Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1787: The profound meaning of blood power

Qinglong was extremely powerful. He used Qinglong to borrow the power of the sky, borrowing the power of a big world, and aroused the four primitive forces of earth, water, wind and fire.

The four primitive powers showed great power. In the Valley of Gods and Demons, as if opening up the world, a wave of horrible extinction came out from the valley.

"too strong……"

"This blue dragon is terrible, and it really deserves to be an invincible existence among the four ancient tribes of the Southern Wilderness."

Seeing this scene, even some old antiques had to be moved. The combat power displayed by Qinglong was really heartbreaking. If it were a general semi-sage, he would have been beaten to death by him.

However, Gu Fei is not a half-sage, Qinglong is still fighting hard. Although he is a half-sage, he can't get Gu Fei's martial arts peak power.


In the center of the four great primitive forces, Gu Fei blasted out with a punch, directly surrounded by the four forces, broke a hole, and then rushed out.


When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being shocked. The Azure Dragon spurred a great trend of heaven and earth and sealed the void of heaven and earth, but Gu Fei could not be sealed.


Gu Fei ran the Ascension Secret Art. At this time, his combat power soared to a point where everyone's heart palpitations. The powerful aura and mighty directions, the void around him constantly rippled with the naked eye.

Among those spatial ripples, there even appeared black cracks like hair, which are spatial cracks.


The four primitive forces soared into the sky and turned into four great dragons, swallowing towards Gu Fei. The destructive force shocked everyone watching the battle from a distance.

The void of heaven and earth is crumbling, these four forces are too powerful, and the blood evil demon pattern in the entire valley of Gods and Devils is lit up, and the powerful impact makes the blood evil demon pattern continue to recover.

The changes in the Valley of Gods and Demons shocked the strong who watched the battle. This is the power of the immortal law of the supreme existence of the Demon Dao. It turned into the blood evil Dao pattern, which was imprinted on every inch of soil in the God and Demon Valley. ,

Most of the immortal magic lines were shaken, showing the strength and fear of the blue dragon,

"Inverse chaos."

Gu Fei spit out two words in a deep voice, and an unpredictable force spread from his body. The universe of heaven and earth seemed to be reversed in an instant, and the four-headed dragon that rushed towards Gu Fei was suddenly caught Reversed the offensive, and rushed back,

The big dragon formed by the four primitive forces of earth, water, wind, and fire, condensed the earth-shattering destructive power, directly shattered the void of heaven and earth, and can turn a region into nothingness.

This is one of Azure Dragon’s most powerful attacks, attracting the four primitive forces between heaven and earth,

However, at this moment, these four forces were turned back by the opponent in an instant and rushed back towards him, which shocked Qinglong inexplicably.

"how can that be……"

Outside the Valley of Gods and Demons, everyone who saw this scene was also shocked. Qinglong's powerful offensive was actually reversed. All the forces that rushed towards Gu Fei rushed back towards Qinglong.

"what's going on."

"This is too bad."

No one is not surprised. What kind of great technique Gu Fei used to have such an incredible power that can reverse the opponent's attack. Isn't he already standing in an invincible place?


Qinglong knew that this was one of the nine secrets of the Immortal Dao’s secret technique for reversing chaos, this Gu Fei, I’m afraid that the nine secrets of the immortal Dao have already been gathered.

The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, in the distant past, was called the undefeated secret technique of Immortal Dao,

The Supreme Dao ancestor evolved the Supreme Dao and created these nine kinds of secret techniques of the immortal way. It can be said that these nine kinds of secret techniques of the immortal way are definitely the most powerful secret techniques in the world.

Because this is the supreme art,


The Azure Dragon roared, his body burst out with Dao patterns that resembled the ancestral dragon, the power of the true dragon burst out, and a huge dragon shadow rushed out on him,

As if an ancient behemoth had awakened in his body, a holy might appeared between the heavens and the earth, shocking the world,

Qinglong is a semi-sage, with a hint of saint's atmosphere, and when he fully stimulated the bloodline power in his body, his combat power soared to a terrifying height.

At this moment, even if the saint is here, Qinglong dares to fight with him,

"it is good."

Upon seeing this, Gu Fei's eyes flickered, Qinglong made him feel great pressure, the bloodline power of the Qinglong clan was extraordinary.

Above the blue dragon’s head, the dragon’s energy rose, and a huge dragon shadow appeared on the sky,


The destructive power that turned back was completely dissipated by Qinglong. He was like a **** who opened the sky, directly tore through the void and slew towards Gu Fei, fighting to the sky.

"Secret of Ascension, Ten Success Power."

Gu Fei did not dare to neglect, and directly operated the Ascension Secret Art. His combat power was increased tenfold in an instant. The powerful martial arts power shook the sky and the earth. A chaotic fist violently collided with the right hand from Qinglong.


