Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1780: Mozu giant

In the early morning, in a forest among the 100,000 mountains, a person sitting under a towering tree opened his eyes. In the still dim forest, it seemed that two lightning flashes passed by.

"It's finally this day."

The man grew up under the tree. At this moment, two figures appeared beside him.

"Master, shall we leave now?"

A sturdy young monk said that the breath of this young man is very converged, just like an ordinary mortal, but anyone who knows his origins dare not look down upon him.

"Let's go."

Gu Fei went out,

His disciple Gu Zhong and the master of the formation Heitian followed behind him, and the three disappeared in this mountain forest.

After they left, the roar of the beast came out in this mountain forest. With them, the fierce beasts in this area are very quiet and honest.

"This battle is really exciting."

In the ancestral land of the Qinglong tribe, one of the four ancient tribes, a figure sitting on a mountain peak stood up. On the mountain peak, a faint dragon shadow appeared.

Dragon Qi transforms into form, this is the strongest among the Qinglong clan,

"I have waited for this day, Qinglong, for too long."

On the top of the mountain peak, Qinglong’s eyes burst out with dazzling divine light, and an earth-shaking battle intent rushed out of him, and a gust of wind blew up on the mountain.

In the ancestral land of the Azure Dragon clan, some sleeping powerhouses were awakened.

Suddenly, the dragon qi in the ancestral land of the Qinglong clan rose, and there were large dragons looming above the ancestral land. This is a vision of the dragon qi in the strong body.


Qinglong directly tore open the void and left the ancestral land of the Qinglong clan.

The contemporary Qinglong challenges the human martial arts. This battle is destined to attract the attention of the entire world of cultivation. Everyone wants to watch the battle. However, the location of this battle is very special. There are not many people who can go to watch the battle.

The Demon Territory among the 100,000 mountains was also shrouded in a tense atmosphere at this time. The news of the battle between the Azure Dragon and the Human Race in the Valley of the Demon, the Demon Race also knows.

There is a great demon roaring in the depths of the demon realm, and the valley of the gods and demon is also a forbidden place in the demon realm. However, the two human races actually chose to fight there.

Those two human races don’t put the demons in their eyes at all,

Some powerful figures appeared outside the Demon Realm, which made the great demons in the Demon Realm extremely nervous. The Human Race would not take this opportunity to attack the Demon Realm.

The demons have to be careful,

There are great figures in the human race, but there are also peerless great demons in the demons. Once the human race and the demons go to war, it will be a terrible battle.

However, Gu Fei couldn't think of that far away. He always acted idealistically, doing whatever he thought of, simply, without any scruples.

He has a heart that pursues the strongest power. It is very simple. He just wants to be strong. Only by maintaining this innocent heart can he go further on the road to sanctification.

Too many worries, too many distracting thoughts, will affect Dao Xin, even with the qualifications that others cannot match, it will eventually be difficult to become a powerful weapon.

It was noon when Gu Fei and Qinglong fought. At this time, a few hours before noon, some superpowers began to enter the demon realm.


Soon, the strong human race met the great demon, and a great war broke out. The whole area shook, and the magic light of destruction was blooming.

The demons are extremely powerful, and this is their territory, but since the strong human race dares to step into the demon domain, they have already anticipated this situation.

The strong human race showed great combat power. Soon, the big demon was beheaded by the strong human race. The blood was sprayed three thousand meters, and the area of ​​one side was dyed black.

With the passage of time, more and more powerful men stepped into the magic field,

The strong foreigners entered the Demon Territory and the encounter with the Demon Great Demon was inevitable. In the Demon Territory, wars broke out from time to time, and some strong men were killed by the Demon Great Demon.

However, most of them were the powerhouses who entered the Demon Realm, beheading those great demons who patrolled the Demon Realm,

Of course, these were just some encounters, and no large-scale war broke out. After all, the powerful people of various races who entered the Demon Realm just wanted to come and watch the battle.

However, the Demon Race was not calm. More and more powerful men appeared in the Demon Realm, and many great demons were killed. This annoyed some of the giants in the Demon Race.

"Kill, destroy these invaders."

"Fight, let them come back and forth."

In the depths of the Demon Territory, there was a roar, and there was a demon tycoon who wanted to take action. Countless demons rushed out from the depths of the Demon Territory and killed in the direction of the Valley of Gods and Demon.

"That is……"

The billowing demon aura was surging over the sky, and all the powerful people of various races gathered around the valley of the gods and demon were secretly shocked. Some of the giants in the demon race finally couldn't sit still.

