Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1788: Unyielding

The power of the Supreme Bloodline is extremely powerful, and you can borrow the Supreme Power. Although it is not the true Supreme Power, it is also extremely powerful.


The entire world is shaking, and the blood-colored figure is like the ancient supreme beast king. The power of the avenue is vast, and it is completely condensed by the power of law.

This is a sign that the blood of the ancient supreme beast king is awakening in the descendants.


Gu Fei had to be moved. The power of the ancient supreme beast king's law has actually reappeared. Although it is not a complete Dao supreme law, it is enough to kill all semi-sages and quasi-sages.

"Qinglong..., contemporary invincible."

There was an old antique who was shocked, and the background of the Qinglong clan was deep enough. When such a freak came out, the supreme bloodline could not be awakened so easily.

As for the entire Qinglong clan, the contemporary figures, I am afraid that only a dozen clan members can successfully awaken the supreme bloodline in the body.

The degree of bloodline awakening is also different. Only the person with the strongest bloodline power can become the contemporary blue dragon.

The blood-colored figure is extremely powerful, like a living creature, pushing towards Gu Fei. The powerful pressure caused the surrounding void to collapse.


Gu Fei was on the verge of an enemy. At this time, he felt a dangerous aura, but the stronger he was, the stronger his fighting spirit became.

"Ancient supreme power?"

Gu Fei is infinitely intent to fight, he did not retreat, but to fight the ancient supreme power,

"Gu Fei, you should admit defeat, or else..."

Qinglong was yelling. This was his strongest combat power. The bloodline power in his body was almost exhausted, and the whole person felt a sense of collapse.

Once the bloodline power is fully released, it will be endless,

With Qinglong’s current cultivation base, it is still difficult to control this power. Once that blood-colored figure launches an attack, it will not stop without killing Gu Fei.

"Give up, Gu Fei has never conceded since I took this road. Come on, I want to see what's so great about this supreme bloodline."

An unparalleled and powerful aura erupted from Gu Fei's body, and the chaos divine light lingered around him, the divine light was powerful enough to tear the void.

"What is he doing..."

"Does he want to contend with the power of the ancient supreme."

The people who participated in the appearance battle in the Valley of Gods and Demons were all shocked. At this time, the Azure Dragon had already won. Where can the power of the Supreme Bloodline be able to contend with now?

At this time, even the figure of the Yin and Yang **** figure sitting in the high sky reacted, and two eyes swept down towards the valley of the gods and demons.

No one knows how powerful the ancient supreme is. Without reaching that realm, one would never know what kind of existence the supreme is.

The power of the Supreme can be integrated into the bloodline and passed on to the descendants. This inheritance can only be possessed by the Supreme. Of course, when the blood of the Supreme is passed down from generation to generation, it will definitely gradually become weaker.

However, there are also individual phenomena in this phenomenon. This phenomenon is the phenomenon of returning to ancestors. Qinglong is not the parent and child of the ancient supreme beast emperor, but the supreme bloodline in his body is comparable to that of the ancient emperor.

"If that's the case, then you can accept your fate."

Qinglong stopped speaking, and shot directly, the blood-colored figure tore through the void, and slapped Gu Fei with a palm. The powerful force even wiped out the nearby blood evil demon pattern.

This is not an ordinary magic pattern, but is formed by the immortal law of the great demon of the ancient demon race.

"The Twenty Success Power of the Ascension Secret Art."

Gu Fei worked hard, even if it was Gu Fei Supreme’s power, I only broke it with one punch.

Under the urging of the secret technique of ascension, his power skyrocketed wildly, and the true power of martial arts soared twenty times, and only the peak and powerful martial arts could bear it.

However, Gu Fei was taking risks. Such a powerful force was almost beyond the bearing range of his peak and mighty martial arts. The soaring power caused him to burst into bloodstains.

A series of Dao patterns he had realized by himself emerged from his martial body, branded in the flesh and blood,


Gu Fei hit the strongest punch, which was his strongest punch, twenty times the strength, which absolutely surpassed the semi-sage, and could even compete with the quasi-sage.

If hit by this punch, even the quasi-sage might be bombarded.


A furious punch to the extreme, collided with the blood-colored palm. The **** shadow seemed to be faint and unreal, without substance, but the supreme power was so tyrannical that the quasi-sage would tremble.

There was no suspense, everything developed as expected by those old antiques who watched the battle, Gu Fei flew out, and a mouthful of blood came out.

His entire arm was distorted, his arm bones were broken, and the strength of Qinglong’s bloodline was much stronger than he expected.


Seeing this scene, Gu Zhong couldn't calm down anymore. Qinglong's bloodline power was too strong, even if he was a true quasi-sage, he was not the opponent of Qinglong at this time.

"What is it, your master will be fine."

