Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1777: Vale of Gods and Demons

Someone dared to deceive the superpowers. The news spread, and the monks in the entire Dragon Imperial City were shocked. This was crazy.

Someone sensed the fluctuations of the Saint Soldiers. The people of the major superpowers are very powerful, and they all want to pick out the mysterious person in the first time.

However, this is completely useless, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to spot the mysterious person.

Because that mysterious person is Heitian, who is Heitian, that’s the ancestor who played the black hand, and only he dares to blacken the rare gods in the hands of the major superpowers.

If you change to another person, you may not have such courage.

These superpowers have a deep background, it’s nothing to be cheated of some rare gods, but it’s a matter of face, that mysterious person is slapping them fiercely.

The major superpowers have become a joke,


"I'm going to tear him up."

"There is Saint Soldier's town to seal the void, how could he escape."

The powerhouses of the major superpowers are roaring, some are furious, wishing to sack the mysterious person, but some are very calm.

It’s definitely not easy for this person to escape from the sage’s township.

Who is that mysterious man,

No one knows, even someone from Zuixianju doesn’t know, but some people think of a person, but there is no evidence.

The hands and feet of the Master Formation Master next to Gu Fei have never been so clean, and he is lawless, and he is not afraid of major forces at all.

However, although some people guessed that it might be the black hand of Heitian, no one said it, because there is no definite evidence. It would be unwise to provoke Heitian because of this.

What is Heitian? That's the ruthless person who used to harm the monster clan old turtle, even the Holy Land in the West Earth Buddha Kingdom was made by them.

The Buddhist monks on the Holy Land of Lingshan cannot help them at all.

If you provoke him, you will pay a heavy price if you are not careful. No one is stupid enough to provoke such a plague god.

Even the people of the major forces have scruples, after all, that person is the person next to Gu Fei, and now Gu Fei has truly grown up.

No one dares to ignore a rising warrior,

The place and time of the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong is still a mystery, but at this time, there were bursts of laughter in a valley thousands of miles away from Dragon Emperor City.

"Haha..., those people are really cheating. If this kind of thing comes several times, I don't have to worry about the gods."

In the valley, Hei Tian laughed. The harvest this time exceeded his expectations. These more than 30 rare artifacts were enough to give him a supreme formation.

The supreme array pattern cannot be arranged casually. The divine material needed for this is very rare and rare.

"Uncle Hei, your methods are really clever."

Gu Zhong was jealous when he saw that Heitian had gone out for a few days and brought back so many rare gods. You know, these gods are not found in the human world.

Only those ancient forces can come out,

"Hmph, my old black shot, of course I got it in hand."

Heitian is extremely proud,

But at this time, people from all major forces have already taken action, trying to spot the mysterious man who dared to deceive them.

There are old antiques among the desolate ancient forces who show supreme mastery. They want to restore the image of the past and find the mysterious person. However, the old antique failed.

This kind of great technique can trace the origin and repeat the things that have happened, but the mysterious man never revealed his true face from beginning to end.

It’s impossible to find it like this,

Those who were deceived among the major forces were helpless, and they never expected that someone dared to deceive them, and this person’s methods were really too clever.

Such a clever method is not something ordinary people can use.

People from all major forces suspect a person, but they will not act rashly until there is no definite evidence, because not many people are willing to provoke easily.

In the Dragon Imperial City, the major forces did not give up looking for that bold guy. There was a tense atmosphere in the entire ancient city.

And in the past few days, the most annoying person in Dragon Emperor City is probably Zhong Limeng, the owner behind Zui Xianju.

Although the influence of Zhong Li’s family is deeply entrenched in the Southern Wilderness, compared with the four ancient families of the Southern Wilderness, Zhong Li’s family is still far behind.

In the past few days, four big figures of ancient tribes have come to visit Zhong Limeng. The purpose of these people is simple and consistent. They want to know the time and place of the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong.

However, Zhong Limeng was just the person who passed the message between Gu Fei and Qinglong. On the jade slip she gave to Gu Zhong, there was the seal of Qinglong. Except for Gu Fei's master and apprentice, it is difficult for others to see the contents of the jade slip.

On this day, a fire bird flew from the sky and directly entered the Dragon Imperial City. The powerful fire power made the monks in the entire Dragon Imperial City feel.

"That is……"

"The little princess of Suzaku."

"She is also out..."

In the Dragon Imperial City, there are many powerful men among the hundred races of the Southern Wilderness, and many people recognize the fire bird, which is the most amazing little princess of the Suzaku family.

