Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1846: Scarlet Beast King

In the world of immortals, spiritual energy rises everywhere, there are beasts walking in the mountains, there are fairy birds flying in the sky, and rainbows can be seen from time to time in the sky.

"Sure enough to be a sage Dongtian."

Everyone can’t help but admire, the concentration of aura here is definitely ten times, or even dozens of times, that of the outside world. In some places, even powerful vitality is rising.

This cave sky is definitely not inferior to the ancestors of some wild ancient forces.

"It would be great if we could take away this world."

Heitian is talking to himself, you know, this is the world left by the ancient sage, and it is probably the inner world that was refined by the ancient sage.

"It's not difficult to refine this world."

Gu Fei said,

"I know too, but the problem is that it is definitely not that easy to get."

After Hei Tian heard Gu Fei’s words, his eyes suddenly lit up, but then the divine light in his eyes dimmed. It is not an easy task to refine the world left by an ancient sage.

"Don't forget that the dragon's dominance has also entered this world."

At this moment, the mysterious woman in black suddenly said,

"Dragon Domineering..."

Hearing this name, the Hongtong people were a little excited. This dragon is domineering, but wants to use their power to break through the terrifying and monstrous Saint King Killing Array.

Now that the Dragon Domination has entered this world, other people are of no use to him, so he crosses the river to demolish the bridge and throw everyone away.

Long Badao has the map of the ancestor of the gods beyond the sky in his hand. Here, he has an advantage over anyone.

Everyone rushed in the direction where the roar of the beast came. The cultivation of the Hongtong channel people was a little different from Qiu Ruoqing, and couldn't catch up with Qiu Ruoqing, but the mysterious woman suddenly slowed down and walked with Gu Fei and the others.

"Hmph, I don't think that kid is a good person."

Hei Tian said disdainfully, don't know why, he was very upset when he first saw this dragon domineering, it was just his instinct.

"Cracked animal."

At this moment, a roar came out from a valley ahead, and everyone had arrived at the foot of the big mountain.


A huge figure flew out of the valley. Someone showed great skill and blasted a strange beast away. The mighty power of the immortal Dao was surging.


The strange beast was roaring, and blood beams rushed out from the huge body that flew out horizontally, with a fierce and wild aura, majestic.


The strange beast hit a hillside directly, and the hillside was hit and exploded. The dust rushed to the sky, and the smoke was filled.

"what is that……"

Everyone was taken aback. The strange beast was very powerful, definitely a semi-holy beast, and there was a monstrous qi and blood bursting out of the beast's body. The dragon’s blood is still a bit more vigorous,

"Could it be the kind of strange beast of ancient times."

Hei Tian was surprised. He seemed to see the origin of the alien beast that was shot and flew out.

"Brother Fang Lie."

At this time, a figure shrouded in golden sacred fire came out of the valley. This was a middle-aged man. The sacred fire on his body was the golden crow sacred fire.

This Fang Lie has an extremely thin bloodline of the Golden Crow in his body. This is the sacred fire he cultivated. It is extremely powerful. If a semi-sage is burned by this sacred fire, his vitality will be greatly injured if he does not die.

"Is it Brother Hong?"

The middle-aged man who came to the world like the **** of fire breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the Hongtong people, but he still didn't dare to neglect, because he knew how powerful the strange beast was.


Sure enough, a beast roar sounded, and the whole world was shaking, endless blood burst out from the mud, and the strange beast buried in the mud rushed out.

"Sure enough, it is the kind of strange beast that has disappeared from ancient times."

Hei Tian said in surprise,

"Null head, Qilin body, is it a scarlet beast."

The mysterious woman was shocked,

"This is not an ordinary Scarlet Beast, but a Beast Emperor."

Gu Fei said,

"The Scarlet Beast Emperor."

Everyone was shocked. This savage beast was a blood-eating beast in ancient times. As long as there is a trace of blood, it is enough to drive this beast crazy.

It is precisely because of this that this fierce beast has been beheaded and killed in ancient times.

No one thought that they would encounter such a Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor in this Fangxian Family Heaven and Earth, and this Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor had obviously seen blood.


The Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor was roaring, and two rays of blood shot from the eyes of the Scarlet Beast Emperor. This was a sign that the Scarlet Blood Beast had fallen into a state of madness.

"This evil animal killed Taoist Yuquan, and I will smash him into thousands of pieces."

Fang Lie roared and rushed up, his whole body blazed into the sky, and the burned heaven and earth were collapsing and annihilated. This was a semi-holy level of terrifying power.

"What, Taoist Yuquan is dead."

