Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1784: Going for real

The dragon transforming into a dragon is extremely powerful and possesses a powerful dragon body comparable to martial art. It fought endlessly with Gu Fei in the Valley of Gods and Demons. The entire valley was shaking violently, cracking and cracking.

If it hadn’t been for the blood evil devil pattern to seal the entire valley, this valley of gods and demon would have been destroyed long ago.


Two earth-shaking forces are constantly colliding, the sky and the earth are shaking, and a series of pitch-black spatial cracks continue to appear over the valley of the gods and demons, like black lightning, flashing past.

The void of heaven and earth is broken, but the law of heaven and earth is quickly repairing the broken void,

"These two people have left most of them behind."

Those who have aspirations on the Holy Road feel the tremendous pressure. No one wants to encounter such a powerful and terrifying opponent when the Holy Road is fighting.

The characters of the older generation are also shocked. The strength of Gu Fei and Qinglong has exceeded their expectations. The competition on the road to sanctification is destined to be fierce.

At this time, the yin and yang **** map is set above the sky, and the image of the body on the **** map is the same as it has existed since ancient times, sitting there like that, suppressing the world of heaven and earth.

Although the fierce man from the far north did not come in his true form, he could still severely inflict the demon giants, stun the entire demon clan, and made the demon giants dare not jump out.

There is a uniform incarnation of this fierce man from the far north sitting here, and everyone does not have to worry about any changes in that demon.

Gu Fei and Qinglong can take action without distraction, without any scruples.


In the Valley of Gods and Demons, Gu Fei punched out, and the dragon claws of the real dragon transformed into the blue dragon slammed together. The void exploded, and the black space cracks centered on the point of impact of the two forces and moved in all directions. Spread out,


Gu Fei roared, the martial arts power in his body surged towards his right fist frantically. He was competing with Qinglong for power, trying to completely overwhelm the Qinglong.

The chaotic Qi Gang hovered around Gu Fei's body, like a chaotic divine rainbow, each chaotic Qi Gang was enough to penetrate the void of heaven and earth,


The spirit of the blue dragon was like a tide, and the murderous aura broke out. On the shrunken dragon body, every piece of scale was shining, and the breath of the true dragon was mighty.

The two powerhouses are trying their best to push the momentum and want to overwhelm each other.

However, whether it is Gu Fei or Qinglong, it is difficult to suppress each other for a while. Until now, the two strong men seem to have reached a tie.

The power erupted from Gu Fei and Qinglong was rapidly increasing. The void around them could not withstand such power, and black space cracks appeared.

Even this extremely stable world seems to have no room for such a powerful body.

"This blue dragon..."

In the valley, the Azure Dragon dared to compete with Gu Fei's strength, which shocked Gu Zhong. He knew very well that Gu Fei's martial arts were so powerful that it could crush half-sacred artifacts. Could it be that the Azure Dragon's body was also strong enough to compete with his teacher. To the point of being shoulder to shoulder,

The physique of the human martial arts was definitely one of the most powerful physiques in the world in the distant past. There are only a few physiques comparable to it.

"This Qinglong is using the blood power in his body."

Heitian said,

His eyes were extremely harsh. At this time, he had already seen that the supreme bloodline in the Qinglong body was gradually recovering, and the supreme power was gradually revealed.

That is the power of the ancient Qinglong Supreme,

This is a kind of talent of the descendants of the supreme, the ancient supreme, invincible in nine heavens and ten earth, hitting the three realms and six invincible hands, part of their power has been passed down with their blood.

Once this power hidden in the blood is awakened, it can borrow a bit of supreme power,

To some extent, the supreme bloodline in the Qinglong body, if it is the continuation of the life of the ancient Qinglong supreme, as long as his bloodline exists for one day, the power of the Qinglong supreme will be passed on.

Of course, not everyone can successfully stimulate the blood power in the body.

Gu Fei’s right fist touched the dragon's claws, and the strength of the two was rapidly increasing. The true power of martial arts was against the power of the real dragon, and more and more space cracks appeared in the void around the two.


In the end, amidst a muffled sound, with Gu Fei and Qinglong as the center, the space of thousands of feet collapsed, and the space of heaven and earth could no longer withstand their powerful force.


Gu Fei and Qinglong separated, and the two powerhouses were shaken away by each other's power, and rushed out of the broken void.

"That's it for warming up."

Gu Fei stabilized his figure and stood in the void, his fighting spirit was like a rainbow, his eyes were like electricity, and he glanced towards the blue dragon in front.

A series of martial arts lines loomed on Gu Fei’s skin, and a more powerful force spread across his body.

Everyone in the appearance battle in the Valley of Gods and Demons was shocked. At this time, they were just warming up.

Obviously, both Gu Fei and Qinglong still have a lot of tactics that they have not used, and it is still unknown who wins and who loses, but Qinglong is difficult to relax.

The Dragon Transformation technique is the secret technique of the Azure Dragon clan. As the dragon ancestor of the Azure Dragon clan, the power of the physical body can be increased several times, but in this state, he is just a tie with Gu Fei.

This result exceeded Qinglong’s expectations.

A true dragon divine light emerged from the dragon's body, and the dragon shadow disappeared. A figure appeared in the true dragon divine light, and he transformed into a human form again.

"The human martial arts are really powerful."

Qinglong stared at Gu Fei on the opposite side, as if there were stars sinking in his eyes. He knew that defeating Gu Fei would be very difficult. The opponent’s cultivation base was extremely powerful. If he is not careful, he might be defeated again by him.

"Come again."

Gu Fei stepped directly in the void. This time, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth emerged from his body, and five voids appeared around him.

"this is……"

Qinglong sensed the power of heaven and earth, and Gu Fei cultivated the inner heaven and earth.


Gu Fei stepped in the void of the Five Elements, as if melting into the surrounding world, his speed increased to a terrifying point.

Taking a step forward, he instantly appeared in front of Qinglong, and then stretched out his right hand and slapped him directly towards Qinglong.

On Gu Fei’s right palm, the martial art pattern emerged, interweaving the power of the avenue, which is a sign of the complete integration of martial art power and realm.

This palm fell in Qinglong’s eyes, and he saw a big hand infinitely magnifying in front of him, filling every inch of space in front of him, blocking all his escape routes.


Two sword lights appeared in Qinglong’s hands, the dragon sword shook, rushing out of the sky-shaking sword aura, and strangling towards the big hand that was photographed.

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