Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1785: Overpower the Qinglong

The weapon of Qinglong is two dragon swords made from his double dragon horn sacrifices. The two dragon swords failed. The power of the true dragon turned into a shocking sword light, which split the world.

Seeing Qinglong’s blow, even some old sword immortals felt ashamed.


The sword light strangled and slashed on Gu Fei's big hand, and the sound of gold and iron hitting was heard. Gu Fei's big hand burst the sword light and continued to shoot towards Qinglong.

There are Dao patterns looming on the big hand, condensing the power of the Dao, I am afraid that the power of this palm is incomparable, and it is a sign that the Qinglong will be slapped to death.

"It's a hand covering the sky..."

On a mountain peak outside the Valley of Gods and Demons, Gu Zhong saw his master slap this powerful and unmatched palm. He couldn't help being surprised. The power of the hand that covered the sky could reach this level.

Cover the sky with one hand, and once it is shot, it will cover the sky with one hand, sealing all the way out of the place,

"Can't hide."

Qinglong was surprised to find that all the places he saw were the palms of the opponent, as if the entire world was covered by the palm of the opponent.

"Since it can't be avoided, let's fight it."

Qinglong was fierce, and the dragon sword in his hand showed terrifying power. The sword light rushed into the sky, tearing the world apart, and directly shattered everything.


Without any suspense, Gu Fei’s palm was extremely powerful, and it was overwhelming. The sword light from the dragon sword was scattered by the sky-shielding hand, and the blue dragon was shaken out, with a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Qinglong was finally injured and was repelled by the opponent's power.


Qinglong roared, he wanted to win, he wanted to defeat Gu Fei,

Being shaken by the palm of Gu Fei is unacceptable for Qinglong. He was defeated by the opponent hundreds of years ago. After hundreds of years, will the scene of that year be staged?

"Although you are strong, you are still not my opponent."

Gu Feidong is real, and his combat power has doubled, like an ancient **** of war appeared in the world, looking invincible in the world,

"Impossible, this time, I won't lose."

Qinglong heard this, his eyes were red. He is a contemporary Qinglong. Among the Qinglong clan, even the old Qinglong is not his opponent.

He can't let the humiliation of being defeated in his life,

Just when Gu Fei was pushing away from Qinglong, a dragon chant came out from Qinglong's body, and then, a powerful force revived in Qinglong's body.

"Have you finally used that power."

Gu Fei sensed the changes in Qinglong. Not only was he not surprised, but excited. The stronger the Qinglong, the less boring this battle would be.


An unimaginable force revived in Qinglong's body, like an ancient dragon awakening from its deep sleep.

The sacred light in Qinglong’s eyes radiated several feet long from the socket.

"The true body of Qinglong."

Qinglong roared in a low voice, and his body began to appear with scales. The two dragon swords turned into two dragon horns and flew back to his forehead.

A human-shaped real dragon appeared in front of everyone,

The powerful aura of the true dragon swept across the heavens and the earth, spreading from the Valley of Gods and Demons, and stunned all spectators. The aura of the Azure Dragon could be sensed within a radius of thousands of miles.

"This is the true body of Qinglong."

Seeing the blue dragon transformed into a human-shaped dragon, everyone was shocked. This is the true body of the blue dragon, which is really surprising.

Qinglong finally used the real body of Qinglong. The violent power almost made Qinglong into madness. The bloodline power in his body was burning.

In order to defeat Gu Fei, he couldn't control so much.


Qinglong directly tore through the void to kill Gu Fei. The speed was so fast that even Gu Fei was startled.

Gu Fei stepped on the Eight Desolation Void Steps and walked in the Five Elements Void, which could have escaped this blow, but the Azure Dragon was like a shadow, and if a blow was missed, he immediately changed his move.

He swept his right leg towards Gu Fei,


Gu Fei blocked the right leg that Qinglong swept away with a knee bump, but at the same time, one of Qinglong's hand swords had already been cut behind his neck.


Gu Fei quickly staggered a step to the side and avoided Qinglong's hand knife, but a few strands of hair floated down from the air. Although Qinglong's hand knife did not cut Zhong Gu Fei, it did cut off Gu Fei's hair. Down,

The Azure Dragon, which shows the true body of the Azure Dragon, has at least tripled its combat power, and its speed has been able to keep up with Gu Fei’s Eight Desolate Void Steps, which made Gu Fei startled and angry.



The dull clashing sound continued, Qinglong and Gu Fei fought, Qinglong is really strong, Qinglong relying on powerful physical power, and Gu Fei endless battle,

Gu Fei couldn't resist gradually, and kept backing away.

"I'm afraid this Azure Dragon will force the boss to use the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao."

The strength of the Azure Dragon’s true body surpassed everyone’s expectations, that is, Gu Fei’s martial arts were almost unstoppable. This kind of secret technique is the bottom line of the Azure Dragon clan.

"As soon as the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao come out, this Qinglong will be defeated."

Gu Zhong is Gu Fei’s disciple, no one knows the power of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao better than him.

At this time, Gu Fei also hit a real fire. His combat power was constantly improving, as if there was no end at all. One of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's Ascension Secret Art was gradually operating.


Gu Fei punched out, and the fierce power shook the entire valley and forced the Qinglong back away.

The aura on his body has become stronger, his vitality rushes to the sky, there is great power between his gestures, and even Qinglong is secretly frightened.

The martial arts power erupted from Gu Fei's body, and Qinglong's advantage gradually disappeared. Under the effect of the Ascension Secret Art, Gu Fei's power directly took a leap.


He was in the same place and when he reappeared in the next moment, he had already forced him to the front of Qinglong.


Everyone was shocked by Gu Fei’s speed. It was so fast that he couldn’t even see the shadow. Even if someone had cultivated a godhead, it would be difficult to capture Gu Fei’s figure.


The power of the five elements bloomed in Gu Fei’s hand, and five sword lights of different colors rushed out of his hand and pierced towards the Qinglong Cave.

Jian Guang's speed is too fast, so fast that even Qinglong can't avoid it.

The dragon's blood splashed, and there were five more blood holes on Qinglong's body. His whole body was knocked out thousands of feet away by the five rays of sword light, and he slammed into the blood-colored rock wall.


A mouthful of blood spurted from Qinglong’s mouth, and then slid down from the rock wall.

"This... is Gu Fei's true combat power."

Qinglong reached out his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His body pierced by the sword light of the Five Elements was quickly healed. If someone else is pierced through the body, he can only abandon this body.

However, Qinglong is different. His vitality is extremely strong. The wounds on his body are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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