Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1845: Xianjia Tiandi

A powerful quasi-sage died here and was blasted into a pile of minced meat. Seeing this scene, no one remained unmoved. This person should be one of the twelve and a half-sages invited by Dragon Domineering.

This is a hero-level existence, but he died in this place,

"This guy is unlucky enough."

Hei Tian said that there were no other people's corpses around. The group of Dragon Domineering seemed to have just died. Where did the others go?

Everyone discovered that there were many fragments of artifacts in this pile of minced meat. When this man was robbed, he wanted to contend with the power of the Saint King’s Great Array.

But obviously, under the bombardment of the power of the Saint King’s Great Array, this person had no resistance at all and was bombarded and killed here.

The people continued to move forward, and they found that the Dragon Domineering people had actually entered the depths of the great formation along this path. No wonder they could escape the Dragon Domination.

"Could it be that there is also a master of formation among them."

The old Jiao expressed his doubts, you must know that the reason why they can continue to move forward is because of the existence of Heitian, the master of the formation.

The big formation is constantly changing. Only those who are proficient in the formation, but also those at the master-level of the formation, can barely walk in this formation.

Of course, even so, it is very dangerous,

If it weren’t for Gu Fei’s move, even Hei Tian would have died in this big formation, let alone walk through it.

During the deduction process, Hei Tian was bombarded from the sky with destroying lightning from time to time. Had it not been for the protection of the power of Shanheding, he would have died many times.

The saint king-level formation is not so easy to break into.

Under the protection of Shanheding’s power, everyone continued to move forward. Although they encountered powerful bombardments from a large array several times, they were all shocking and not dangerous.

Soon, a big mountain appeared in front of everyone, and the world in front suddenly became clear, without the gray feeling.

A vast and vast aura rushed towards the face, refreshing the spirit,

"this is……"

"A fairyland."

The scenery around the big mountain ahead is like a fairyland, with waterfalls and springs, white clouds lingering, at the foot of the mountain, small bridges and flowing water, and the red wall hall tiles looming under the cover of the weeping willows,

A fairy family,

"I will go out in a dozen miles away, Master Hei, work harder."

Gu Zhong, Lao Jiao and others couldn't help being very nervous. They were going to enter the fairy family world in front of them. Don’t ask, the front is the cave of ancient sages.


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the mountain, and a strange beast jumped out of the mountain, and the powerful breath stunned the birds in the forest.

"What it is."

Everyone was taken aback, and the strange beast disappeared in the mountains and disappeared.

"They got on board first because of the dragon's dominance."

The mysterious woman's brows wrinkled. Obviously, Long Badao and others have entered the fairy family world ahead. Long Badao has a map in his hand, which has an advantage over everyone.

"Drive me."

Hei Tian made an all-out effort. In his eyes, there were endless formation patterns intertwined. He was fully deducing the formation in front of him. At this moment, the role of the master of formation completely broke out.

Numerous formation patterns rushed out of Heitian's body, branding in all directions. The formation patterns drew the power of the heavens and the earth, and showed signs of changing the surrounding void.

At this moment, Hei Tian is like a great sage of formation, and all the killing formations are under his control.


The power of the Saint King’s Great Array is surging from heaven and earth towards Heitian, and at this time, a road of divine light appeared in front of Heitian.


The Shenguang Avenue stretched to the feet of everyone, and was then led out by this Shenguang Avenue, but in an instant, Gu Fei and the others stepped across a distance of more than a dozen miles to set foot on which fairy family world,

"You are here too."

Just when Gu Fei and the others set foot on which fairy family heaven and earth, a person suddenly walked out of the woods, a Taoist with black beard and chest.

"Brother Hong."

When the mysterious woman saw this Taoist, she recognized him. This person was one of the twelve masters invited by Long Domineering, named Hong Tong.

"Why are you here."

Hei Tian’s power of formation has not completely retreated. At this time, he was covered in black hair without wind, his eyes were as sharp as cold electricity.

A powerful breath came out from Heitian's body,

"The Great Master of Formation is indeed well-deserved."

The Hongtong people took a look at Hei Tian and was also surprised secretly. No wonder this group of people can enter this world without following the dragon overbearing. The role of the master of formation cannot be replaced in this place.

"Hmph, I'm so angry when I say that, that dragon overbearing actually dumped us all."

Hong Tong told his previous experience, that dragon overbearing was really uneasy and kind, and even after entering this fairy family world, he dumped everyone and broke into the depths of this fairy family world alone.

"Moreover, this place is not very peaceful. There are extremely powerful beasts here, and some people have died under the claws of these beasts."

The Hongtong people said such words,


Everyone was shocked when they heard this, the fierce beast here is so powerful that it can kill the semi-holy.

Everyone is a little bit unbelieving that they can kill half-holy beasts, then aren’t these beasts at least half-holy level beasts?

"These fierce beasts are all ancient alien species, extremely powerful."

Hong Tong said,

"The ancient alien species, is it a fierce beast raised by the ancient sage?"

This is the Xianjia Cave Sky, and there is only one reason why there can be fierce beasts. That is that the ancient sage raised a lot of fierce beasts. After the ancient sage fell, this place became the site of these beasts.


At this moment, another beast roar sounded from the mountain, and then everyone heard a shout from the mountain.


The breath of saints is lingering, the power of semi-sacred is exploding,

"Someone has encountered a fierce beast."

Everyone was taken aback, especially Zhong Limeng. Her cultivation level was not enough. If she encounters a semi-holy beast, she will only have one end and become food for the beast.


Qiu Ruqing and the mysterious woman suddenly disappeared, and both of them rushed out.

Gu Fei and the others were not in a hurry. They walked in the direction of the fluctuation, and the Hongtong people also rushed out, but his cultivation and strength seemed to be somewhat different from Qiu Ruqing and the mysterious woman.

"Follow me to keep you safe."

Gu Fei suddenly turned around and said to Zhong Limeng,

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