Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1870: Evolution Avenue


"Om. [High-quality update.]"

The whole world was shaking, Gu Fei showed the world's powerful physical skills, the real power of martial arts surged in his body, and the chaotic energy surged three thousand feet.

This is still the result of the power of the Holy Path of Nine Stars connecting beads, otherwise, the vision displayed by Gu Fei's martial arts is even more amazing.

Two powerful forces are colliding, that Taoist Hong Jun is not a saint, he is only a half-step saint, it is difficult to truly exert the power of nine stars.

However, even so, the power of the Nine Stars Link is enough to kill any quasi-sage. It can only be said that the current Gu Fei is stronger than the average quasi-sage.


Gu Fei punched out, the world shook, and the perfect combination of the power of the semi-saint martial arts body and the true power of martial arts increased the power of his punch to a terrifying level.

His martial arts real power and martial arts are integrated, and they are indifferent to each other. This kind of power can hardly be moved and swallowed by anyone. Even the return to true secret technique is useless against him, and it is difficult to dissolve his martial arts power.

The nine red stars were shaking, and they were shaken by Gu Fei's punch. This was definitely enough to make everyone stunned. Gu Fei's power was so powerful that he could shake the sacred artifact with his bare hands.

"too strong……"

"It is really a nightmare to let the martial artist get close."

"In the same level, no one can withstand such power."

Everyone was amazed that the combat power that Gu Fei showed was too amazing, and it proved once again that the warriors were invincible at the same level, which was not a legend.

"how is this possible……"

Taoist Hong Jun is really moved. The human race in front of him is too heaven-defying. It is only a semi-sage level cultivation base, but the battle shown is already infinitely close to the holy level. If he is allowed to cultivate to a quasi-sage level, wouldn’t it be okay? Leapfrogging to challenge the saint.

Of course, this is just a conjecture of Taoist Hong Jun. You must know that there is a great realm between the sage and the quasi-sage. All beings under the sage are ants. Even if Gu Fei has cultivated the quasi-sage, he is not necessarily a sage. Opponent.

At this time, Gu Fei was still contending with Taoist Hong Jun with his own strength.

The chaotic fist was constantly evolving by him, and the true power of the chaos was mighty, and nine mysterious Dao patterns began to appear on his fist. This was the supreme nine Dao patterns.

The Nine Dao Patterns are all-encompassing, as if they include all the great avenues between heaven and earth. This is the basis for enlightenment. To become a saint, even the supreme, these nine Dao patterns are vital.


When Taoist Hong Jun saw the Nine Dao Patterns looming on Gu Fei's body, he couldn't help being shocked. This human race is very powerful and has unlimited potential! Actually, he has realized the principle that the great path is simple, and has condensed the nine lines.

Everyone takes a different path and realizes a different path. When he cuts the path, the monk has already touched the Dao Rune. However, there are not only nine Dao Runes in this period, but almost infinite. .

You know, heaven is ruthless, and great avenues are indeterminate. A monk's understanding of great avenues can be infinite, which has caused countless Dao patterns to appear.

However, as the cultivation level of the monks after cutting the Dao continues to improve, their understanding of the Dao becomes deeper and deeper, and the countless Dao patterns will gradually decrease.

At the end of the day, all the Dao patterns that can express the Great Dao will be condensed into the nine most primitive Dao patterns. Only when the nine Dao patterns are condensed can you go farther than others on the path of cultivation.

The nine red stars were shaking, and the endless stellar power under the mighty force moved towards Gu Fei's suppression.

Gu Fei made an all-out effort. Under this circumstance, he could only stimulate his potential in this way, wandering on the edge of life and death, in order to further his cultivation.


Gu Fei was evolving his avenue, and the nine lines were constantly changing. There were only nine vague outlines, which had not really stabilized.

In this step, his performance is enough to shock the world, he has broken the record set by his predecessors, and he has realized the nine patterns before he became Taoist.

You must know that only when attacking the holy steps can a monk evolve the avenue and condense the nine lines, and only if he successfully condenses the nine lines can he become a holy.

Before hitting the holy step, Gu Fei had already condensed the outline of the Nine Dao Patterns. This was definitely a matter of no one before and after.

At least in the oldest books collected by the major forces in the world, there is no record of this aspect.

Nine Dao patterns loomed on Gu Fei's body, the rhyme of Dao Dao rhyme was lingering, the chaotic true Qi was running in a mysterious state, and a sage aura emerged from his body.

With the power of the Nine Dao Patterns against the Nine Stars Lianzhu and evolving his own avenue, only Gu Fei could make such an attempt in this state.

"This guy……"

When Taoist Hong Jun realized what Gu Fei was doing, even he couldn't help changing his color.

"Nine Stars Break the Universe."

Taoist Hong Jun had to use his assassin in advance. Under his drive, the nine red stars shook together, and then released endless star power.

It was like nine real stars appeared in the sky above Gu Fei, and the void of heaven and earth was collapsed and annihilated by this force.

This is a great destruction. Taoist Hong Jun did not hesitate to destroy the God City below, and raised the power of Nine Stars Link to the limit he could reach.

Nine red stars descended from the sky, sinking toward Gu Fei, each red star was blooming with immeasurable red light, and the avenue marks inside the nine divine beads seemed to be recovering.

This is not a good thing for Gu Fei.

The void of the Nine Dao Patterns began to loosen, and the strength of the Nine Stars Link shook Gu Fei and suppressed him from the sky to the ground.

"Hey, Hong Jun is starting to kill."

Heilong sneered. He knew the power of Nine Stars Linking Pearl. Even if Gu Fei realized the Nine Dao Runes, he would definitely not be the opponent of this holy artifact.

When the mysterious giant saw Hong Jun Daoist, his heart was shaken. You must know that if the power of the Nine Stars Link is fully activated, even the God City can be shaken.

"Huh, you guys who don't know whether they live or die, are the old guys still teasing you?"

Hei Tian's voice was heard, and the Heilong and the mysterious giant were shocked. At this time, Hei Tian had completely trapped the Ninth Sword Emperor in the killing formation.

However, the Ninth Sword Emperor had the Saint King Golden Dragon Sword in his hands after all. Hei Tian wanted to kill this guy, but it was not an easy task.

Hei Tian had already made up his mind, he wanted to consume the Ninth Sword Emperor who was trapped in the killing formation alive.

On the other side, the melee between Qiu Ruqing, the Black Dragon, and the Stoneman Warlord was continuing. Although the Black Dragon was strong, he was also injured at this time, and dragon blood dripped from him from time to time.

The divine bow in the mysterious woman’s hands is a great threat to everyone. Even the mysterious giant was almost shot. The arms of the martial arts warrior among the four stone warriors are already covered with cracks. The result after a hard arrow shot by the mysterious woman,

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