Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1798: Undercurrent everywhere

Gu Fei survived. This is definitely a miracle in everyone's eyes. Such a catastrophe is rare in ancient times. The number of times it has appeared can be counted by ten fingers.

However, under this mortal catastrophe, Gu Fei had a way out of life, and he firmly grasped the glimmer of life in the dark.

However, even if he survived, Gu Fei’s aura of life was weakened to the extreme, and he could only keep a little real spirit immortal. It was not an easy task to recover.

No one could have imagined that Gu Fei’s battle with Qinglong would reach this point. Gu Fei was ascended to the greatest extent in the battle, triggering a semi-sacred calamity.

How difficult it is to take this step, I am afraid that no one knows better than those old antiques who have stopped at the peak and power level all their lives.

Semi-Holy, stained with the word "Holy", are two different levels from the peak power. Semi-Holy can easily kill the peak power.

Some people have difficulty taking this step in their lives, until they fall, they are all peak powers and it is difficult to break through.

However, Gu Fei successfully took this step. Moreover, he is a warrior. Once this step is taken, among the semi-sages of the same rank, I am afraid that few people will be his opponents.

Even Qinglong can hardly suppress Gu Fei.

Moreover, the bloodline power inspired by Qinglong has been wiped out by Gu Fei. At this time, Qinglong, I am afraid that even his position in the Qinglong clan will not be guaranteed.

The robbery ended, everyone gradually dispersed, and the fierce man from the far north also left.

Half a day later, a strong Demon clan slowly approached the battlefield. The broken void was still not completely repaired. In the dark chaos, there was chaotic energy.

Seeing this scene, even the Mozu giants are discolored,

That heavenly tribulation was so terrible that it destroyed the void of a party of heaven and earth to such an extent. This type of tribulation is probably the strongest tribulation among the semi-holy heavenly tribulations.

Gu Fei survived. This result made Gu Fei’s opponents very uneasy. They knew that once Gu Fei recovered, they would be unlucky.

The people of Huanggu Zhao’s family can’t sit still, Gu Fei and them have a great enmity. This kind of enmity is impossible to resolve. There is a war between the two parties.

Someone wanted to get rid of Gu Fei when his vitality was severely injured.

Some old antiques are dispatched. They need to find Gu Fei to remove this serious problem. Otherwise, let Gu Fei grow, it will be a disaster for them.

A successful martial artist, in the distant past, can be called an invincible existence. Although Gu Fei’s cultivation has not yet reached that level, he has already taken the most critical step.

The semi-saint-level martial artist can definitely walk sideways in the human world and can fight against the quasi-saint.

"Unexpectedly, he would survive."

After the 100,000 war, a chariot stopped above the sky, surrounded by fire, and the flames rose, like a round of Shenyang hanging on, releasing terrible heat.

This is the Lihuo chariot of the Suzaku clan. It is a sacred weapon made by an old ancestor who was reorganized. This chariot is now the vehicle of the little princess of the Suzaku clan.

"The descendants of the Wuzu line have already appeared, which is really interesting."

Another voice came from the chariot of fire,

"In this world, some people who have disappeared may also be time to return."

The little princess Suzaku sighed. The arrival of this great world also foreshadows a storm sweeping the entire cultivation world.

Now, this super storm is still brewing, and it only takes one fuse to trigger this storm.

"Let's go, we have to prepare too."

Another voice sounded,

No one can think of it, there is another person on the car of Little Princess Suzaku,

Soon, the chariot from the fire disappeared into the sky,

Just as the chariot from the fire was leaving, a figure appeared above the sky. This person was the madman of the white tiger clan, Tiger Emperor,


Tiger Emperor looked in the direction where the chariot from the fire disappeared, then gave a cold snort, then turned and left.

The four ancient tribes of the Southern Wilderness are not as united as they seem on the surface. The competition between the four ancient tribes is also fierce. There seems to be some festival between the little princess Vermillion and Tiger Emperor.

Little Princess Suzaku and Tiger Emperor are definitely one of the most amazing figures among the four ancient tribes in the Southern Wilderness.


As everyone withdrew from the Demon Realm, there was a terrifying Demon Howl from the depths of the Demon Realm. A Demon clan giant came out, and the monstrous demon energy enveloped the entire world.

A huge magic shadow loomed in the magic energy,

The demon giants in the demon realm were frightened by the fierce man in the far north and did not dare to jump out. Once the fierce man in the far north left, these giants would have no scruples.

"Find that human race and kill it."

Some Mozu giants made such a sound. The Mozu and Wuzu line were unending enemies in the distant past. The Demon clan giants did not want to see the descendants of the Wuzu line really grow up.

On this day, the entire cultivation world was full of undercurrents, and even the Demon Race sent strong men to chase and kill Gu Fei.

These people only have one idea, that is, taking advantage of Gu Fei's vitality to be severely injured, they want to kill him. You must know that once Gu Fei has recovered his vitality, he will be a supreme semi-sage.

This is not a legend. Gu Fei’s performance has been enough to prove it.

And when these forces shot the strong to chase and kill Gu Fei, Gu Fei and the others had already left the Shiwan Dashan Mountain and did not even return to the Dragon Emperor City.

The Dragon Imperial City is not safe anymore,

The Southern Wilderness is the territory of the four great ancient clans. Even the forces of the Huanggu Zhou family can hardly reach into the Dragon Imperial City. A peerless figure appeared in the Huanggu Zhou family.

The ancient Zhou family can occupy one area among the 100,000 mountains. This is not lucky, but their family has such strength.

As the descendants of the ancient human emperor, the ancient Zhou family has a profound background, even if it is the demon realm in the same hundred thousand mountains, it is not willing to easily provoke the Zhou family.

The peerless figure who emerged from the Zhou family is very mysterious. No one has seen his true face. However, this man's record is extraordinary. This man once went deep into the Demon Realm and killed more than one great demon, which attracted the demon giants to personally pursue and kill. ,

However, even if the Mozu giant made the move, he did not leave this person from the ancient Zhou family, and was easily escaped from the Demon Realm by this person.

This mysterious man has a title, that is, Emperor Zhou. Some people compare him with the emperor of the ancient youth. This emperor of Zhou is indeed much inferior to the emperor when he was young.

"Boss, why did we come to a place where birds don't shed **** and turtles don't lay eggs."

In the boundless mountains of the Southern Wilderness, three figures appeared in a barren mountain range,

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