Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1799: Lurking

There are basically no trees in this barren mountain range. Even if there are, there are only a few low and yellow trees swaying in the mountain breeze.

Gu Fei and the others walked all the way, and they saw that they were either rocks or sand, flowers and grasses were extinct, and there were many dead trees standing in the mountains. These dead trees only had trunks left, almost decayed.

"How could this place be like this."

Gu Fei and the others saw that some withered bones were scattered among these dead trees. This area seemed to have been vibrant, but now it is lifeless.

This barren mountain occupies thousands of miles of territory, which is insignificant and unremarkable among the endless mountains of the Southern Wilderness.

Moreover, there is no aura here, the aura is so thin that it is almost negligible, all this seems a bit abnormal,

"That's it."

Gu Fei decided to stay here, no one would have thought that he would go to such a place with thin spiritual energy to practice.

According to normal thinking, Gu Fei was looking for a place full of spiritual energy to restore his vitality, because his vitality was extremely weak and his body had been emptied.

What he needs most now is aura,

They immediately walked into the depths of this Fangshan ridge, where, there was a cliff, under the cliff, there were countless rocks scattered, and they found that behind the rock, there was a dark hole.


When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but nod their heads. Such a place is really good. Hei Tian immediately started to arrange formations around the cliff, and the formations flew out of his hands and imprinted into the surrounding world.

It seems that only Hei Tian can do this method of emptiness and formation in the entire human world.

Gu Fei walked into the black hole, and saw many traces of animals moving inside, and there were scratches on the surrounding rock walls.

Obviously, a fierce beast once lived in this cave.

Gu Fei wanted to restore his vitality, and he needed a huge amount of heaven and earth essence. The martial arts power in his body was almost exhausted.

Only a little chaos in the dantian,

He does not lack the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. What he has to do now is to try his best not to be discovered by others before regaining his vitality. He knows that there are many people outside who want to kill themselves while they are weak.

However, how could his life of Gu Fei be so easily taken away?

So far, all those who wanted Gu Fei’s life were beheaded by him.

After Gu Fei entered the cave, Heitian and Gu Zhong stayed outside. Although this place is inconspicuous, it is hard to guarantee that no one will find it here.

Heitian is a very careful person. It is because of his carefulness that he can live till now.

In the cave, the ancient Frisbee sat on the ground, and the surrounding aura was so thin that it was too unrealistic to absorb the aura from the heavens and the earth.

What he wants to go now is to mobilize the power of the three inner worlds in his body to replenish his vitality.

At this time, his condition was very bad. He could only reorganize his martial arts reluctantly. Now he only needs a fairy **** to kill Gu Fei.

"Too weak."

Gu Fei sensed his own state and couldn't help shaking his head.

The primordial spirit in the center of his eyebrows also fell completely silent. The primordial spirit fell into a deep sleep. Only when his martial art returned to its peak state, the primordial spirit sleeping in the Niwan Palace had a chance to recover.

Gu Fei adjusted his martial arts, and then began to guide the heaven and earth spirits in the inner world.

The place where his dantian was, gradually lit up. It was aura visible to the naked eye, and countless auras spread from the location of his dantian to the whole body.

Gu Fei’s martial art is like a dead tree in spring, and under the nourishment of a little bit of spiritual light, it regains its vigorous vitality.


Under the nourishment of spiritual energy, Gu Fei was so comfortable that he almost groaned.

The vitality in his body is quickly recovering, and the martial arts real power is gradually increasing. The real power was like a stream at first, but it did become a river later.

The real power of martial arts flowed rapidly in his body, and the sound of gusts of wind and thunder gradually spread from his body.

Muscles and bones were shaking, and some of the dark injuries in Gu Fei's body began to heal.

He didn't dare to be careless, began to operate the Eclosion Secret Art, re-tempered the martial arts, all the hidden injuries disappeared, and his martial arts completely recovered.

His mind gradually became immersed in the cultivation, forgetting the world, forgetting where he was, and letting his thoughts drift above the Jiutian Palace.


Just when Gu Fei entered the cultivation state, a devilish chariot appeared thousands of miles away from the barren land where Gu Fei and them were.

A vague demon shadow stood on the chariot, a pair of blood-colored pupils glanced in all directions,

Under the cliff in the depths of the barren land, the black sky has laid a huge array of deception, blinding all auras, even if someone passes over the cliff, they can’t find anyone lurking under the cliff.

"Where is that Terran warrior hiding?"

Above the chariot, the demon was talking to himself, this is a great demon that came out of the demon realm in the depths of a hundred thousand mountains, extremely powerful,

On the old chariot, there was dissatisfaction with the marks after the swords, spears, swords and halberds. The owner of the chariot is definitely a powerful demon who has experienced many battles.

"Old demon, you dare to walk out of the hundred thousand mountains."

Suddenly, a loud shout came, and a figure appeared in the sky, and walked towards the demon shadow step by step. Nine immortals divine light lingered on this person.

Like the immortal deity above the nine heavens descending to the earth, this is a middle-aged Daoist with black beard wearing a purple golden Taoist crown, wearing a purple silk celestial garment, and holding up and down.

"act recklessly."

The demon shadow standing on the chariot sneered, stretched out his big hand directly, and grabbed the middle-aged Taoist who was coming.

A **** hand appeared in the void, and instantly enveloped the void within a radius of more than a dozen li, and patted the middle-aged Taoist.

The void is collapsing, the mighty power of the magic way is surging, and this big monster has shown great combat power.

"this is……"

The middle-aged Taoist was taken aback. This great demon is not easy. Once it is shot, it is the great magical power among the demon clan. The hand of the demon is extremely powerful.


Void trembles, a round of purple divine sun emerges behind the middle-aged Taoist's head, and the divine realm appears in the hands of the Taoist. The Taoist holds the divine realm and radiates towards the demon hand he grabbed.


The purple golden light instantly penetrated the magic hand that was captured, and the middle-aged Taoist rushed out.

"Ziyang Mirror."

The demon shadow above the chariot seemed to be taken aback, staring at the purple bronze mirror on the opponent's hand with **** eyes, almost scrupulous.

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