On the contrary, Hei Tian is more important to calm down than Gu. He knew that even if the Azure Dragon used the blood power in his body, he could not kill Gu Fei, unless the real saint shot towards Gu Fei, otherwise, even the worldly existences in the human world would not be hurt. Gu Fei’s life,


In the valley, the sound of bones shook, Gu Fei’s right arm was quickly healed, and the broken arm bone was quickly connected, reborn in flesh and blood.

In the blink of an eye, his right arm was completely healed, as if he had never been injured.

With Gu Fei’s current cultivation base, the martial art of the peak power level has already cultivated his life into every part of his body, and rebirth is not a problem.

"Human martial arts are really extraordinary."

Everyone in the appearance battle in the Valley of Gods and Demons was amazed. Such a powerful body is rare in the world. Even the body of some sacred beasts is not necessarily so powerful.

"If he was made holy, that would be fine."

Some people can't sit still, especially those enemies of Gu Fei. Gu Fei is more powerful, and the threat to these people is greater. These people can't see Gu Fei becoming a saint.

The strength of the Azure Dragon bloodline is too strong, even Gu Fei was shaken off.


Gu Fei roared, his hair fluttered, and he rushed forward. As soon as he went forward, the powerful martial arts power erupted. Twenty times the power of ascension was too strong, so he had to send,

If this power is not vented, this power will burst his martial arts,


It was another terrifying collision, and Gu Fei flew out again, bleeding into the sky.

"Evening ascend to heaven..."

Gu Fei roared, his two immortal magic techniques were used together, the broken body was healing quickly, and the feathering power kept his martial arts at its peak.

The blood that splashed out of him also flew back upside down, submerged in his body again,

Every drop of flesh and blood on his body contains essence and qi, and cannot be lost, because every drop of blood is life. As long as there is a drop of essence and blood, he can be reborn from the drop of blood.

"Good guy..."

When Qinglong saw this, he couldn't help wondering, Gu Fei's vitality was too strong, and his blood was much stronger than that of the giant dragon. It is definitely not an easy task to kill such a person.

In fact, Qinglong must also kill Gu Fei. He has only one purpose, which is to defeat Gu Fei.

The same is true for Gu Fei. He has no desire to kill Qinglong, and he does not have any hatred with Qinglong. This is a contest between the strong.

Fair duel, lost, or dead, no one can blame,

The blood shadow is unmatched, just like the ancient Azure Dragon Supreme is in action. Although the rule of the Supreme Master is incomplete, it is enough to sweep all opponents below the saint.

Gu Fei was unyielding. He charged up again and again, fighting endless battles with that scarlet figure. Although he was repelled every time, he stood up again and again.

Everyone was moved when they saw this scene.

"This is a natural warrior."

Old antique sighed that in those distant years, there was no shortage of such figures in the cultivation world. They were all powerful existences that shocked one party.

A successful martial artist is invincible at the same level, but Gu Fei is not fighting against the pinnacle power, but fighting against the semi-sage. To everyone, this is a miracle.

"If he can win, it will really be against the sky."

Gu Fei’s enemies also appeared nearby. These people were secretly happy when they saw that Gu Fei was completely suppressed by that blood shadow. It would be better for Qinglong to kill Gu Fei, so that they would lose a major trouble.

"A warrior who is about to rise, it just ended, it's really sad."

Gu Fei is still fighting, but some people already know the result. They think that Gu Fei is dying and struggling, and in the end they are going to lose.

"Master is invincible."

Gu Zhong did not believe that Gu Fei would lose to Qinglong, but the facts were in front of him. Such a result was not what he wanted to see.


Hearing what those people said, Hei Tian didn't say anything, just sneered twice.

"The power of blood is really strong."

After Gu Fei rushed for hundreds of times, he stopped. His martial art was almost exploded by that blood shadow, and shocking bloodstains broke out on his body.

However, his qi and blood are still very strong, the power of the Eclosion Secret Technique is working, and the injuries on the martial arts are quickly healed, as if he has an immortal body,

The secret technique of eclosion is the supreme secret technique created by the Supreme Dao ancestor. This secret technique, the interpretation of life, has reached its limit. It is difficult to kill people who have cultivated this secret technique.

Even if the spirit is broken up, it can be reunited,

If this kind of secret technique is cultivated to great success, perhaps it can really be immortal, but this secret technique of Gu Fei is still far from the realm of great success.

"The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are not worthy of being the supreme divine art."

The blood shadow stood in front of Qinglong, and Qinglong's eyes were flickering. Gu Fei's power was far beyond his expectations. If he didn't use the blood power in his body, he would have been defeated by the opponent at this time. ,

"Come again."

Gu Fei yelled and rushed up again.

And the blood shadow in front of Qinglong also rushed up,

Gu Fei and that blood shadow collided together instantly,

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