Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1797: Survived

Xianwu is the same body, Gu Fei is the first person to combine immortality and martial arts in the past. There has never been such a character before.

Of course, there are not no Xianwu fellow practitioners, but most of these people have difficulty growing up, and it is difficult for the world to know their existence.

And Gu Fei is definitely the only immortal warrior who has achieved success in cultivation.

However, in Gu Fei's view, he himself was still a warrior, and Immortal Dao was just an auxiliary function for him, not his root.


Gu Fei's eyebrows burst out of the divine light, and the purple gold sword aura surged above the nine heavens. Everyone felt the fluctuation and felt a chill.


A purple-golden sword rushed out of Gu Fei's Niwan Palace. This was the Dao Sword transformed from his soul, and it was the Dao Divine Sword.

Sword light soared into the sky, strangling towards the eleven vague figures, an innate creature was split in half by the Yuanshen Taoist sword, and dissipated into the void.


The remaining ten figures felt the danger, and they let out a roar and slaughtered towards Gu Fei, just like real innate creatures with flesh and blood.


Endless Tribulation Lei turned into a chaotic magical sword, splitting the void, and slashing towards Gu Fei overwhelmingly. The terrifying blade light was no weaker than Gu Fei's Yuanshen Dao sword.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw this scene, his pupils couldn't help shrinking. This was a great technique displayed by an innate creature. This great technique was terrifying and drew the power of the chaos of heaven and earth.

These innate creatures are all peerlessly powerful, even in the semi-holy realm, it is enough to sweep one side, this is the emperor among the semi-holy, with the same level of invincible style.

"Good job!"

Gu Fei is a natural warrior himself. The stronger the opponent is, the more he can arouse his fighting spirit. He has an invincible heart, and no one can shake his Dao heart.


The Yuanshen Dao Sword shook out countless sword lights, blocking all the Chaos Sword Qi from the chopping, and the Chaos Divine Dao and Yuanshen Dao Sword collided quickly.

But in an instant, Gu Fei's Yuanshen Dao sword collided with the chaotic magic sword evolved from innate creatures no less than 10,000 times, and the entire void was torn into fragments by sword light and sword energy.

It was that other innate creatures were affected and avoided far away.

"Chaos Fist!"

Gu Fei soared into the sky and pounced directly at the innate creature. His pair of fists continued to smash the chaotic sword qi, and slaughtered the innate creature.


Xeon blasted out with a punch, violent to the extreme, shook the sky. This punch definitely had the power to break the sky, and nine chaotic lines appeared on Gu Fei's fist.


The innate creature also directly punched out, head-on with Gu Fei.


The two fists smashed into each other in an instant, a loud noise erupted, and the earth-shaking power collided, and the emptiness of thousands of miles was annihilated.

The remaining nine figures were all swallowed by the annihilated void.

This time the collision shook even Half-Holy Heaven's Tribulation, and the Jie Yun that had covered thousands of miles was disintegrated, and the power of Heaven's Tribulation was greatly reduced.

Gu Fei and the innate creature were moving fast, fighting in the annihilated void, and a little bit of blood splashed out. This was the blood in Gu Fei's body.

The silhouettes of the nine innate creatures that were swallowed into the chaotic void are also approaching Gu Fei. The Tribulation has progressed to the present, and it is about to end.

However, some people have already seen that the power of this heavenly calamity can no longer suppress Gu Fei, and a semi-sage is about to appear in the world. This is one of the newly promoted semi-sages in this world of earth.

In the past 100 years, only Qinglong and a limited number of people among the four ancient tribes of the Southern Wilderness have cultivated to the semi-sacred state.

Several hours passed, an extremely weak sacred aura appeared between the heavens and the earth, no one knew what happened in the heavens, Gu Fei did not fall, and the heavens began to dissipate.


Hei Tian and Gu Zhong rushed over before Jieyun had completely dispersed.

In fact, there was a uniform incarnation of the fierce man from the far north guarding here, no one dared to attack Gu Fei, but Hei Tian and Gu Zhong didn't care about this.

"Surely survived..."

"Although I survived, most of them are half dead. It is not easy to recover."

"When he is weakest, get rid of him!"

No one dared to act rashly. The incarnation of the fierce man in the far north was still there. At this time, to deal with Gu Fei was undoubtedly challenging the dignity of the fierce man.


The broken void was gradually repaired autonomously under the influence of the power of heaven and earth, and the thousands of miles where the war was located were all terrifying space holes.

The heavens and the earth were pierced and torn apart, which shows how tragic the battle between Gu Fei and the twelve innate creatures is, and there is a **** smell in the void.

The innate creatures formed by the power of the tribulation cannot be flesh and blood. There is a smell of blood here, which means that this is the blood of Gu Fei.


"Old and big..."

Gu Zhong and Hei Tian sensed a faint breath of life, and they followed the breath of life to find Gu Fei.

At this time, Gu Fei was extremely miserable. His body was shattered, and only one head was left intact. Next to his eyebrows, there was a blood hole leaking blood.

Broken pieces of flesh floated around Gu Fei's head.

Even if Gu Feixiu had the Eclosion Secret Art, at this time, he could only let the broken flesh pieces gather around his head, making it difficult to reorganize the flesh.

"Is that weak?"

Gu Zhong and Hei Tian felt Gu Fei's state, and couldn't help being shocked to the extreme.

This is a life of nine deaths. If the blood hole on Gu Fei's head is a little bit off, the Niwan Palace in the center of the eyebrow will be pierced.

Of course, Gu Fei is a warrior. Even if he is penetrated by the Niwan Palace, he will not worry about his life. However, the Niwan Palace is the place where the original spirit resides. When the Niwan Palace is penetrated, the original spirit inside must be destroyed. Break up.

At the final moment of the catastrophe, Gu Fei couldn't even reunite the martial arts, let alone the soul? If the soul was broken up, Gu Fei's immortal soul would be cut off.

At this time, Gu Fei's Immortal Spirit was sleeping in the Niwan Palace.

Both the martial arts body and the primordial spirit were severely injured, nine deaths for a lifetime, definitely not an exaggeration, Gu Fei really almost couldn't get through it. It was almost impossible to defeat the twelve innate creatures one by one.

However, Gu Fei did this impossible thing.


Hei Tian opened the Inner Heaven and Earth, collected Gu Fei's head and broken flesh into the Inner Heaven and Earth, then took out the teleportation formation, directly boarded the formation with Gu Zhong, moved the void and flee directly.

Qinglong watched Gu Fei run away, but did not make a move.

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