Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1832: Half holy beast

"It's really him."

When Gu Fei and his party arrived, everyone was taken aback. It was this person that Long overbearing really invited. This is a ruthless character.

It’s no wonder that Dragon domineeringly said that with this person, the chance of successfully breaking through the ancient sage’s great formation is half greater.

Gu Fei’s combat power is obvious to all. Qinglong and Qiu Ruqing are not his opponents. It can be said that the same rank is already invincible. Among his peers, almost no one is his opponent.

"set off."

When Gu Fei arrived, Long Badao directly activated the formation. Everyone boarded the formation, and then disappeared on the formation in a flash of divine light.

Move the void with the formation. This transmission method can avoid the tracking of some strong people. Of course, this is still risky, because if it is like Fengdu Ghost Emperor, even if the formation is used, it will still be unable to get rid of it. The tracking of the strong of this series,

"These people are very careful."

After Gu Fei and the others disappeared, several figures appeared on the top of the mountain. When these people arrived, the aura of the entire formation completely disappeared.

After the aura completely disappeared, the formation began to crack and then turned into a pile of dust.

Most of the formations are made of spiritual stones or jade with spiritual energy. When the spiritual energy in these spiritual stones and jade is exhausted, they will turn into dust.

The battlefield collapsed and turned into dust, leaving nothing behind,

On the top of the mountain, those figures looked around the pile of dust formed by the formation, then left, the formation was no longer there, and they couldn't track Gu Fei, Long Overbearing and others at all.

"This is where."

After just a few breaths, Gu Fei and the others came to a desolate place. Under their feet was a formation. After they came here, this formation did not crumble into powder.

What you can see here is a kind of red sandstone. On the ground and on the hills, there are no creatures, not even a dead grass.

"this is……"

Gu Fei frowned. With his eyesight, he couldn't see the living area and couldn't sense the breath of life.

"how can that be……"

When someone looked up to the sky, they saw that the sky above everyone’s head turned out to be a big star of life that was so large that it was convulsive.

"That is Tamron Continent, and it can also become Tamron Star."

Long overbearing said, the big star of life is terrifying, even if the cultivation base reaches the realm of Gu Fei and Heitian, it is shocked to the extreme.

"We actually left the Tamron Continent."

Someone exclaimed, this is really too amazing, but after a few breaths, they left the huge and incomparable life star.

And where they are now is a barren star in the starry sky, where there is no life, as you can see, it is all red sand or hills.

Of course, there are no mountains here. The terrain is simple and single, with sand and hills.

"The ancient sage's cave mansion is on this big star."

Someone expressed their doubts, how could the ancient sage’s cave mansion be in this barren land? This seems a bit unusual.

The place where the ancient sage’s cave mansion is located, at least should be a cave heaven.

"Such a distance..."

Gu Fei was moved by the fact that between those few breaths, they actually came to a star far away from the great star Tenglong.

The people who came out of the sacred mountain beyond the sky really have some abilities.

Even a cultivator like Gu Fei who has the world’s fastest speed would take a lot of time to fly back to the big life star above his head.

Some people can’t help but change their color after recognizing where they are.

"Brother Long, you are a bit too much."

Some people are upset. They never thought that the cave house of some ancient sage was not in the Tenglong Continent, but on a barren star.

"Hehe, I never said that the ancient sage's cave mansion was on the Dragon Continent."

Long domineering said,

"Since we are here, let's explore the sage cave mansion."

Gu Fei spoke aloud. They came here for only one purpose, that is, the Saint’s Cave, and it was the Saint’s Cave that attracted these people here.

"Not bad."

Qiu, who has not spoken, also nodded ruthlessly.

When everyone heard the words, they didn't say anything. Since they have already arrived here, it seems impossible not to go to the ancient saint’s cave.


At this moment, a muffled noise suddenly came from a distance, and everyone felt a shock from the ground under their feet.

"what happened……"

When everyone was in a state of uncertainty, Gu Fei and others had already soared into the sky, rushing towards the direction of the sound.

When everyone saw this scene, they suddenly woke up, and quickly rose into the air, chasing in the direction where Gu Fei and them disappeared.


The earth quaked, and below the earth in front, there were waves of air rising into the sky from time to time, forming red air pillars, each of which was thousands of feet long.

A strong wave spread from the depths of the earth,

"it is as expected."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, this big star does not want to be as calm as it seems on the surface, there are powerful creatures fighting under the earth.


At this moment, the ground in front of everyone suddenly collapsed, and then, a huge creature broke out of the ground, and a powerful and dangerous aura spread from the creature’s body.

"A big scorpion."

Everyone was taken aback. The creature that rushed out of the ground was actually a huge black scorpion as big as a mountain.


In another place, a big scarlet snake rushed out, the powerful force fluctuating in all directions, this is a terrifying beast, extremely powerful,

The scorpion fought against the red snake.

Gu Fei and the others did not make a move. They were shocked. The cultivation and combat power of these two fierce beasts were both semi-sacred. No one could have imagined that there was such a series above a barren big star. The beast exists,

The semi-sage fierce beast is extremely powerful, the black scorpion and the scarlet serpent are fighting, the whole area is collapsing, the void is shaking, and the power of destruction is sweeping.

The arrival of the crowd also shocked the two half-holy fierce beasts that were fighting together.

With the arrival of more than a dozen powerful beings, the powerful aura radiating from them gathered together, and it was enough to frighten the semi-holy beast.

The two semi-sage fierce beasts stopped,


A figure rushed up, a shocking murderous aura erupted from the figure, a black divine light flashed by, and the huge scorpion was instantly split into two.

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