Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1893: Another ancestor

Humanoid monsters are extremely powerful, they are alternative holy creatures. The power of holy steps confines the world and the void, and Gu Fei can’t even hide in the inner world.


The humanoid monster stretched out its big hand and grabbed it directly at Gu Fei. The powerful holy rank power made Gu Fei unable to have any idea of ​​contending with it.

Had it not been for the power of the mountain and river tripod, he would have been unable to stand up.


At this juncture of life and death, Gu Fei roared, and an ancient ding rushed out of his body. This was not the phantom of the ancient ding, but the real body of Shanhe ding.

At this time, he had to use the ultimate holy artifact to save his life, the opponent is really strong against him too much,

However, just as the humanoid creature shot towards Gu Fei, the crystal coffin floating in the void suddenly shook.


The humanoid monster's thousand-foot body suddenly exploded, and the crystal coffin appeared where the humanoid monster was. Then, the endless breath of death gathered towards the crystal coffin.


Gu Fei escaped from the dead, horrified,

After the humanoid monster was blasted by the crystal coffin, it turned into a vast mass of death power, but the crystal coffin was frantically devouring the spirit of death around it.

When the crystal coffin exploded the human body of the monster, Gu Fei felt his body loosen, and the invisible pressure immediately disappeared.


The spirit of the humanoid monster uttered an unwilling roar,

The spirit of death was continuously swallowed by the crystal coffin, but all kinds of divine light flashed in the crystal coffin. The endless death spirit was turned into aura.

When Gu Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help being stunned. The death energy was transformed into spiritual energy. This method was really amazing.

Could it be that this crystal coffin appeared in this ancient battlefield in the starry sky, and it was directed at the power of death here? If this is the case, then the woman in the crystal coffin might really be reborn against the sky.

This is a death force of the holy rank, which has evolved into a humanoid monster.

The appearance of the humanoid monster was actually accidental. It was the condensed indomitable thoughts of countless powerful men who fell on this ancient battlefield.

At this time, the human body of this humanoid monster was directly blasted by the crystal coffin, turning into a boundless life, covering the void of tens of thousands of miles.

Gu Fei used mountains and rivers to protect himself, and rushed out directly from the erupting death force.


The void around the crystal coffin was shaking, and the death force gathered from all directions, and then submerged in the crystal coffin. Inside the crystal coffin, a powerful wave came out.

Gu Fei didn't dare to get too close. He withdrew from 50,000 to 60,000 miles away, and then stood in the starry sky, looking at the surging death in front of him, shocked.

This is the death power of the holy rank. If all were swallowed by the woman in the crystal coffin, would that woman be reborn against the sky?

Gu Fei immediately realized that this seemed impossible at all. If the woman in the crystal coffin was really a supreme body and gave birth to spiritual wisdom, even the power of the holy order would not be able to truly rebirth.

What shocked Gu Fei was that the dead air that covered tens of thousands of miles in front of him was fading quickly and was continuously swallowed.

"This is too fast."

Gu Fei was shocked again. The woman in the crystal coffin was really too terrifying. If at this speed, this endless lifelessness should be swallowed up quickly.

Sure enough, it was only half an hour before the death of the holy step was swallowed by the crystal coffin.

Inside the crystal coffin, the spiritual energy was vast, and the vast spiritual energy transformed from the death energy continued to sink into the woman's body. Soon, the spiritual energy in the coffin was completely absorbed by the woman.

The breath of life emanating from the crystal coffin seemed a little stronger.


Gu Fei, who sensed this change, was shocked to the extreme. After such a vast aura was absorbed by the woman, the life aura in the woman was only a little stronger.

To be reborn against the sky is really too difficult, too difficult,


After swallowing all the dead energy in this ancient battlefield of starry sky, the crystal coffin flew towards the depths of the starry sky.

Gu Fei's heart moved, and then he ran after him.

The crystal coffin moves very fast in the starry sky, but Gu Fei has the world’s fastest body skills. Even so, he barely keeps up with the speed of the crystal coffin.

The starry sky is infinite, even with Gu Fei’s current cultivation base, it is possible to get lost in the starry sky.

A few hours later, the crystal coffin came to the edge of the star field where Tenglong Ancestral Star was located. At this time, Gu Fei could barely sense the breath of Tenglong Ancestral Star.

The star field of an ancestor star is generally very large, and only the strong who has cultivated to the semi-sage realm dare to walk in the starry sky.

Soon, the crystal coffin entered a bleak starry sky, where fragments formed after the broken stars were floating everywhere, some stars were half destroyed.

This is a battlefield outside the sky. There was a terrifying battle here, and almost all the stars in this starry sky were maimed.

The bleak star field is dead, and there is no aura of life. In such a place, the spiritual energy is almost exhausted, and the monks cannot cultivate here.

The crystal coffin entered the depths of this bleak star field, where there was a superstar suspended in shock. Although the superstar was not as huge as the ancestor of Tenglong, it was not much different.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was shocked, and instinctively told him that this big star should be the ancestor of life in this star field, but at this time, there was no breath of life coming from the big star ahead.

"What is going on here."

Gu Fei was shocked to the extreme. An ancestor of life turned into a death star. Could it be that a supreme existence fought in this star field back then?

It seems that only the existence of this series can destroy a star field and cause all the creatures on a life ancestor star to die.

The destination of the crystal coffin is the dead superstar in front of it. This superstar is full of "wounds", with hideous cracks and big pits.

This ancestral star was hit by an unimaginable impact and was almost destroyed. However, this ancestral star was not destroyed in the end.

Gu Fei knew why this ancestor star was not destroyed in the end, because he also felt the great volatility of Jidao Supreme on this superstar.

This is an ancestor star who has once appeared in the supreme way,

It should be the Great Dao’s Great Dao brand that finally protected this ancestral star, otherwise, this ancestral star may really be blown up.

Why did the woman in the crystal coffin come here,

Gu Fei is really curious,

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