Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1789: Wanhua return to true


Gu Fei was mad and mad, and the chaos fist shattered the void, and the world was punched through one hole after another under his fist.

Too strong, this is the simplest expression of strength. A punch to break the starry sky is half-holy. Those who are walking sideways in the world are beaten by him, and their bodies will also burst.

"Proving the Dao with strength is indeed a strong way."

Old antique sighed that the way of martial arts is to prove the Dao with strength. It is extremely difficult. If you want to cultivate successfully, you have to put in countless times more effort than others.

Since the late period of the great famine, there seems to be no existence like Gu Fei in the world.

"Not strong enough, you are destined to lose."

Qinglong’s voice sounded in Gu Fei’s heart, and the blood shadow formed by the power of that bloodline was moving fast, not daring to leave the power range of the blood shadow.

Gu Fei at this time was enough to kill Half-Holy, and Quasi-Holy came, I am afraid he would have to retreat, Qinglong would have been injured long ago if it hadn't been protected by blood power.

"Beat you."

Gu Fei roared, his long hair was dancing frantically, so fierce that it made everyone's heart palpitations, blood dripping from his fists,

But even so, he still threw a fist at the scarlet figure,

There is no suspense, even if he is twenty times ascendant power, he is still stabilized by the blood shadow, it is difficult to raise his head, and he is mercilessly blasted by that blood shadow.

"How can it be so strong..."

Although Gu Fei seems to be attacking desperately, his heart is clearer than everyone else. If this continues, he is afraid that he will be consumed by life.

You must know that there is a time limit for the use of the Ascension Secret Art, and he cannot always remain in this almost invincible powerful state.

Once this state disappears, he will undoubtedly lose.

Fortunately, he has cultivated the Eclosion Secret Art, which can quickly heal the damage of the flesh and even the soul, and he has discovered that the Eclosion Secret Art and the Ascension Secret Art can be used together to make his martial arts. The body remains in a wonderful state,

In this wonderful state, the time for his secret technique of ascension was greatly prolonged.

This situation was unexpected by Gu Fei. The time for the ascension Secret Art was prolonged, which made him temporarily undefeated, but this is not a long-term solution.

Judging from this situation, in the end, his ending is the same, which cannot be changed.

"I don't want to kill you, but..."

Qinglong said again, no one knows the power of the bloodline better than him, unless there is another power that inherits the supreme bloodline, otherwise, he is already invincible at the same level.

You can even leapfrog the quasi-sage

"Stop talking nonsense, it's fair to fight, and there is no complaint to death."

Gu Fei’s fighting spirit has never weakened, but has become more vigorous. He can feel that after he has demonstrated his strength to the limit, the bottleneck in his cultivation seems to be loose.


Qinglong has nothing to say, killing the genius is not a very pleasant thing.


The blood-colored figure shot, as strong as the ancient supreme beast emperor, the beast emperor's law shakes the void of heaven and earth, as if to step on the avenue of heaven and earth.

Gu Fei directly contended with the blood shadow, was punched a big hole in his chest, flew out, blood spattered,

"It's not a level of duel after all."

Everyone watching the battle is not optimistic about Gu Fei, the bloodline of the Supreme Beast Emperor is extraordinary, even if the true quasi-sage meets the blue dragon, it is not necessarily the opponent of the blue dragon.

If Gu Fei is a semi-sage, perhaps he can suppress Qinglong, but now it seems that he is defeated in this battle.

"Master is invincible, how could you lose to Qinglong."

Gu Zhong was unwilling to accept such a result. You must know that hundreds of years ago, this Qinglong, but his master’s men were defeated. He did not think that Qinglong would win this time.

But according to the current situation, Gu Fei’s chance of losing is really great.

"Do not worry……"

Heitian is still calm, even if Gu Fei loses, he won’t worry about his life.


At this moment, Gu Fei had countless lines rushing out of his body, his pierced chest was quickly healed, and the power of the Eclosion Secret Technique was repairing his wounds.

"Even the Ninth Secret of Immortal Dao can't change much."

The icy voice of Qinglong sounded, and the blood shadow pushed forward and made another move. This time, the power of the ancient emperor's law broke Gu Fei's small body.

"Blood can be reborn, I can't kill."

Gu Fei said coldly, his broken half of his body was surging, and his flesh and blood imprisonment instantly reorganized and regenerated, and then completely recovered.

"It's one of the eclosion secrets of the nine secrets of immortality."

Some of the old antiques in the spectator have changed color. This kind of secret technique has unpredictable power. Legend has it that even if the soul is broken by someone, it can reshape the soul with this secret technique.

In that distant age, one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Way, the Eclosion Secret Art, known as the Immortal Secret Art, is really difficult to kill people who have practiced this Secret Art.

Qinglong has no words, actions are much more useful than words,


The blood-colored dragon shadow emerged, and the blood shadow showed great art, and turned into countless dragon shadows. Those dragon shadows swooped towards Gu Fei. Each dragon shadow was intertwined with the dragon patterns like that of the ancestor dragon.

This is the legal power of the ancient supreme beast king,

Obviously, Qinglong is already impatient and wants to end this battle, but are things really developing as he expected?

"Good job."

Gu Fei yelled, and then his figure suddenly became faint and unreal, as if to merge with the void around his body.

"Return to the truth."

Gu Fei showed these two celestial secret arts. The body merged with the void. His faint and unreal figure gave birth to a swallowing force, swallowing it towards the dragon shadow rushing from all directions.

"You are looking for death."

Seeing this, Qinglong couldn't help but feel shocked. The other party wanted to swallow his own bloodline power. This was self-destructive. Can the bloodline power of the Supreme Beast Emperor be swallowed?

"He's crazy."

Outside the Valley of Gods and Demons, everyone watching the battle was shocked. Gu Fei was going to swallow the bloodline power passed down by the ancient emperor. This was crazy.

"Old guy..."

This time, even the dark sky that has always been calm, no longer calm,


The power of swallowing the sky is so powerful that countless dragon shadows rushed into Gu Fei’s faint figure. He wanted to use one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao to transform the blood of Qinglong into power.

"All powers can be transformed into the most primitive state."

Hei Tian was talking to himself, of course he knew what Gu Fei was doing, but after all, this was the bloodline power handed down by the ancient supreme beast emperor and could be transformed by Gu Fei.

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