Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1890: Ghost Emperor Jingxie Zun

No one knows how strong the power of the big world is. Even a saint does not dare to compete with the power of the whole big world.

Although the saint can break the shackles of the Great Heaven and Earth Avenue on one side, it is another matter to contend with the power of the entire Great Heaven and Earth.

Two forces surpassing the holy ranks appeared on the red star, which had already caused this Fang Tiandi Dadao to sense the threat, and then descended the extinction heaven.

The endless robbery thunder, almost enveloped the entire red star, even in the starry sky, the sky robbery here is very dazzling.

"what happened……"

"How can there be such a existence in this world."

"Those guys are back."

Just when those two sky-shaking forces appeared on the red star, Li Chixing did not know how many thousands of miles away there were on the Tenglong ancestor star, and those invincible existences in the world all sensed the changes on the red star for the first time.


In an extremely secret mountain on Tenglong Ancestor Star, a lifeless **** city appeared in the sky above the mountain.

Above the hall in the city of God, there sits a ghost master, this ghost master, is precisely the Fengdu ghost emperor who has created a path of ghost cultivation, and I don’t know how many years he has lived.

This **** city is the legendary ghost city of Fengdu. There are ten halls in the city, and the ten halls inhabited are the legendary ten halls.


In the main hall, Fengdu Ghost Emperor’s gaze tore through the void, he saw through the heavens and the earth, and saw the huge figure on the red star under the heavens,

"Evil Venerable has already been killed by me. I didn't expect that there was still another Evil Venerable at this time."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor was talking to himself. On that day, he showed great supernatural powers and killed Qianhuan Xie Zun. That battle was a fierce and fierce battle.

However, although Qianhuanxiezun was powerful, he was still beheaded by Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

At the same time, over a demon cave in the far north demon realm, a man sitting on the yin and yang **** map looked up to the sky, his gaze crossed the endless starry sky and fell on the red star.

"Mengtian and Xuanxie."

The man on the yin and yang **** picture said such words,

"These two guys have been fighting for a lifetime, are they still fighting now."

Among the 100,000 mountains in the Southern Wilderness, an old man chopping wood stopped, looked up at the sky, and then muttered to himself. After that, the old man continued to wave the rusty machete in his hand.


In the depths of the Fairy Demon Abyss at the junction of the Northern Demon Territory and the Northern Territory, there was a terrible roar,

Tenglong Ancestor Star also reported the power fluctuations of the Xeons in other areas, and what happened on the Chi Xing shocked the existence of these Xeons that had never been born.

"Roar, Mengtian, if you really don't, you want to suppress me with a **** city, it's really ridiculous."

Above the red star, the Xie Zun Xuan Xie, who was bound by the chain of the Great Dao God, roared, and the roar shook in all directions. Around Xuan Xie, the ground and the void were covered with array patterns.

These formation patterns are all Saint King-level formation patterns, and they are a killing formation.

Back then, Xie Zun Xuan Xie and Saint Wang Mengtian fought in the starry sky. In the end, Saint Wang Mengtian defeated Xuan Xie, and then suppressed Xuan Xie on this red star.

In fact, this red star back then was not a star without life. You must know that most of the stars adjacent to the ancestor of Tenglong were stars with life.

It was the battle that year that this star became a barren land.


The **** city was suppressed from the sky, which is nothing, but this **** city actually drew the power of the extinction heavenly tribulation, driving the power of the extinction heavenly tribulation to suppress Xuanxie together,


When Xuanxie saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback. How could this be possible? Could it be that Mengtian's cultivation has reached the point where he can control the way of heaven? This is absolutely impossible.

If Mengtian’s cultivation has reached the point where he can control the way of heaven, then he would have become the Supreme Dao Supreme. If Mengtian is already the Supreme Dao Supreme, then he would need Xuanxie without any fuss. There is no need for Xuanxie. Suppressed on this red star,

In the city of God, there is a wave of volatility that resonates with the power of extinction, which has inspired this terrifying power that can destroy everything in the world.


Xuan Xie is unpredictable, he yelled up to the sky, his white hair was dancing frantically, and the great chain on his body was clanging. He showed supreme skill and evolved a black hole.


A power of swallowing the sky came out from the black hole, swallowing the sky and the earth, and even the power of extinction of the sky was shaken, and the horror was extreme.

The endless lightning was swallowed by the black hole one after another, the city of God was shaking, and it was pulled by the black hole to move towards the black hole.


When Gu Fei saw this scene tens of thousands of miles away, he couldn't help being horrified. Heitian wouldn't be still in that **** city. This is not a good thing.


Just when the **** city was pulled by the swallowing power from the black hole, a figure stood up from the **** city, and a terrifying aura of a saint king emerged from the figure.


The void shook, the hands of the faint and unreliable figure were in the seal, and the endless power of the tribulation was induced by the figure, and then blasted towards the black hole below,


Xuanxie was taken aback. Although the extinction of the tribulation was terrifying, the power of this tribulation could not be concentrated in one point, so it could be countered. However, once such power was concentrated in one point, it would be another matter.

The ancient saint king was really against the sky, and he could actually use the power of the extinction tribulation for his own use. The power of the tribulation was continuously gathered, and then concentrated on the Xuanxie.

The black hole evolved by Xuanxie's supreme magic instantly became unstable.


Xuanxie has been suppressed for endless years, and only then can he rush out from the depths of the red star, and no longer be burned by the true fire of the heart of the earth, but it is difficult for him to really escape.

The ancient saint Wang Mengtian also has a back hand,


Above the red star, outside the Extinction Heavenly Tribulation, a figure suddenly appeared, and then stood in the starry sky, watching the evil deity who was tied to the red star.

This person Shengxue in white is actually the ghost emperor in white in Fengdu Ghost City.


The arrival of the ghost emperor attracted the attention of the evil deity on the red star.

"It's you……"

When that Xuanxie saw the ghost emperor in white, his face immediately showed a shocked expression, as if he had seen the most incredible things.

After Xuanxie was stunned for a while, he turned around and walked into the cage that had sealed him endless years, not daring to be born.


The black hole collapsed, the city of God was suppressed from the sky,


The God City landed on the Scarlet Star, and just completely blocked the exit of the prison, and suppressed the Xuanxie in the Scarlet Star again.

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