Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1779: Dragon Head Demon Qilin

"Unexpectedly you will arrive before me."

Just when the attention of Gu Zhong and Heitian was attracted by the battle in the Valley of Gods and Demons below, a voice suddenly sounded behind them.


Gu Zhong and Heitian’s surprise was really extraordinary. Someone came behind them, but they didn’t notice each other for the first time.

If this person makes a sudden move while they are not prepared, the consequences will be disastrous.


Gu Zhong and Hei Tian turned around fiercely, and saw a Tsing Yi monk standing less than a hundred meters away from them. This was a young man with a breath of real dragon lingering around him.

A shadow of a big dragon loomed in the void around this monk in Tsing Yi,

When they saw this young monk, Gu Zhong and Hei Tian couldn't help being surprised. This monk in Tsing Yi was not another one, it was the blue dragon that Xiang Gu Fei had occupied.

The Azure Dragon among the Azure Dragon tribe is a title, and only the strongest member of the clan in the contemporary era can be crowned with the title of Azure Dragon. This title represents strength and glory.

"It's you."

Gu Zhong and Hei Tian immediately revealed a powerful aura. This was a natural reaction to encountering a powerful opponent. Qinglong threatened them too much.

After all, this is a strong man who dared to challenge Gu Fei.

"It's surprising that I met you here."

Qinglong didn't seem to have any hostility, he walked over directly, and then looked at the valley below. At this time, the battle in the valley was still continuing.

However, even the Azure Dragon, it is difficult to see into the valley sealed by the blood evil demon pattern, this valley is very extraordinary, maybe there is really a Supreme Demon who has fallen here.

The power of the Great Demon’s law has not dissipated, and the blood evil magic power still covers thousands of miles of territory, making this a terrible forbidden place.


A muffled noise came from the valley below, the whole valley was shaking, and cracks appeared on the rock walls of the valley.

The blood-colored earth cracked, and the blood-colored liquid leaked from which cracks. Seeing this scene, both Gu Zhong and Hei Tian were shocked.

Could it be that the whole valley is not a living entity,

The cracks in the cracked valley are disappearing quickly. This valley can repair itself. No wonder it can exist for countless years without being destroyed by anyone.

"Qinglong, I didn't expect you to come too."

Gu Fei’s voice sounded. While he was fighting the unknown monster, he could speak aloud. This shows that he should be very relaxed when fighting against this monster.

"Would you like me to kill that monster for you."

Qinglong stood on the high sky, his eyes flickered, and in his eyes, a picture flashed quickly, this is the scene in the valley,

He was performing the secret technique of the Azure Dragon clan, his eyes finally looked into the valley,


Gu Fei's voice immediately sounded,


Qinglong did not hesitate, he rushed straight down from the sky, as if a big dragon descended from nine heavens, a powerful dragon aura burst out from his body.

The blood evil spirit in the valley was swept away, and a figure in the valley was fighting against a terrifying monster.

Qinglong rushed down and entered the valley,

The blood evil demon energy that was smashed by the blue dragon surged over again, covering the entire valley again.

"That is……"

Although it was just a quick glance, the gazes of Gu Zhong and Heitian were so powerful. They had already seen the look of that monster.

It was a blood evil beast with three dragon heads, but the body was like a unicorn. The three dragon heads were spouting blood evil spirit fire, burning the void,

The whole valley is a sea of ​​blood,

"Gu Fei, how are we going to compare."

Qinglong’s voice came from the valley,

"How to compare."

Gu Fei was very simple, he asked himself that he would not lose to anyone.

"Look at who of us can kill this monster first."

"Very good, just do it."

The battle proposed by Qinglong was very simple, so the two powerhouses used their strength to attack and kill the blood evil monster together, and the large blood evil fire was destroyed.


The dragon head demon unicorn roared, and it was in danger. These two people who dared to break into its territory were extremely powerful, and they showed signs of being suppressed.


The dragon head demon unicorn became fierce. This is its territory. The blood evil magic power in the entire valley can be used by it. It was driven into a panic by these two guys, which made it furious.

Dao blood evil demon patterns emerged from the dragon head demon unicorn, and a violent blood evil magic power emerged from the dragon head demon unicorn’s body.

"This monster..."

Both Gu Fei and Qinglong felt a great deal of pressure. This monster is not simple. Its combat power definitely surpasses Semi-Holy. Otherwise, Gu Fei would have solved this monster long ago.


A huge claw was grabbed towards Gu Fei, and the blood evil magic power emanating from the huge claw shook the void, grabbing five cracks in the dark space.


Gu Fei rushed up directly, punched out, the powerful punching force also shattered the void, like a chaotic meteor, colliding with the giant claw that he grabbed.


