Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1831: News from Shangqingzong

Gu Fei defeated the gods and demons. Such a record shocked everyone, even some of the older generations were very jealous of him.

Experts in the cultivation world are respected. Even some of the older generations are not necessarily Gu Fei’s opponents. Among Semi-Holy, he is almost invincible.

However, many people have various methods to instantly improve their cultivation and combat power. That Qiu Ruthless and the last hole cards were not used in the battle against Gu Fei.

People who have come out of the forbidden area of ​​life all rely on it. Such a strong heritage is difficult for the world to truly understand.

Ten days were not short. Gu Fei and others lived in a courtyard provided by Zhong Limeng. Zhong Limeng could make friends with Gu Fei. She knew that with Gu Fei’s cultivation base and strength, he must be on the road to sanctification. name,

In this life, it is the golden momentum of eternal life. The struggle on the road to life must be unprecedentedly fierce. This is destined to be a road built of blood and bones.

Since the later period of the great famine, sanctification has become the goal for all beings in the Three Realms and Six Paths to fight for. As long as there is a glimmer of hope of sanctification, no one is willing to give up.

Because as long as it becomes a sage, the avenue of heaven and earth will be stepped under the feet of the sages, and it is invincible in nine heavens and ten earths, unless it is born from the supreme path, otherwise, there is only one role between heaven and earth, that is, holy.

"Hmph, that guy Long Overbearing has been like a flea these days, jumping around, seeming to date a lot of people."

Hei Tian is back. He is not a master who can calm down. If he doesn't find something to do, his hands will be itchy and uncomfortable. In the past few days, some precious treasures have been stolen from time to time in Dragon Emperor City.

Gu Fei and the others don’t need to ask, he must have done it.

Moreover, when this guy got crazy, his six relatives didn’t recognize him, and even a magical medicine kept in Zhong Li’s family was stolen by this guy, causing Zhong Li’s family to be in chaos for a few days.

In the end, Zhong Limeng came to the other hospital and complained to Gu Fei before he got back the magical medicine.

"Uncle Hei, if you want a magical medicine, just ask my master for it. Isn't it a magical medicine? My master has so many." Gu Zhong said.

"Hey, itchy hands for a while, no way."

Heitian's old face blushed, a little embarrassed,

The magical medicine of Zhongli Family’s family is not a peerless magical medicine, but only has a climate of seven or eight thousand years, and it is not a small medicine king at all.

However, this magical medicine clock has been cultivated for thousands of years from the aristocratic family. If it is really not recovered, it is estimated that the ancestor who cultivated the magical medicine of Zhongli family will vomit blood.

"This guy hasn't changed his thief."

Gu Fei couldn't help shook his head. He had a lot of magical medicine, and there were magical medicines around those few mouthfuls of life **** spring, small medicine king, big medicine king, and even immortal medicine.

If anyone in this world lacks magic medicine, it is definitely Gu Fei.

"Master, we really want to explore that sage cave mansion."

Gu Zhong said that this overbearing dragon not only made an appointment with them, but also made an appointment with other people. What is he doing? Don’t you know the truth that there are more monks and less porridge?

If ordinary people discover the cave mansion of ancient sages, how can they be known to everyone in this way, of course, they can’t let others know, and then go to explore treasures by themselves.

Unless the formation of the cave mansion is very powerful, even the people of the gods beyond the sky are difficult to break, so they have to let the dragon come out to make appointments and use the power of others to break the formation.

"We just do what we see."

Gu Fei said, they haven't broken through anywhere, even the immortal city left by the supreme, can it be that an ancient saint’s cave can't enter,

Heitian and Gu nodded. Although Gu Fei said lightly, it was the cave house of ancient sages after all. It was extraordinary. If you were not careful, you might be planted somewhere.

"You guys prepare, there are still a few hours we will go to meet that dragon overbearing."

Gu Fei looked at the sky, and then said,


Gu Zhong and Lao Jiao stepped back, but Hei Tian didn't leave. He directly took out a pot of Qiongye Jade Liquid and poured it out to drink.

"You will enjoy it."

Gu Fei couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this.

"Boss, there is something wrong with what I think, this overbearing dragon might be really doing some conspiracy."

Heitian was a little uneasy. Long's domineering behavior was too unusual. No one knew what his purpose was for doing this. But when his cultivation reached the level of Heitian, he was still somewhat accurate in his sense of unknown danger.

"No matter what plots he has, these are useless to me."

Gu Fei was very confident. Although he couldn't see through the truth and truth of the dragon's domineering, but that dragon's domineering was better than the first person who came out of the sea of ​​falling gods.

After chatting a few words, Gu Fei also turned around and went back to the room.

"Tian Wai Tian..."

In the courtyard, Heitian was left alone drinking,

When the evening came, the sunset was like blood, and there were a few **** clouds floating in the sky, a line of birds returned, flew south, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

"it's time."

In the courtyard room, Gu Fei, who was sitting on a futon, opened his eyes.

