Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1894: Another ancient battlefield?

In the deadly starry sky, a once brilliant ancestor of life is moving, and the destination of the crystal coffin is such a place.

This made Gu Fei feel puzzled. Could the crystal coffin come here to absorb death?

However, even though this star field was crippled, he discovered that there were no powerful corpses left in the entire star field.

Except for the destroyed stars, there is not even a fragment of a **** soldier here. The battle that almost destroyed the entire star field that year seemed to leave only a battlefield full of gazes.


The crystal coffin did not stay, and directly carried the woman towards the super star.

Gu Fei also rushed downwards. Although this superstar was nearly blown out and received an unimaginable impact, it still gave people a feeling of turmoil.

There are the fluctuations of the Supreme Avenue, and the Supreme Road once appeared here.

The stars of life that can rise to the supreme path are extraordinary, just like the ancestor of Tenglong, they are still the cradle of life to this day, and there are still countless strong people rising.

However, the ancestor of life in this square star field has become a death star, which no one expected. A great battle almost destroyed a ancestor of life.

All life on the ancestor star has been obliterated, and nothing remains,

However, from the remains of the buildings seen on this ancestral star, we know that this ancestral star also had countless monks and extremely powerful existences.

To this day, all that was back then no longer exists,


The crystal coffin fell from the sky, smashed directly into a large black crack on the death star, and then disappeared into the darkness.


Just when the crystal coffin disappeared in the big crack, Gu Fei suddenly sensed that the breath of the crystal coffin suddenly disappeared, which made his heart move.


He went directly to this superstar,


Just as Gu Fei was about to land on the edge of the big crack, a sword sounded abruptly, and then a sword light rushed out of the big crack and penetrated towards him.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was taken aback, and then rose directly into the sky, avoiding this sword.

The sword light passed by him, and after rushing for a long time, it dissipated in the void. Senhan's sword energy fluctuated, so he had to be moved.

In the **** crack, there is a peerless murderous intent, which shocked Gu Fei.

The sword that came just now was very abrupt and extremely powerful, even Gu Fei did not dare to shake it head-on. There was an invincible sword intent.

"what happened."

There were no more sword qi fluctuations in this big crack, which made Gu Fei startled. He did not dare to neglect. In this place, accidental life might be in danger.

However, just now Gu Fei saw the crystal coffin enter this big crack with his own eyes. When the crystal coffin entered the big crack, no sword light appeared.


There was a trembling from Gu Fei's body, and then, a ghost of the ancient ding rushed out of him, covering his whole body.

He drew the power of Shanheding to protect his body,

I don’t know how long the **** crack is. This is a hideous wound on this ancestral star. I don’t know how deep this crack is. The inside is pitch black. Even Gu Fei can’t see what’s inside.

He walked forward cautiously, after inducing the power of Shanheding to protect him, even if he encountered the sword light just now, it would be difficult to threaten him.

However, unexpectedly, this time, that strong sword light did not appear, and Gu Fei smoothly entered this big crack.

Although Gu Fei was very surprised, he couldn't think of the reason why the peerless sword light suddenly appeared just now, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Going deep into the big crack, Gu Fei felt the temperature below gradually decrease.


At this moment, the entire crack suddenly vibrated, and a monstrous death breath came out from the depths of the crack and enveloped the sky and the ground.

Amidst the death, there were faint noises, like countless ghosts roaring,

"what's going on."

Gu Fei was shocked, lifeless, enveloped the world, in the darkness, as if he had opened the door of hell, all the fierce souls and spirits ran out.

"That crystal coffin..."

Gu Fei immediately thought that this kind of movement should have been made by the crystal coffin, which seemed to require a lot of power of death to rebirth against the sky.

But why is there so much lifelessness on this ancestor star?

Although this ancestral star was maimed, there is no lifelessness on it. Could it be that there is something hidden inside this ancestral star?

Only the war between the supreme can affect the entire star field. Even the ancestor of life in this star field is maimed, and all life on the ancestor of life is erased.

The supreme method is unimaginable by others. Could it be that the inside of the abandoned ancestor star was manipulated by someone, and there seems to be only an explanation.

Gu Fei did not stop. The phantom of the mountain and river outside of him would block the death energy from all directions from all directions. Then, with his right hand turned over, a long sword appeared in his hand immediately.

This is Gu Fei’s self-made magic weapon, the Nine Sky Star Sword,

The Jiutian Xingchen Sword is a divine sword made with the immortal divine material sacrifice of Jiutian Xingchen Iron.

Immortal divine material is too rare. Even the ancient supreme, not everyone can obtain immortal divine material. Gu Fei’s ability to obtain nine-day star iron is also a chance.

Gu Fei continued to sink down, and soon he realized that the dead energy around him was gradually decreasing, and an extremely weak breath of life spread from the depths of the crack.


Gu Fei knew that he had really guessed it. The crystal coffin was devouring endless lifelessness, but this time, the lifelessness here is many times stronger than that of the ancient battlefield in the starry sky.

The woman in the crystal coffin is going to be reborn against the sky, and the death required is too shocking.

This crystal coffin moves in the starry sky, seeming to be looking for death energy, the mysterious woman in the crystal coffin transforms death energy into spiritual energy, nourishing her body,

Gu Fei rushed down and broke through his heavy death. He didn't know how long it had passed, and then he felt a little light on his body, as if he had entered the other world.


He sensed the fluctuations in the power of other heavens and earth, and inside this ancestral star, there really is something different.

The dim earth, the dim sky, the ground is covered with white bones, broken magic weapons and magic weapons can be seen everywhere, these magic weapons and magic weapons have all lost their spirituality,

"Another ancient battlefield."

Gu Fei was terrified,

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