"Hmph, do you want a decisive battle in advance."

An old voice sounded, and some old antiques from all races also came near the Valley of Gods and Demons. Many of these old antiques existed strongly.


The devilish energy is mighty, a huge demon shadow appeared between the heaven and the earth, the wave of a powerful demon power spread, and the whole area was shaking.


The demon shadow shot directly and slapped a palm towards a place in the air. The void on that side was directly shattered, and a figure was shot out.

"you are……"

The person beaten out by the demon shadow was an old man. The old man was frightened and angry. He seemed to have seen the origin of the demon shadow and was very jealous.


At this moment, a sword sounded, and a bright sword light, which stretched for hundreds of thousands of feet, directly strangling towards that magic shadow.

The sky-shattering sword energy spread from the sword light, and the temperature of the entire area fell rapidly under the impact of the cold forest sword energy.

Everyone felt chilly,


An arc-shaped black light rushed out of the eyebrows of that demon shadow, directly shattering the sky-shaking sword light, the sword light shattered into divine light, and dissipated into the void.


A puff of blood spurted from the mouth of a Taoist man above the sky, and the whole person staggered a few times in the air, and he almost fell from the sky.

That demon shadow was too strong, and it broke the Taoist’s flying sword, causing the Taoist to suffer severe damage.

Most of Jian Xiu’s cultivation bases are on a flying sword. If the flying sword is destroyed, then this sword repair will wait if it is destroyed by others.

"Devil, Hugh is rampant."

Some people yelled, someone jumped out and shot at the demon shadow, but those people were not the opponent of this demon shadow, they were all defeated,


As the Demon Shadow swept across the powerful people of all races, a sneer came from a distance, and a figure appeared above the sky, walking step by step,

"That person is..."

"He is here."

Someone recognized the incoming person, and they were all surprised and happy.

"A descendant of Wuzu's line."

It was that Demon Shadow had to be moved when he saw the coming person. The coming person is extremely powerful, obviously a martial artist with a successful cultivation. This kind of existence is itself a powerful pronoun.

"It's Gu Fei..."

Outside the Valley of Gods and Demons, on a low mountain, a hunched-back young man in white stood up.

"The descendants of Wuzu should die."

The demon image was roaring, it seemed to think of something, and suddenly it was extremely excited, stretched out its big hand, and directly stepped towards the void, and grabbed the person who came step by step.


Gu Fei’s attack was also very direct. He punched out, smashing the big hand with violent punches.


It was another punch. This time, the huge magic shadow was also beaten into two pieces by this punch. It dissipated in the void and turned into devilish energy.


When everyone saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded. The power of this magic shadow is obvious to all, enough to sweep all the strong people present, even some old antiques are not opponents.

However, such a powerful demon was broken up by Gu Fei's two punches, and Gu Fei was so powerful.

"Qinglong might be a bit dangerous."

The humpbacked young man on the low mountain was talking to himself, and there was light flashing in his eyes. Gu Fei seemed to be stronger than before.

"It's just an incarnation formed by a condensed demon energy. If your true body comes, I might still be a little worried."

Gu Fei said such words, that demon shadow is just the devilish incarnation of a certain giant in the demon clan, the real body of that giant has not come.


In the void, the spirit wave of the demon giant came out,

The demon giant was furious, and a wave of peerless and powerful magic power spread from the depths of the demon domain. This wave was too strong, like a demon saint awakening from a deep sleep.

The power of the Mozu giants is unimaginable. Once such an existence arrives, what will it be like?

Many people are terrified. The Demon Race’s background is very deep. Some people suspect that there may be a terrifying ancient demon sleeping in the Demon Realm. This is a big threat to the world.


The terrifying demon's mighty power came, and in the depths of the demon realm, an unknowingly huge demon shadow stood up, the demon shadow headed to the sky, its feet on the ground, looking down at the world,

Everyone felt a great threat,


Gu Fei could not help but feel moved when he sensed this demon power. This great demon is peerlessly powerful, I am afraid it can be compared with the existence of Fengdu Ghost Emperor.


At this moment, a picture of God broke through the sky, suspended above the sky, yin and yang were intertwined, evolving into the supreme road, an aura that could contend with the magic power, spread from the picture of God Got out,

"The fierce man in the far north."

Gu Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this divine picture. He never thought that his battle with Qinglong had shocked the fierce man in the far north.

A figure emerged above the **** map, confronting the demon shadow deep in the demon realm,

"Your hands are too long, too."

The voice of the demon giant in the depths of the Demon Realm resounded like a muffled thunder. He seemed to know who came.

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