The huge claws were blocked, Gu Fei’s fist was too strong, close combat, almost invincible, the claws of the dragon head demon unicorn shattered.

The entire claw turned into a mist of blood,


The dragon head demon unicorn roared and quickly backed away. Suddenly a dangerous aura that made his heart palpitations appeared on this person, which made him very furious.

"Long Xiao for nine days."

The Qinglong shot, and when he shot, a dragon shadow rushed out of his body, the real dragon breathed mighty, and the dragon gas transformed into shape, as if the real dragon appeared in the world.


The big dragon played by Qinglong directly knocked the dragon head magic unicorn into flight, and a string of magic blood was spilled in the air.


Just when Qinglong wanted to rush forward, Qinglong only felt that the figure in front of him flashed, and Gu Fei had already rushed up and caught up with the dragon head demon unicorn that flew out.


Gu Fei instantly appeared above the head of the dragon head demon unicorn, and stepped on the three dragon heads of the dragon head demon unicorn. The gusts of wind and thunder immediately sounded under his feet.

This was the first step of the Eight Killing Steps. Under Gu Fei’s feet, there was a divine light flashing like lightning. The powerful destructive power directly tore the void.


The dragon head demon unicorn roared mournfully, and the three dragon heads each rushed out a **** magic orb at the same time, and the three magic orbs hit Gu Fei above.

This is the inner alchemy of the Dragon Head Demon Qilin who has cultivated countless years.

Although this powerful beast cannot be transformed into a human form, its bloodline is extremely domineering. A drop of blood can destroy the mighty power, and the inner core of the evil spirit is even more terrifying.

At this time, Gu Fei and Qinglong made their best efforts, forcing the dragon head Demon Qilin to work hard.


Seeing the dragon head Demon Qilin spit out the inner alchemy, Gu Fei did not retreat at all. He still stepped down, and the power of destruction instantly enveloped the three demon inner alchemy.


The three inner alchemy exploded, the violent demon evil power erupted, the entire valley was shaky, countless blood-colored demon evil spirit patterns emerged, protecting the valley,

"too strong."

Gu Fei underestimated the power that the Demon Sha’s inner alchemy exploded. He was lifted up into the sky by this extremely violent Demon Sha’s power.


Just when Gu Fei was lifted off, there was a mournful roar in the valley, and then, Qinglong’s laughter sounded, and he had already succeeded.

"It was cheaper by him."

Gu Fei knew that he had no chance to kill the monster, because the monster had already been beheaded by the blue dragon. The strongest blow of the monster could not hurt him, but it forced him back.

What a character Qinglong is, how could he miss this opportunity,

The dragon head Demon Qilin blew up three demon inner alchemy, and his vitality was greatly injured. Qinglong took advantage of this moment and killed the monster with one blow.

"Haha..., Gu Fei, I won."

The green dragon rushed out of the valley, his hands were holding the three ferocious dragon heads of the dragon-headed demon unicorn, and the scarlet blood was dripping.

"Master lost."

Gu Zhong and Hei Tian felt a little stunned. In their opinion, Qinglong should not be Gu Fei’s opponent, but this time, it was Qinglong who killed the dragon head Demon Qilin.

"If you lose, you will lose. Let's go."

Gu Fei didn't say much, and left here with Gu Zhong and Heitian.

"Haha..., happy."

Qinglong laughed. He was really happy. Since he lost to Gu Fei, he has practiced frantically. Today, he has only won Gu Fei once. How can this make him not ecstatic.

However, he also knew that he had some tricks in winning this time. The power of the three blood evil inner alchemy spit out by the dragon head demon unicorn is extremely powerful, even if he and Gu Fei are in a different place, it is difficult to resist.

Thinking of the battle three days later, Qinglong's blood boiled even more.

"Gu Fei, I must win the first battle three days later."

Qinglong threw the head of the dragon head Demon Qilin into the valley, and then left here.

With the departure of Gu Fei and Qinglong, the Valley of Gods and Demons calmed down again. No other monsters appeared in the area around the Valley of Gods and Demons. There was only a dragon head demon unicorn.

Half an hour after Qinglong left, there were magical shadows in the surrounding area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons.

The battle in the Valley of Gods and Demons still shocked the demon outside the Valley of Gods and Demons. Some demon heads ventured into this area to observe.

Time is the least valuable to a cultivator who has cultivated the fruit of longevity. If there is no accident, all existences above the immortal gods can live forever.

However, the world is uncertain, even the invincible supreme of nine heavens and ten earth, there will be a time of fall, let alone a fairy god,

Three days passed quickly. The sun rises in the east, a round of sun rises from the horizon, and the light shines on the earth. The mountain that has been silent for a night begins to lively.

At this time, some of the strong in the Dragon Emperor City also began to leave.

The battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong attracted the attention of countless people.

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