddhist monastery of the west.

The killing of a buddha can still cause a lot of disturbance in the Buddhist monastery of Xitu, and the origin of this buddha is not small. It is a disciple of the old buddha on the Lingshan Mountain of Xitu.

It can be said that Gu's heavy cutting of the Buddha's son is equivalent to Gu Fei's line of fighting against the Western Tu Buddhism.

Gu Zhong left. Although he appeared outside the Dragon Imperial City, he did not enter the Dragon Imperial City in the end, but turned and left.

Many people want to know what exactly is in the jade slip that Zhong Limeng gave to Gu Zhong, which caused a character like Gu Zhong to leave.

However, many people have already guessed that the content in the jade slip is probably the time and place that Gu Fei and Qinglong agreed to fight.

The battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong attracted the attention of all monks. Everyone wanted to watch the battle. However, the time and place of the battle were not public.

A few days passed, and there were more monks in the Dragon Imperial City. The monks from the five domains kept coming. No one wanted to miss the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong.

Even some old antiques also jumped out,

This battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong is regarded by the entire world of cultivation as the first battle of the Holy Road contending for the hegemony. The powers rise together and the Holy Road contends for the hegemony. This is a destined path.

This life is a golden world, and some people are destined to become holy, but before this, the holy road must be covered with blood,

The four ancient powers of the ancient Zhao family, Zhou family, Li family, and Jiang family all have strong people coming. These people are the existence of aspiring holy roads.

Someone saw the figure of the contemporary Donghuang of the Eastern aristocracy appearing in the mountains outside the Dragon Imperial City.

Some people also saw the goddess of the Zhao family, entered the Dragon Imperial City alone one night, and disappeared in the Dragon Imperial City. No one knew where she settled.

In one early morning, when the sun star was rising, a firebird rushed out of a valley, bathing in the morning light, among the firebirds, a red figure was looming.

"Gu Fei, Qinglong, who is strong and who is weak."

In the depths of a barren mountain in the Southern Wilderness, a young man sitting on a mountain peak opened his eyes and said such words, this person is the most outstanding rising star of the Xuanwu clan returning to Teng.

Although he was defeated by Gu Fei, he was not so decadent. He entered this barren mountain and wanted to go to the next level.

However, after the news of Gu Fei's battle with Qinglong, he was also moved.

Gui Teng is very clear about the strength of the Azure Dragon. This is the demon-level existence that has become a semi-sage in the shortest time since the endless years.

Compared with Qinglong, Gu Fei is even more amazing. He has cultivated the martial art created by the ancient martial ancestors to a trembling level.

These two guys are peerless geniuses. When the two meet, who is stronger?

This question will soon be answered. As time goes by, there are rumors in the Dragon Imperial City that Zhong Limeng knew the time and place of Gu Fei’s battle with Qinglong.

In the past few days, where Zhong Limeng is, the threshold has been broken. Many people know that Zhong Limeng will appear in Zuixianju from time to time. Therefore, many people are in Zuixianju and want to block Zhonglimeng.

The time and place of the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong attracted every monk, and every monk wanted to know.

Some important figures also visited Zhong Li’s family, and for a while, the Southern Huang Zhong Li’s family became the most eye-catching family in the entire Nanhuang.

"The third Buddha is dead, how is this possible."

The sunset was like blood, a tall middle-aged monk with a string of black Buddhist beads hanging around his neck came to the place where Gu killed the Buddha that day.

This big monk has a bronze skin, is full of vitality and blood, and is very strong. The string of beads on his neck is thicker than ordinary beads.

The veteran Buddha on the West Turing Mountain has a noble status. He has nine Buddhas. The Buddha who was beheaded by Gu Zhong is the third Buddha of the Buddha.

Each of these nine Buddhas is a great power of the Buddha school, especially the first Buddha. Legend has it that he has cultivated into a half-Buddha saint's Tao fruit, and his cultivation is straight after the Buddha.

After the big monk made a circle around the place where the third Buddha fell, he left immediately.

Although this big monk appeared for a short period of time, he was still seen by people. The powerful Buddhist monks of the Western Tulipae began to appear frequently.

At this time, in the Southern Wilderness, undercurrents are everywhere. Some people have a simple purpose, that is, they want to watch the battle, but there are also many people who come with other purposes.

Just when everyone wanted to know the time and place of the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong, a mysterious person appeared in the Dragon Emperor City.

This mysterious man claimed that he knew the time and place of the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong.

At this moment, the cultivators in the Dragon Imperial City went crazy, all swarming towards the place where the mysterious man was, and the place where the mysterious man was, was Zuixianju.