With a muffled sound, the vast expanse of the void collapsed and annihilated. Gu Fei and Qinglong moved quickly in the void, constantly regretting, and dense cracks appeared in the entire valley.

The blood evil demon pattern is looming, seal one side, and dissolve the mighty power of the two superpowers, and the cracked valley is quickly repaired.

"too strong……"

The intensity of this battle surpassed everyone’s expectations. Gu Fei and Qinglong’s combat power had surpassed Semi-Holy. They had already gone far on the holy road.

In the entire human world, few people can catch them on the holy road.

Various great arts and combat skills are constantly being displayed in the hands of the two superpowers, shocking everyone, and the strong fluctuations make the strong who watch the battle have to retreat.

Only the figure on the yin-yang **** map in the sky, like Henggu, already exists, and the lingering power that emerges from the valley cannot affect that figure at all.

The fierce man in the far north is too powerful, absolutely invincible in the human world, at the same level as the Fengdu ghost emperor, and can shock a region.

This time, Fengdu Ghost Emperor did not appear,

The speed of the two super powers is so fast that even those who have cultivated the gods, it is difficult to catch them.

It was just a few breaths. The two had already fought nearly ten thousand moves. Neither of them had used holy soldiers. This was a tacit understanding. Neither of them wanted to use external forces to fight.

In addition to self-refined weapons, they are only fighting with their own strength. This is a duel and a temper. They all want to overwhelm each other with their own strength.

Both Gu Fei and Qinglong are people with aspirations to the holy road, with unparalleled determination and invincible hearts.

"Qinglong, if you only have this level, you will lose."

Gu Fei’s voice sounded in Qinglong’s heart.

"Hmph, if you only have this level, you will also lose."

Qinglong tit-for-tat,

The two were talking, but they didn’t stop.


Gu Fei swept his right leg,

Qinglong hit a knee and faced the right leg swept by Gu Fei.

The two of them regretted it and made a sound of metal collision, as if two divine irons were colliding.

Gu Fei and Qinglong separated, but they rushed together in an instant.


The two dragon swords shook, and the Qinglong was also in control of the two divine swords while shooting, constantly strangling towards Gu Fei, the sword light rushing into the sky,

Gu Fei did not use the Nine Sky Stars Sword. He itself was a humanoid weapon, extremely powerful, and his martial art could directly contend with Qinglong’s self-made dragon sword.

This powerful martial arts caused Qinglong to encounter big trouble,


The sword light formed by the two dragon swords slashed on Gu Fei’s body, and the sound of metal collision was heard. Apart from cutting Gu Fei’s clothes one by one, it was difficult to really hurt him.

"Qinglong might be defeated."

At this time, someone had already seen it, and Gu Fei was standing in an invincible place. No matter how the Qinglong attacked, he could not hurt him.

But Gu Fei could hurt Qinglong,

Sure enough, Gu Fei punched out two dragon swords directly, and then directly collided, knocking Qinglong away.

The powerful impact almost broke Qinglong’s breastbone,

This is a brutal style of play. Gu Fei is like a peerless beast, running rampant. With his powerful martial arts, he forces the blue dragon to retreat and is shocked from time to time.

Now that this battle has come, it’s time to decide a victory or defeat.

The outcome of this battle is already obvious. Gu Fei obviously has the upper hand, pressing the Qinglong to fight. Although Qinglong is strong, Gu Fei is stronger than him.

In the face of absolutely powerful power, all magical powers and great arts are useless, and everything can be crushed with one punch.


Gu Fei hit Qinglong’s chest with another punch. With strong fist strength, Qinglong’s chest collapsed downwards, and numerous cracks appeared in his breastbone.


Qinglong opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of blood, and he flew out.

"How is it possible, I will not lose."

Qinglong was unbelievable. He was defeated by Gu Fei hundreds of years ago, and now he is repeating the same mistakes, which made him frightened, angry, and unwilling.


He stopped the retreat, and then bit the tip of his tongue, spouting a mouthful of blood, a blood-colored figure condensed in front of him, and an invincible power of the world appeared between heaven and earth.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was taken aback. He sensed the aura of the ancient supreme on the body of this blood-colored figure. What is this blue dragon doing to show all his blood power at the expense of vitality?

The blood-colored figure was formed entirely from the essence of Qinglong’s blood, as if it was alive, pushing towards Gu Fei. The powerful pressure made Gu Fei look like he was facing the ancient supreme.

"This is the real mystery of bloodline power."

Some people who know the details have said such words, the mystery of the supreme bloodline is only known to the descendants of the supreme. Only by knowing this mystery can the power in the body be truly utilized.

Obviously, Qinglong did not hesitate to hurt his vitality, but also defeated Gu Fei.

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