Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1869: Unarmed

The three-color divine arrow condensed from the three rare divine fire essences between the world and the earth was shot out and turned into a tri-color divine rainbow, bursting into the void, and instantly shot in front of the Ninth Sword Emperor.


The Ninth Sword Emperor roared. At this moment, he felt a tremendously dangerous aura, as if in the next moment, he would die.


In an instant, he fully drove the Golden Dragon Sword, and endless golden sword light rushed out of the Golden Dragon Sword. On the sword body, there were nine Dao patterns looming, revealing a breath of the Holy Avenue.

Dao Dao Jianguang enveloped the Ninth Sword Emperor, and then blocked the three-color divine arrow shot.


The tri-color divine light formed by the tri-color divine arrow shot instantly on that layer of golden sword light, and the powerful force directly drove the Ninth Sword Emperor's sword and the sword into a thousand feet away.


The Ninth Sword Emperor received a tremendous impact, and he opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood, his face instantly turned pale, his expression a little distressed.

However, the divine rainbow formed by the three-color divine arrow was finally resisted by him. After all, the Holy King’s Golden Dragon Sword is a sacred tool refined by the Holy King’s sacrifice.

The sword aura of the holy king’s golden dragon sword is extremely strong, guarding the void around the ninth sword emperor’s body without even splashing water into it. The three-color divine arrow can only compete with the golden dragon sword.

"too strong……"

The Ninth Sword Emperor was frightened and angry. The mysterious woman’s arrow was terrible. If he didn’t have the Holy King Golden Dragon Sword in his hand, he would have to confess his life here today.

"Break it for me."

The Ninth Sword Emperor fluttered wildly. He desperately drove the Saint King Golden Dragon Sword, and the endless golden sword light spread from the Divine Sword like mercury.


Just as the power of the Holy King’s Golden Dragon Sword erupted, the divine rainbow formed by the three-color divine arrow also exploded at the same time. The three divine fires swept out in all directions, and the burned heaven and earth were silently annihilated.

You know, these three kinds of sacred fires are rare in the world, the sun sacred fire and the Taiyin sacred fire, and the Nanming Lihuo, all of which are among the most powerful sacred fires in the world.

Can gather the essence of these three sacred fires, the saint who sacrificed the sacred bow back then, is indeed able.

The Ninth Sword Emperor was shocked and flew away again. This time, the shock he received was even stronger. The Saint King Golden Dragon Sword in his hand was almost shaken and flew out.


The Ninth Sword Emperor spouted a few mouthfuls of blood, and the blood dyed the front of his chest red, his hair was scattered, and his expression was completely lost.


At this time, Hei Tian took advantage of the ninth sword emperor being hit hard by the arrow of the mysterious woman, and immediately drove the killing formation and slew towards the ninth sword emperor.

The murderous intent radiating from the killing array was earth-shattering. At this moment, the power gathered by the killing array finally broke out.

It was like a sleeping holy beast waking up and turning around. The power of the killing array shook the world, and even the mysterious woman was shocked.

Hei Tian is the master of the formation, and only he can show this great formation.


The surprise of the Ninth Sword Emperor was truly extraordinary. He could feel the terrifying of the killing formation. As long as the killing formation was enveloped in, there would be absolutely no life.

The Ninth Sword Emperor hurriedly retreated, trying to avoid,

However, Hei Tian had already thought that he would retreat, so he had sacrificed the Huatian Seal in his hand, and an extremely powerful Huatian power broke out, blocking the Ninth Sword Emperor’s retreat.


The Ninth Sword Emperor was shocked and angry. The golden sword aura rushed out from the divine sword in his hand. He wanted to break through the power of Huatian and rushed out.

The Saint King’s Golden Dragon Sword is worthy of being a Saint King-level impeccable sacred weapon. Its sword light is invincible, and it can break through the power of the heavy heavenly transformation, making the ninth sword king really rush out.

However, outside the power of Huatian waiting for the Ninth Sword Emperor is a shocking array.

Of course, the power of Huatian Seal could not really intercept the Ninth Sword Emperor, but Hei Tian just wanted to use the power of Huatian to stop the Ninth Sword Emperor and delay the time.


The surprise of the Ninth Sword Emperor is truly extraordinary.


Murderous aura was permeated in the killing array, and there was a sound of the unsheathed divine sword, the endless killing turned into a shocking killing sword, and then slashed towards the ninth sword king in the array.

The overwhelming earth-shattering killing sword slashed, even if the Ninth Sword Emperor had the Holy King Golden Dragon Sword in his hands, he couldn’t help changing its color.

"Roar, want to kill me, you are not qualified yet."

The Ninth Sword Emperor roared and swung the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand, a wave of swords swept away, and the countless slashing swords were instantly shattered.

"Humph, isn't it."

Hei Tian’s voice sounded, and at this moment, a big seal fell from the sky and pressed down towards the ninth sword emperor in the formation, transforming the sky with mighty power, which is weakening the power of the holy king’s golden dragon sword.

With the Huatian Seal and the Shocking Killing Array, Heitian successfully trapped the Ninth Sword Emperor in the Killing Array.

When Hei Tian trapped the Ninth Sword Emperor, the mysterious woman made another move and entered the battle group where Qiu Ruqing was. The battle became more and more intense.

At this time, Gu Fei and Hong Jun Taoist were fighting endlessly.


Gu Fei was full of chaos divine light, he was like a supreme **** of war who came from the depths of chaos, and the void of heaven and earth with his fists would return to chaos.

The nine red stars were constantly shaking, and they were actually shaken by Gu Fei's fists.

"Outrageous, I don't believe that even nine stars and beads can't kill you."

Taoist Hong Jun was roaring, Gu Fei’s displayed combat power was too strong, shaking the sacred artifact with his body, how could this kind of thing happen,

Gu Fei’s combat power was against the sky and shocked everyone. No one would have thought that he was so vigorous that he was not a saint, but he could already compete with the sacred weapon.

Receiving sacred artifacts with bare hands, even those unenlightened sages back then, when they were in the semi-sacred realm, could not be so against the sky.

Is Gu Fei even more perverted than the supreme in his youth,

Taoist Hong Jun desperately, nine red stars are blooming with immeasurable red light, like nine red divine suns appearing in the sky, the entire world is confined by this force.

However, there is one person who can't hold back even the nine stars and beads.

At this time, Gu Fei had already put away the Nine Sky Stars Sword. He wanted to use his own power to contend with the sacred artifact. This is a kind of tempering. He wanted to sharpen his martial arts with the sacred weapon.

He is doing his best without reservation. Only when he is doing his best, can he continuously stimulate the potential in his body and release more powerful power.

Chaos fist punches the big star, eight kills at every step, and Gu Fei keeps rushing towards the Taoist Hongjun under the seal of the nine-star chain of pearls.

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