Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1833: Ancient Black Gold Ant

The red stars seem to have no life on the surface, but here are powerful semi-holy beasts fighting.

Gu Fei and the others set foot on this star to find the cave house of the ancient sages.

A black scorpion as huge as a mountain, fighting with a big scarlet snake, the two fierce beasts are both powerful semi-sacred existences, and the tragic aura that exudes is vast.

Qiu Ruqing shot at this time,


A black light flashed by, and the huge mountain-like scorpion was split in half, and the stench of black blood spilled from the sky, like a rain of black blood.


Everyone’s hearts were shaken, this autumn’s ruthless combat power was indeed amazing, you know, it was a half-holy beast, it was cut in half by him.


The black big halberd shook, and even the black scorpion’s primordial spirit was shaken away, completely wiped out.


At this moment, the big scarlet snake that was fighting with the black scorpion rushed down from the sky and broke through the ground directly, trying to escape from the ground.


As long as Qiu is ruthless,

At this moment, a divine arrow shot from Qiu Ruqing's side and directly hit the big scarlet snake. The big scarlet snake immediately hissed, and the whole body was enveloped by a violent fire.

The sacred fire was burned out of the red divine body, and there were lines flickering in the fire

This is a kind of Dao fire. It is terrible. It can burn the soul and body of living beings. Even a half-holy fierce beast can only be destroyed by this Dao fire.

Soon, the red snake was burned to ashes by the fire,

The person who shot was a masked woman. This woman held a divine bow in her hand. There was a fire lingering on the divine bow, giving people a hot feeling.

"The master of the Suzaku tribe."

Everyone was taken aback. They didn't expect this woman to have such combat power, and could easily kill the powerful semi-holy beast.

The semi-holy beast, its wisdom is no worse than the human race, especially this powerful beast that has lived for countless years.

The people invited by Dragon Domination are extraordinary.

Gu Fei and Hei Tian looked at each other. They felt a pressure on the woman holding the divine bow. This was a strong opponent.

No one knows the origins of this woman except Dragon Domineering,

"Okay, let's continue on the road."

Dragon Domineering knew where the ancient sage’s cave mansion was. He led everyone forward. The big red star was so big that it didn’t seem to be smaller than any area on the Dragon Continent.

Of course, compared to Tamron Star, this big red star is actually nothing at all, not even one hundred thousandth of Tamron Star.

There are no such stars in the vast sea of ​​stars,

No one would have thought that there would be a cave house left by ancient sages hidden on the big red star that can often be seen in the starry sky.

After the crowd had traveled thousands of miles, there was another terrible fluctuation in front of them. Soon, everyone saw a scene that made them creepy.

I saw that the ground in front was densely packed with black ants the size of a fist. These black ants, like those made of metal, have black light circulating.

"What is this."

Everyone was shocked to the extreme. This group of black ants gathered into a black torrent, rushing from the front, wherever they passed, the red ground was covered by black ants.

A black ant is not terrible, but it will be terrible if it comes to a large group, endless.

The terrible aura formed by countless black ants, even the existence of the semi-holy class, can’t help but feel palpitations. This is the so-called ants that can kill elephants if they are too many.

"what is that……"

Hei Tian’s eyes were sharp, and he suddenly saw black dots above the ant colony in front of him. Those black dots moved very fast and came to the front in the blink of an eye.


Everyone’s surprise was really extraordinary. Those little black spots turned out to be a flying black ant. This kind of flying black ant is different from the black ant on the ground. There are flying black ants on the ground. Strips of golden markings,

"Are these black ants actually extinct black gold ants?"

The voice of the masked woman rang,

"Black Gold Ant."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help changing their color. This kind of ant is a kind of terrible ant that appeared in ancient times. This kind of ant specializes in metal as food, so it is also called gold-eating ants.

The body of this black gold ant is very powerful, an ordinary magic weapon, it won’t move at all.

However, this kind of gold-eating ant also has its weakness, that is, it is afraid of sacred fire, which can overcome gold. This is the fatal weakness of black gold ants.

"Everyone looked at the mysterious woman."

This woman is a Huo Xiu and she is wearing a sacred fire. I am afraid that she has long been trained to perfect the fire, and she also has a divine bow that can shoot a divine rocket.


Just when everyone was hesitating, the flying black gold ants had already flown to everyone, overwhelming the sky, densely packed, making people startled.


The masked woman shot her hand, and saw that she just waved her hand, and a piece of sacred fire rushed out of her hand, swept all over, burning the flying black gold ants to ashes.


Countless black gold ants were burned by the sacred fire, making a strange noise, falling from the sky one after another, and then turning into fly ash, dissipating in the void.

The five elements regenerate and restrain each other, the black gold ant swallows fine gold, and has a powerful body that is difficult for a **** soldier to cut, but it is afraid of the burning of the fire.

The masked woman emitted a divine fire. Soon, a large number of black gold ants were burned to death. The remaining black gold ants seemed to sense the danger and fled in all directions.

"There seems to be an ant king among these black gold ants."

Hei Tian couldn't help being moved when he saw this scene. The black gold ant swallows the fine gold. After countless years of transformation, he can transform into a powerful ant king.

The ant emperor is different from the ordinary black golden ants. The ant emperor has already opened up his wisdom, knows how to cultivate, and is not weaker than the previous two semi-holy beasts.

"Ant King."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this. The average black gold ant is nothing, but the ant king makes everyone very jealous. You must know that the ant king has at least half-holy combat power.

Moreover, this ant king can control countless black gold ants,

"Brother Long, where exactly is this, how can such ancient creatures exist."

Someone asked Long domineeringly,

This big red star is not simple. Even the extinct ancient creatures have appeared. It is hard for them to imagine that there is something waiting for them.

"Brother Hong, if the ancient sage’s cave was so easy to get in and out, that cave would have been evacuated by the ancestor of my clan. Can it be our turn?"

Long domineering said,

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