Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1900: Got his ears twisted

Kunlun Wonderland is not accessible to everyone. There is only one entrance and exit between Kunlun Wonderland and the outside world, and few people can break in.

Of course, the aura of the outside world is thin, and the monks in the fairyland are not willing to go out.

The Guanghan Gate where Wugang is located is said to be the inheritance of the Moon Palace Chang'e lineage, but whether it is really the Moon Palace inheritance is still unclear.

However, most of the disciples in the Guanghanmen are women, and there are few male disciples. Moreover, the status of male disciples in the Guanghanmen is not high.

After reading Wugang’s memory, Gu Fei knew that the current head of the Guanghan Gate was Fairy Mingxia, a great monk in the imperial realm.

In this Kunlun Wonderland, the monks in the Yuxu realm are the most powerful monks.

The fairy god, on this star called the earth, has become a legend, and the monk of the Yuxu realm has a thousand lifespan. This fairy Mingxia is actually an old man of eight hundred years old, but she She has a good face, she still looks like a girl of eighteen or twenty-two,

The location of the Guanghan Gate is a "dragon" among the Ten Thousand Dragons dynasty. The place where the mountain gate is located is the place where this "dragon" condenses aura, that is, the position of the true dragon vomiting beads.

"The spiritual energy is so strong, why the cultivation base of the people here is so low."

Gu Fei is very strange. Take Guanghanmen as an example. The place where Guanghanmen is located is called True Dragon Tuzhu. It is the place with the strongest aura in this dragon vein.

It stands to reason that cultivating in such a place must get twice the result with half the effort, but when the Guanghanmen go up and down, there is also a fairy Mingxia.

The cultivation base of the Yuxu realm can already fight against the power of the other two forces.

Gu Fei Huacheng Wugang returned to his residence in Wugang. This is a very simple wooden house with only one futon made of grass.

In the wooden house, besides a futon, there is also a wooden cabinet, and then there is nothing extra.

Gu Fei discovered that there are many wooden houses near here, which can be seen in the mountains and forests. This is where the male disciples of Guanghanmen live, but the female disciples of Guanghanmen live on the mountain with the strongest spiritual energy.

"Wugang, come out for me."

Just when Gu Fei returned to the wooden house, a woman’s voice came in from outside.


Gu Fei couldn’t help but wondered why a female disciple from Guanghanmen came to Wugang at this time. He simply read some of Wugang’s memories, not all of them.

"Sister Lingyu."

Gu Fei walked out, only to see a woman in white clothes surpassing Xue, standing under the tree, looking at herself like annoyed.

"Oh no."

This woman is Wugang’s friend. This woman’s name is Lingyu. She has only been in the mountains for less than 30 years. She is a disciple who was collected from outside by an uncle in Guanghanmen.

The three great fairy gates in Kunlun will regularly send out their masters to walk around the world, collect some disciples with good muscles and bones, and then bring them back to Kunlun Wonderland.

This woman named Lingyu has good muscles and bones. Although she has only entered the mountain for 30 years, she has become an official disciple of Guanghanmen.

There is a huge difference between this official disciple and a named disciple, because only by becoming an official disciple can you practice the various cultivating techniques in the door.

The registered disciples can only practice some of the most basic exercises. Of course, if the aptitude is against the sky, even if they practice these basic exercises, they can enter the innate realm.

However, this Wugang is a person who likes to take things easy and hates to work, and his muscles are not that good. He entered the mountain ten years earlier than that of Lingyu, but he is still the peak of the acquired cultivation.

However, this Wu Gang has a handsome appearance and hooks up with this Lingyu junior sister.

"Senior Sister..."

Gu Fei didn’t want to reveal his identity, so he had to walk to the woman.

He felt that in this Kunlun Wonderland, there must be a great secret hidden, and, in this land of the Ten Thousand Dragons dynasty, he would not make any movements until he figured out the situation.

You know, Wanlong Dynasty Sect, that is where the ancestor dragon can be born,

"follow me."

Senior Sister Lingyu just glanced at Gu Fei, then turned and walked away.

Gu Fei had to follow the senior sister Lingyu, and soon they came to a forest.


Gu Fei felt something was wrong. A man and a woman came together in this secret grove, what are they going to do?

"You dead ghost, did you take advantage of the time when my old lady was in retreat, and went to hook up with other senior sisters."

Senior Sister Na Lingyu suddenly turned around, and then Qizhun grabbed Gu Fei’s left ear, and then twisted it hard, a pain was transmitted from the ear into the brain.


While Gu Fei was shocked, he couldn't help being furious. He wanted to slap the woman to death. She was really unpredictable. She was a quiet lady, but now she has indeed become a tigress.

"What are you doing, the wings are hard, right?"

Senior Sister Lingyu twisted Gu Fei's ear and didn't let it go.


Gu Fei let out a cold snort, and then, a force burst out of him, shaking the senior sister Lingyu out more than a dozen steps, and fell into the bushes.

"Oh, you are going to die."

Senior Sister Lingyu was shocked and angry. She didn't dare to speak loudly. You know, this is the Guanghanmen. If someone finds out that she is a male disciple in the tryst here, it would be a bad thing.

Sister Lingyu jumped up like a tigress.

However, before she could stand still, a big hand grabbed her, and five fingers grabbed her heavenly spirit. As long as Gu Fei tried hard, he could catch the tigress to death.

"You..., you are not Wugang, who are you."

At this time, Senior Sister Lingyu knew that the person in front of her was not Wugang, because Wugang absolutely did not have such a cultivation base and strength.

You know, a person who easily restrains an innate monk is definitely not a weak person.

"You are not qualified to know who I am."

Gu Fei’s words were extremely cold. He had already moved to kill. You know, since his debut, he has not been twisted his ears. This is the first time in his life.

This Senior Sister Lingyu's shot was almost accurate, and Gu Fei made her own cultivation base again, and he did not escape Senior Sister Lingyu's catch.

"Don't, don't kill me, I can do anything for you."

Senior Sister Lingyu was scared. She sensed the murderous aura of the other party. She was horrified, but at this time, her mind was still sober. She knew that her life was only in the other's thoughts.

Could it be that the other two forces in Kunlun Wonderland have to deal with Guanghanmen?

The thoughts in her mind turned sharply,

"What can you do for me."

Gu Fei’s tone is still cold, but the murderous aura has weakened a lot. This person, perhaps, really has some value that can be used.

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