Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1889: Disappointment

Gu Fei left the world of sages and sages and appeared in an unknown area of ​​the big red star. There is red sand in the eye, and the surrounding terrain is undulating and there are many hills.

This is an area without any breath of life on one side, and you can't even see a piece of grass. Above this red star, the aura is so thin that it is almost non-existent.

However, in such a place, there are many powerful beasts lurking.


Just as Gu Fei was about to leave this area, a roar came out from behind a nearby hill, and then a strange beast sprang out from behind the hill and rushed towards Gu Fei directly.

"this is……"

As soon as Gu Fei moved, he disappeared in the same place in an instant. The next moment, his figure appeared thousands of meters away, and his speed was extremely fast.


With a loud noise, red sand flew all over the sky, and the strange beast swooped down from the sky. The place where Gu Fei stood before has been instantly destroyed.

A fierce and violent aura permeated,

At this time, Gu Fei had already seen this strange beast, and saw that this strange beast was covered in red, covered with a thick layer of red scales, and had a single horn on his head, which was a black one. One horn, yellow light lingers on the one horn,

This is an unknown beast, at least Gu Fei has never seen it, nor has it appeared in the classics he has read.

"Naughty animal, look for death."

Although this strange beast is powerful, its strength is at most the peak power level. Compared with the two strange beasts that Gu Fei had just encountered when he first came to this red color, it was far behind.


As soon as Gu Fei pointed out, a chaotic finger light immediately shot out from his fingertips, directly piercing the eyebrows of this unknown beast.


A stream of blue blood rushed out from the center of the eyebrows of the alien beast, and then the alien beast "boom."


Just when Gu Fei killed the strange beast, a loud noise came from a distance, and Gu Fei felt the entire ground shake suddenly.

The red sand on the ground was undulating like a wave, and a shock wave spread,

"what happened."

Gu Fei was taken aback. Such fluctuations were a little shocking. It seemed that most of the stars had been shaken. Could it be that something big happened on this star?

Although the red star is not as huge as the Tengteng dragon ancestor star, it is not small. It can shake most of the red star's power, which is amazing and terrifying.


Gu Fei disappeared directly in place, and he rushed towards the direction of the wave.

"this is……"

Soon, he saw a red "big wave" appeared in front of him. Yes, it was a "big wave". A "big wave" formed entirely of red sand was surging towards him. This "big wave" was thousands of meters high. ,

Gu Fei couldn't help but moved, he rose into the sky and escaped this "big wave".

Seeing this "big wave" rushing towards behind him, even Gu Fei couldn't help but shake his heart, what kind of force was it to form this "big wave" that affected most of the red stars.


At the same time that Gu Fei was shocked, the void in front suddenly shook. Looking from a distance, I saw that thousands of miles away, there was a wave of divine light, and terrifying energy fluctuations appeared again.

"what is that……"

Gu Fei discovered that in those divine lights, there were Dao patterns, and they were ancient Dao patterns.


The sound of the collision of gold and iron immediately sounded, a shocking evil power appeared between the heaven and the earth, and a huge figure stood up on the earth.


At this time, Gu Fei couldn't calm down anymore. Chi Xing was not simple. It seemed to have sealed a world-famous demon. At this time, the demon was born, shaking the world.

"What's going on, is it related to the cave of the ancient sages?"

Why did the ancient sage’s cave sky appear on this barren red star? This is already abnormal in itself. Now that the evil demon is born, Gu Fei seems to have thought of something.


The figure that stood up from the ground looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound waves swept across the world, and the figure was wrapped with chains,

There are nine divine lights hanging from the sky, entwined around this figure, and firmly bound it,

This is a great confinement technique. With the great chain of the gods, the evil demon is bound in the void of this world, and it is trapped here.


A dazzling lightning appeared in the sky above the red star, and a power of heaven and earth appeared in the sky above the figure. The power of this demon has exceeded the allowable range of this big heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth will come down to extinction.

"Where is Mengtian..."

A divine mind spread from the figure, and a voice rang in Gu Fei’s heart.


At this moment, the void above the figure suddenly shattered, and a **** city shattered the void, appeared above the demon’s head,


Void shook, a shocking force burst out from the **** city, and then the entire **** city was suppressed towards the figure below.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw the hall, he couldn't help being shocked to the extreme. The appearance of this hall confirmed his conjecture that the ancient sage had a feast with this evil demon.


Thousands of thunder and lightning are raging between the heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the earth descended from the extinction tribulation, because two powers beyond the holy rank appeared in this big world,

The power beyond the holy steps can threaten the law of the great world of this big world. Heavenly Dao felt the threat, so it dropped endless thunders.

The endless robbery thunder shrouded most of the red stars in it.

Gu Fei retreated quickly. This extinction sky thunder was extremely powerful, much stronger than the half-sacred calamity. If it was hit by this extinction sky thunder, even if it was as powerful as the ancient flight, it would be destroyed.

The endless robbery thunder was raging, and the entire red star was shaking. Many fierce beasts lurking in the red star escaped. The extinction of the sky was too wide, and most of the fierce beasts were suddenly shot into the sky. The robbery blasted the body and spirit,

At this moment, most of the red stars were shrouded by an extinction force.

But in the endless extinction thunder, that **** city is safe and sound, and no extinction thunder can fall into the **** city.

The demon of the world is fine in the sea of ​​thunder, and the power of the sky thunder is difficult to get close. This demon who has been sealed off for many years is too powerful.

In the current world, this kind of existence beyond the holy ranks is not allowed to appear. The world feels threatened and wants to lower the terrifying extinction power.

Even with this kind of existence, one cannot ignore the way of heaven,

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