Na Hong Tong couldn’t help but shake his heart when he heard the words, that Taoist Yuquan, but a strong man in the ancient Taoist sect, has already cultivated to the semi-sacred fifth-layer realm.

How could such a powerful semi-sage be killed by this Scarlet Beast Emperor,

It’s no wonder that Fang Lie was so angry that he was close friends with the Taoist Yuquan. Taoist Yuquan was killed by this beast. It’s strange that he didn’t fight this beast.

When the war broke out, the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor who was in a frenzied state was really powerful. His blood rose and turned into divine light, constantly attacking Fang Lie.

The most frightening thing is that the blood erupting from the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor can swallow the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth. Wherever the Beast Emperor travels, the flowers, plants and trees are all cut off, and the vitality is completely swallowed.

Even the sun's essence from Fang Lie's body was taken away.

The Scarlet Beast Emperor became stronger as he fought, but Fang Lie became weaker as he fought. The situation was very unfavorable for Fang Lie. If he couldn’t kill this savage beast, he would be consumed by this savage beast.

The reality is cruel, if you die, you die, I die.

There are many people who can kill the Scarlet Beast Emperor. At least Gu Fei has this ability, and Qiu Ruqing also has this ability. Even the mysterious woman can kill this savage beast.

However, Gu Fei had no intention of making a move.

Qiu ruthlessly stood on a boulder, watching all this with cold eyes, it was none of his own, he would not shoot, the spear in his hand would not be easily bloodied.

The mysterious woman in black holds a divine bow, and there is no sign of it.


A blade of light rushed into the sky. At this time, the Hong Tongdao people shot, and the sharp blade light split the void and turned into a divine rainbow, directly strangling the strange beast in the blood.

Hongtong people had some friendships with Fang Lie and Yuquan Taoist. Seeing Fang Lie was in trouble, he couldn’t help but act.


Everyone was very surprised, and they didn't think that the magic weapon of this Hongtong channel was actually a magic sword.

In the cultivating world, few people sacrifice their magic swords as their own Taoist artifacts, because there are very few people who practice swords. Unlike sword repair, the sword is on the path of overlord.

As soon as this Hongtong person shot, a domineering spirit spread from his body.


The bright knife light directly broke through the heavy blood light, and slashed fiercely on the neck of the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor. The Hongtong people wanted to chop off the head of the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor with a single knife.

However, a scene that shocked everyone appeared. When Naha from Hongtong Channel slashed on the neck of the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor, the light of the sword bounced back like a piece of immortal iron. Come on,


The surprise of the Hongtong people is really extraordinary.

"The body of this brutal beast is so powerful."

Even Gu Fei was a little surprised when he saw this scene. You should know that although the cultivation base of the Hongtong people is not very good, the magic sword he cultivated is at least a semi-sacred sword.

Could it be that the body of this alien beast is stronger than the semi-sacred sword,

"This is the horror of the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor. In a frantic state, the body of this alien beast will be ten times stronger than in a normal state."

I am afraid that even the quasi-sacred weapon can hardly break through the defense of the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor at this time.


Although shocked by the strength of the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor’s body, the Hongtong people still killed them and joined forces with Fang Lie to fight the Scarlet Beast Emperor.

As the Hongtong people joined, the Scarlet Blood Beast Emperor seemed to become even more crazy.


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from the depths of this Fang Xianjia Heaven and Earth, and then the whole world shook violently.

"what happened."

Everyone was taken aback,

"Could it be..."

Hei Tian suddenly thought of something, his face became a little hard to look like, it seems that someone is really thinking about this world.

"Dragon Domineering..."

Gu Fei was pondering, this man’s city mansion is very deep, and the plot is also big, even he was used by this guy once, this guy is really bold.

At this time, above the sky on the top of the mountain, there is an ancient city suspended high above the sky. White clouds surround the ancient city. It is difficult for people on the ground to see this ancient city.

In front of the gate of the ancient city, there is a person standing. This person is showing great skills, hitting the closed gate,

This person is the dragon domineering,

In front of the gate of the ancient city, there are several stone statues. These stone statues were broken by the dragon's domineering battle. These are the stone soldiers left behind by the ancient sages.

Although these stone soldiers defending the city are very powerful, they are not the opponents of the dragon's domineering. The dragon's domineering body has forbidden weapons. This time, he is fully prepared to enter the cave of the ancient sages.

"Skybreaker, go."

The dragon is domineering and showing great skills, controlling a magic hammer, and smashing towards the city gate.


With a loud noise, the sacred hammer slammed directly on the city gate, and the void was shaking, but the closed city gate remained motionless.


Just as the dragon overbearing attacked the city gate, everyone on the ground felt that the whole world was shaking.

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