"Could it be Zhong Limeng's ghost."

"It doesn't matter who it is, I only need to know the time and place of Gu Fei's battle with Qinglong."

Some people doubt it, but more people would rather believe it, because they have no other way to get information about the time and place of the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong.

However, when everyone flocked to him, the mysterious person didn't say a word. The mysterious person opened a heavenly rank and asked these people to exchange it with rare gods.

Many people were dumbfounded. It’s crazy to exchange a piece of nine-day purple gold for a message. Nine-day purple gold, it’s not a mortal thing, it’s a peerless god, almost comparable to immortal gods.

"It needs to be replaced by a dragon grass."

"This guy is crazy about God."

"This guy is too disgusting, he doesn't want to tell us the news."

Not everyone can get rare talents, the exchange terms of the mysterious people shocked most of the monks at a time, and some people just retreated.

However, some powerful people are waiting and watching.

For those ancient forces in the cultivation world, they can still get some rare magical talents, but they also have to see whether they are worth it.

After a few more days, the mysterious person in Zui Xianju said again that Gu Fei and Qinglong had only been fighting for these two days. If you don’t come to exchange, there will be no chance.

However, the conditions offered by the mysterious man are too high, not many people are willing to exchange,

However, in the end, some people can still afford the price. On the day the mysterious man released his words, some people saw some superpowers entering and leaving Zuixianju.

The appeal of Gu Fei’s battle with Qinglong is still great. These people exchange news with rare talents in order to watch the battle.

In fact, every existence who has aspirations to become a holy does not want to miss the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong. You must know, know yourself and the enemy, so that you can survive the battle.

In the duel between Gu Fei and Qinglong, these people can see a lot of things,

The holy road contends, these people have aspirations to become holy, then on this holy road, they will inevitably encounter existences like Gu Fei and Qinglong, and they cannot avoid them.

Since sooner or later you will have a battle with these people on the road to sanctification, you must know your opponents in advance,

In the end, even the people from the Buddhist monastery of Xitu came and exchanged a piece of nine-leaf blood moss for a message. Someone recognized that the monk was the one who once wandered in the place where the third Buddha fell outside the Dragon Emperor City. Big monk,


In the middle of the night, in a quiet room in Zuixianju, there was laughter like ghost crying wolf howling,

"These idiots are really cheating, how can I tell you the real time and place, old black."

In the quiet room, there is a formation method that isolates all breaths and sounds. Inside, the aura is shining, and the aura is lingering. In front of a man in black, there are dozens of rare gods.

This man in black is the guy Hei Tian,

The so-called mysterious person is Heitian. I am afraid that this is something that no one can think of. Heitian has played a black hand again. He made a big fuss about the time and place of the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong. Sure enough, many people were fooled. ,

"Hey, I'll leave when I've got my gods, let these guys cry."

Heitian’s happiness, it’s hard to describe it in words, nine days purple gold, nine leaf blood mushrooms, dragon grass, fire phoenix vine, etc., these are all gods that are hard to find in the world.

These gods are now in front of his eyes, which makes Hei Tian extremely excited. This time, he just moved his lips, and those people sent so many gods. These gods really got too Easy,

In fact, Hei Tian also knows very well that he is stealing food from a tiger’s mouth, and no one who can take out these gods to exchange a message is easy to provoke.

Among these people, there are even quasi-sages,

However, who he is, he is Heitian, even if he is stared at by the quasi-sage, he can retreat all over, he is already prepared, he directly took out a teleportation formation,

Ordinary teleportation formations are difficult to break through the blockade of Saint Soldiers. Someone secretly sealed the entire Drunk Xianju with Saint Soldier Town.

This is also the reason why those people are willing to exchange a message with rare gods, because they are not afraid of running away in the dark, no one can run away silently in the void of the Holy Soldiers’ seal.

However, these people are destined to be darkened this time,

"Hmph, how about using Saint Soldiers Town to seal the void, Saint Soldiers can stop my old black."

Hei Tian put away the divine talents, and then drove the formation, and the colorful divine light immediately radiated from the formation. The formation pattern on the formation condensed the power of the five elements.

He jumped directly onto the battlefield,


The colorful divine light broke out in an instant, and the powerful force instantly destroyed Heitian’s formation in the quiet room, the formation collapsed, and the powerful power fluctuations spread.

"Oops, there really is a fraud."

The people in the dark were taken aback, and several figures rushed out. When they came to the quiet room where the mysterious person was, the mysterious person had long been missing.


Someone looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar alarmed most of the monks in the Dragon Imperial City.

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