Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1892: Scary monster

In the depths of the ancient battlefield of the starry sky, a crystal coffin was floating and sinking. In this silent ancient battlefield, a crystal coffin appeared, but it was a little abnormal.

When Gu Fei saw this crystal coffin, he felt his scalp tingling even more. He had seen this crystal coffin. In the transparent crystal coffin, there was a woman sleeping.

"How can the crystal coffin in the ancient fierce city appear here."

All of this is unexplainable, which shocked Gu Fei. The crystal coffin was born that day, but it was extremely terrifying. Even if it was an existence like Fengdu Ghost Emperor, it could not help it.

The woman in the crystal coffin should be a supreme body, but this supreme body has changed and was sealed by other supreme towns in the ancient city.

That day, the supreme **** hidden in the eternal fierce city of the Xutian realm attracted countless strong people to fight for it, but in the end the crystal coffin appeared, and the strongest of the world also arrived.

In that battle, it went into the depths of chaos, and even the ancient fierce city was half-crippled.

The crystal coffin that escaped that day actually appeared here, and the breath of life in this starry sky battlefield originated from the crystal coffin.

"Birth from death, it's too bad."

Gu Fei knew that the woman in the crystal coffin was terrible. After the endless years of death, she was born with vitality again, showing signs of rebirth against nature.

He didn't dare to come closer, you know, that day, even the strongest man in the world like Fengdu Ghost Emperor couldn't help this crystal coffin. Approaching this crystal coffin may not even know how to die.

Gu Fei was about to retreat, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling, as if there was something extremely threatening around him peeping at him.

In the ancient battlefield of the starry sky, there are a large number of broken weapons, even bones and skeletons, and some ancient corpses are still bloody, endless years have passed, and the flesh is still immortal.

"Could it be that there is something evil here."

Gu Fei's heart trembled. He stepped on the Eight Desolate Void Steps, showing eight steps of extreme speed, and quickly retreated toward the road. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.


At this moment, the entire ancient battlefield suddenly shook. Numerous fragments scattered in the four directions gathered together quickly, and a terrifying breath of death appeared in the world.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was shocked, and indeed there was a powerful evil spying on the side. When he wanted to retreat, the evil lurking in the dark immediately jumped out and intercepted him.

Death is mighty, countless pieces flew from all directions, and then merged together, a huge figure appeared in this starry sky battlefield,

Gu Fei could clearly feel the power of this fierce evil spirit, because the black dead aura had almost condensed like a substance, turning into black light, lingering around the huge figure,

This evil demon is well hidden, even Gu Fei has been concealed. At this time, these death auras appeared suddenly out of thin air, coming very unexpectedly.

"Haha, so powerful blood..."

A divine thought was uploaded from the Qianzhang figure in front, and a voice rang in Gu Fei’s heart.


The void was shaking, and countless fragments formed a humanoid monster with a height of thousands of feet. Two rays of blood burst out of the huge head.

The powerful death force shook the surrounding void. This is a very strange evil creature. I am afraid that its combat power has reached the holy rank. The powerful aura makes Gu Fei unable to resist any thoughts.

However, what is strange is that with such a powerful existence, the heaven and the earth did not bring down the extinction, the heaven and the earth are not allowed to exist.

The ancient battlefield of the starry sky has a radius of one hundred thousand miles. The death force of the ancient battlefield of the starry sky seems to be concentrated on this humanoid monster.

This is a peculiar dead creature that can escape the induction of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. To some extent, this dead creature is not actually a real creature.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that heaven and earth did not descend from the extinction tribulation,

"Human, donate your blood."

The humanoid monster stood there, and the void around it was shaking, and a series of pitch-black space cracks continued to appear and were constantly repaired by the power of heaven and earth.

"Contribute your head."

Gu Fei was shocked, but Qu was not so afraid of this humanoid monster, because although this humanoid monster was powerful, it was far behind the real saint.


The humanoid monster said nothing, and directly stretched out his big hand to grab Gu Fei.

The vigorous qi and blood in Gu Fei's body is exactly the nourishment that this dead creature needs. The dead creatures have one thing in common, that is, they can increase their strength by devouring life essence.


The void of a big cauldron emerged from Gu Fei's body, wrapped in Gu Fei, and instantly retreated to a great distance.

The place where Gu Fei was originally located, was immediately punched out by that big hand with a chaotic hole about a thousand feet in radius, and the void of heaven and earth was directly penetrated.


Gu Fei couldn't help but shake his heart when he saw this scene. It was shocking that this monster could cause such damage with just a single blow.

"Can you escape."

The divine thought came, and a voice rang in Gu Fei’s heart.

At this time, Gu Fei stopped paying attention to the monster, turned around and left. With his current cultivation base and combat power, he was not an opponent of this monster at all.

Only if the existence of Fengdu Ghost Emperor arrives, maybe this guy can be suppressed,


Seeing that Gu Fei was about to flee, the monster immediately chased him. The powerful force shook the world, and just took one step, and the monster passed Gu Fei and intercepted him.


Gu Fei’s surprise was really extraordinary, how could the opponent's speed be so fast?

However, he quickly understood that the opponent’s strength has reached the level of a holy step, much stronger than himself, and it can be compared.

The other party is not good at a certain speed body technique, but just taking a random step like this can instantly span a distance of tens of thousands of feet.


The monster stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Gu Fei.

This time, the big hand of this monster enveloped a world of void and sealed all Gu Fei’s retreat.

Gu Fei could feel that the void around his body seemed to solidify in an instant. He couldn't even open the inner world.

At this time, he knew how terrible the power of the holy rank was, and how to cultivate the inner world. When the imprisoning power of the power of the holy rank was released, he couldn't open the inner world.

In front of a strong man with holy rank power, it is impossible to hide in the inner world, let alone escape. Gu Fei encountered an unprecedented threat. At this moment, he knew that he might die in the hands of this monster.

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