This little princess is much stronger than Feng Qiwu, a young master of the Suzaku clan hundreds of years ago, and her talent is even the top of the Suzaku clan.

This little princess of the Suzaku clan has a great background. Once she was born, she directly replaced Feng Qiwu in the Suzaku clan.

This is an existence that is considered by the old antique among the hundred tribes of the Southern Wilderness to be comparable to the contemporary blue dragon of the Qinglong clan.

The little princess of the Suzaku clan came directly to Zuixianju and found Zhong Limeng,

"The princess, you are really welcome."

Zhong Limeng did not dare to neglect, she personally hosted a banquet in the top pavilion of Zuixianju to entertain the little princess of the Suzaku clan. She did not dare to be rude.

"Meng girl, you must already know exactly why I came here."

The little princess of the Suzaku clan is a little girl, wearing scarlet soft armor. On top of the soft armor, there are traces of fire lingering, and the Taoist pattern formed by the concentration of fire essence is looming.

This is a set of soft armor with a lot of background, and there is a vaguely terrifying aura that makes existence like Zhong Limeng have to be subdued. This aura has surpassed the holy order.

"This one……"

How could Zhong Limeng not know why the little princess of the Suzaku clan came, but even she didn’t know the time and place of Gu Fei’s battle with Qinglong, how could she tell the little princess before her?

"Why, don't even I know."

The little princess of the Suzaku clan was a little unhappy. A blush appeared on her pink face, and the aura on her body became stronger.

"I also hope that the princess will forgive me. The seal that Brother Qinglong personally placed is not something I can crack."

Zhong Limeng said helplessly,


The little princess of the Suzaku clan couldn't help but ponder when she heard the words. This Qinglong, it seems that she doesn't want people to watch the battle. This is too stingy.

The four great ancient clans of the Southern Wilderness are in the same spirit, and the friendship between the Suzaku clan and the Qinglong clan is relatively good.

"Hmph, I will go directly to Qinglong."

The little princess Suzaku left immediately, she was impatient, and she had to do something right away if she thought of one thing, otherwise, she would feel uncomfortable.

Zhong Limeng was secretly relieved after seeing the little princess Suzaku left.

"It's rumored that this little girl is the youngest daughter of Suzaku Supreme from the ancient times. Is it true?"

Zhong Limeng was talking to himself that the little princess Suzaku might be a supreme emperor. When I saw it today, maybe it was really not groundless. The Suzaku soft armor worn by the little princess was probably from the hands of Suzaku supreme.

Soon, the firebird that rushed into the Dragon Imperial City before rushed out of the ancient city and disappeared into the endless mountains outside the city.

The real strong among the various forces began to appear. Some people saw the figure of the first Buddha under the seat of Lingshan Buddha haunt the mountains outside the Dragon Emperor City.

The young tiger emperor of the Baihu clan also walked out of the ancestral land of the Baihu clan.

Suddenly, the entire Southern Wilderness was mixed with dragons and snakes, and I don’t know how many monks came. These monks came to watch the battle. No one wanted to miss it.

However, no one knew the time and place of Gu Fei’s battle with Qinglong.

"Three days later, at noon, one hundred thousand mountains, Valley of Gods and Demons."

Finally, the little princess of the Suzaku clan stood up and said such words. For a while, everyone was stunned. The Valley of Gods and Demons in the 100,000 mountains,

"How could it be, how could the place where Gu Fei fought with Qinglong was the Valley of Gods and Demons."

"It is said that there is a demon ancestor buried there."

"That is one of the forbidden areas of the demons among the hundred thousand mountains."

After hearing the words from the little princess Suzaku, the monks in the entire Southern Wilderness were surprisingly not a bit excited, but they were all shocked.

The Demon Territory among the 100,000 mountains is definitely a fierce place for the monks in the Southern Wilderness. There is a peerless great demon sleeping in the Demon Territory, and even the ancient forces are very jealous.

And the Valley of Gods and Demons in the Demon Territory of One Hundred Thousand Mountains is a peerless and fierce land.

No one would have thought that the first battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong had chosen that place.

The Valley of Gods and Demons is not a place that ordinary people can enter. Many people directly dispelled the idea of ​​watching the battle. After all, there is nothing more precious than their lives.

However, this is also a challenge for some truly strong players.

Although the Valley of Gods and Demons is terrible, it can't stop those strong men who have aspirations to fight for the sacred road. The man is on his way and he wants to watch the battle.

Just when the outside world was speculating why Gu Fei and Qinglong chose to fight in the Valley of Gods and Demons, there was a strong wave of fluctuations in the valley where Gu Fei was located.

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