At this time, Zhong Limeng also came to this courtyard. In fact, the moment Zhong Limeng stepped into this courtyard, Gu Fei knew she was coming.

At this time, Gu Zhong, Lao Jiao, and Hei Tian all walked out, came to Gu Fei’s door, and waited quietly outside the door.

Gu Fei was not in a hurry, he stood up unhurriedly, and then sorted out his clothes before opening the door of the room and walking out.

"Let's go."

Gu Fei just glanced at everyone and walked towards the courtyard.

"Brother Gu, how about taking me."

At this time, Zhong Limeng hurriedly said that she was well informed and naturally knew that the dragon overbearing had been making appointments in Dragon City for the past ten days.

The cave house left by the ancient sages has an irresistible attraction to all those who aspire to become holy.

However, the people invited by Dragon Domineering are the top figures in the Southern Wilderness, or the hegemon from other regions. Zhong Limeng’s cultivation base is not that strong, so naturally he cannot enter the eyes of Dragon Domination.

Moreover, Zhong Limeng and Long Domineering didn’t actually have any close friends, but they were just ordinary nodding acquaintances. Naturally, Long Domineering would not take her to explore the sage’s cave.

This Zhonglimeng is also ambitious, she is unwilling to be content with the status quo,

"bring you."

Gu Fei was startled when he heard this. He hadn't really thought that Zhong Limeng would go to visit the ancient sage’s cave. No wonder she appeared here on time.

"Bring a burden."

Hei Tian glanced at Zhong Limeng, with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, this Zhonglimeng is inferior to the old Jiao. It is inconvenient to bring her in the way, and he will not spend time looking after this woman.

"How about, take me."

Zhong Limeng really wanted to see it. She knew that only Gu Fei could protect herself in that kind of place. If she changed to someone else, she wouldn’t worry.

Gu Fei shook his head. The ancient sage’s cave mansion is not an ordinary place. If the place can’t be attacked by the people of the gods beyond the sky, there is definitely a big risk.

"Brother Gu, if I know where the Shangqing Sect is, can you take me there."

Seeing that Gu Fei was about to leave, Zhong Limeng hurriedly said such words.


Gu Fei couldn't help changing his color when he heard this. Zhong Limeng knew where the Shangqing Sect was, but when he thought about it, he knew that Zhong Limeng didn't need to lie to himself.

The Shangqing Sect has been hidden, no one knows where the people of the Shangqing Sect are. Gu Fei knows that it is almost impossible to find the Shangqing Sect on his own.

"it is good."

Gu Fei nodded. The Shangqing Sect and the Guangchengxian School are the two main road gates among the world’s three main road gates. In the past, the three main road gates were so powerful in the world world, but now, the three main road gates are no longer worthy of the truth.

The Taixuan Gate was destroyed, the Shangqing Sect was hidden from the world, and the Guangchengxian Sect belonged to the Huanggu Zhou family. All of this happened during these centuries.

Gu Fei wanted to find out Shang Qingzong, so he agreed to Zhong Limeng’s request.

"She knows where the Shangqing Sect is, it is true or not."

Gu Zhong and Hei Tian didn’t believe it that much. You know, the Shang Qing Sect has been hidden for hundreds of years, and even the ancient forces don’t know where this sect is.

Zhong Li’s family is not a top cultivating power in the Southern Wilderness.

At this time, the time to meet the dragon's domineering approach was almost up. Gu Fei and the others did not hesitate anymore. They came to the courtyard, then soared into the sky, and flew towards the royal sky outside the Dragon Imperial City.

Just when Gu Fei and the others set off, on a hill thousands of miles south of the Dragon Emperor City, there were a dozen people standing. None of these people spoke. There was a roar of mountain wind blowing from the hill, and then There is no sound anymore,

"Brother Long, it's been half an hour, can that person come yet."

Suddenly, a voice rang, and a middle-aged monk spoke. He seemed to be a little impatient in waiting.

"Who the **** is that person, who wants us to wait so long."

When the middle-aged monk spoke, the others were no longer silent.

Each of these dozens of people is extremely powerful. It was Qiu Ruqing who fought against Gu Fei ten days ago. At this time, he also stood among this group of people.

"Wait, everyone, that person will come, and we will set off as soon as that person arrives."

Long domineering said, he is a little anxious, Gu Fei has not come for a long time, he is a little hard to suppress these people, you know, these people are the existence of a hegemony level.

On the top of the mountain, there is also a teleportation formation, which is prepared by the dragon overbearing. As long as the people arrive, they will use the teleportation formation to directly teleport to the vicinity of the ancient sage’s cave.

"Hmph, who is that person? It's worth waiting for so long."

These people came early in the morning, but they didn’t know that the person Long Overbearing was waiting for was Gu Fei.

"With that person's action, our chances of breaking through the war under the ancient sages will be half greater." Long overbearing said such words,

"Could that person..."

Someone thought of a person,

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