Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1901: Top of Kunlun

Gu Fei didn't kill this woman named Lingyu, but he imposed a kind of restriction on this woman, making this woman have to do things for him.

But this woman was also very clever, she knew that her life was pinched by Gu Fei, and her life and death were only between the other's thoughts.

The woman named Lingyu didn't dare to have any other thoughts at all. She returned to the inner door, but Gu Fei herself continued to use Wugang's identity to stay in Guanghanmen.

He could have a foreboding that in this Kunlun current general, there are great secrets hidden in the sky. If he doesn't figure it out, he will be very upset.

The land of the Wanlong Dynasty is extremely aura, but the people who practice here can only break through to the realm of imperial emptiness, even if they practice to the strongest level.

From Gu Fei's point of view, such a realm was too low. You must know that even if there is a saint in the land of the Wanlong Dynasty, it is not surprising.

However, not only there are no saints, but even immortals.

This is incredible.

However, Gu Fei soon knew what was going on. On the third day he was here, he felt an invisible pressure in this world.

This kind of pressure is actually suppressing his own cultivation.

When Gu Fei discovered this situation, he couldn't help being shocked. No wonder there was such a strong spirit here, but there was not even a fairy.

In this Kunlun Wonderland, there is such a force of suppression, and this force of suppression seems to come from the Kunlun Mountain.

"Could it be..."

Gu Fei thought of a possibility and couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat. If it was really like that, then he would leave this place quickly.

For several months, Gu Fei walked carefully in the Kunlun Wonderland, except for the woman named Lingyu who knew that she was an outsider, no one knew his identity.

There are no restrictions on the land of the Wanlong Dynasty, everyone can come and go freely, but if you want to leave Kunlun Wonderland, it is not so easy.

Because the three immortal gates have sent people to guard the exit, to leave here, you must get the approval of the three immortal gates. Of course, with Gu Fei's current cultivation base, he can naturally enter and leave this place freely.

However, as Gu Feiyue learned about this place, he was more shocked.

Wanlong Dynasty Sect, what is this tens of thousands of dragon veins nourishing? Could it be that in the belly of the Kunlun Mountain, there is really an ancestral dragon-level supreme existence lurking.

Because the power of the seal that spread from the Kunlun Mountain is enough to affect the laws of heaven and earth in the entire world.

This power of sealing can only be sensed by Gu Fei, a half-holy third-level person. If you change to another person, even if it is the peak power, I am afraid that this power of sealing can not be sensed.

In other words, there is a shocking force inside Kunlun Mountain, and this shocking force can already affect the entire Kunlun Wonderland, and even the entire star.

This kind of power that can affect the entire star, Gu Fei only knew before that, only Supreme could do this.

This star called the Earth is not simple. Some people have blinded some things with supreme means. Even an existence like Gu Fei can't find too many things.

You know, with Gu Fei's cultivation base, he is already invincible on this star.

But, is he really invincible on this star?

Gu Fei didn't have much confidence. He already knew that the land of the Wanlong Dynasty must have hidden the secrets between heaven and earth. Otherwise, such a place could not be undiscovered until now.

Of course, Gu Fei came here by accident. He lost his way in the endless starry sky and wandered in the starry sky for several years before accidentally discovering such a star with a lot of life on it.

This star called Earth is really too small, compared to Tenglong Ancestor Star, it is almost less than one ten millionth, even if it is a random area on Tenglong Ancestor Star, it is countless times larger than this star.

Such a small star of life in the endless starry sky is too small and inconspicuous at all.

For several months, the woman named Lingyu could not bring much useful news to Gu Fei, but there was one thing recorded in the ancient books of Guanghanmen.

This Kunlun sacred mountain was originally the place where the ancestral veins of the entire star were located. In that distant past, this star was not what it is now.

There is a long history here, and it has experienced a distant age of mythology. In that age of mythology, the Kunlun sacred mountain already exists. The Kunlun sacred mountain is a dojo of the supreme female.

Of course, all these are legends, but in Kunlun Immortal territory, all monks believe that the existence of the female supreme is true.

Because at the top of Kunlun Mountain, there is still a palace called Yaochi.

"Yaochi, Yaotai, is there any connection between the two?"

Gu Fei couldn't calm down. You know, there are legends about the female supreme on Tenglong ancestor star, but in the ancient legend, it seems that there is only one female supreme in the world.

In this unknown star field, has a female supreme ever appeared?

The so-called Jade Lake Holy Land is nothing but an ancient ruin. Gu Fei walked among the ruins. He was a little disappointed. There seemed to be no valuable things left in this ruin.

However, in the center of this ruin, there is a small pool. This small pool is not big, only a few meters in radius. However, beside this pool, there are three figures sitting cross-legged.

The appearance of Gu Fei immediately alarmed these three people.

Three incomparably powerful divine thoughts swept towards the location of Gu Fei.


Gu Fei was taken aback. These three divine thoughts fluctuated so strongly that they did not seem to be possessed by monks in the Yuxu realm. However, these three people really only had the cultivation base of the Yuxu realm.

"who are you!"

"Kunlun forbidden land, trespassers died!"

The three people beside the small pool stood up, and three powerful auras appeared in this ancient ruin, and the top of Kunlun Mountain immediately filled with murderous aura.

"What exactly is going on?"

Gu Fei ignored these three people. He just wanted to know why these three people obviously only have the cultivation base of the Yuxu realm, but they seem to have infinitely close combat power to the fairy gods?

Does this have something to do with the power of sealing in this world?

Of course, even if the real fairy **** appeared in front of Gu Fei, it was just like an ant.

"Friend Mingxia, looking at the clothes on this person, it seems to be from your Guanghanmen!"

"Yeah! Yes, this little guy is from Guanghanmen, Daoist Mingxia, what do you say?"

Among the three, there was a fairy in white clothes, while the other two were two middle-aged Taoists. Both of these middle-aged Taoists had a murderous intent towards Gu Fei.

"The rules are set by the ancestors, so you can deal with this person as you want!"

The fairy in white sighed, then sat down again.

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