Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1904: go away

Hongchen has been training his heart for decades, and Gu Fei has traveled all over the country, even to the western family. He discovered that there are still several places to think about Kunlun Wonderland on this star.

Some people have opened up a lot of small worlds with great magic power. All monks hid in these small worlds and practiced in them.

Of course, these places cannot be compared with the Kunlun Wonderland. When he was walking in China, he also specially visited the famous mountains and rivers that had left fairy legends.

But let alone these places are immortals, there are no people who really know how to cultivate.

After coming to Earth for more than a hundred years, Gu Fei felt that it was time for him to leave. However, this star is not simple. He had a hunch that in the near future, this star will inevitably undergo major changes.

In Kunlun Wonderland, the place where the ancient teleportation formation is located is on the mountainside of Kunlun Mountain,

When Gu Fei came to the front of the teleportation formation, he could not see that it was a teleportation formation. There was only a platform about three feet in diameter and three feet high in front of him.

There are nine depressions around this platform. This is where the spirit stone is placed. This ancient formation must use spirit stone to provide energy to stimulate the power of this teleportation formation.

Gu Fei is leaving. Of course, the three great Kunlun masters are coming to see off. The woman named Lingyu also appeared near the teleportation formation.

This woman named Lingyu still had the restriction imposed by Gu Fei on her body. Before leaving, Gu Fei lifted the restriction on this woman.

However, because this woman was valued by Gu Fei, Fairy Mingxia was appointed as the next head of Guanghanmen.

Fairy Mingxia didn’t know. In Gu Fei’s view, this woman named Lingyu was just an errand runner. During these decades, she had done a lot for him.

"Senior, you are really leaving."

Among the three great masters of Kunlun, only Fairy Mingxia has a good relationship with Gu Fei. At this time, she asked, that in the past 100 years, Fairy Mingxia has not changed anything.

However, her longevity is only a few decades left. The monks in the Yuxu realm have only a thousand years of life. Once the life is reached, they will die.

Only by breaking through to the semi-god realm, can Fairy Mingxia survive, but in Kunlun Wonderland, it is impossible to break through to the semi-god realm.

You know, in these thousands of years, many monks in the Imperial Realm have exhausted their lifespan and failed to break through to the Demigod Realm.

These monks who are dying of their lives either set foot on the ancient starry sky or died in the Kunlun Wonderland. There has never been an exception. Some people with better bones and bones than Fairy Mingxia have the same end.

The Changchunzi of Yuxu Palace, and the Yunzhongzi of Taixu Immortal Gate, they are all younger than Fairy Mingxia, and they have hundreds of years to live.

They naturally don’t know what Fairy Mingxia is feeling now,

"This is not the place where I stayed, so naturally I have to go."

Gu Fei glanced at Fairy Mingxia. He knew that Fairy Mingxia still had a good life for decades. If there were no miracles, the Grandmaster Guanghanmen would be old.

If one of the three Kunlun masters died, then the balance of power in Kunlun Wonderland would be broken, and Guanghanmen would be unlucky.

However, these things have nothing to do with Gu Fei. He is just a passer-by here. After staying here for more than 100 years, it is time to leave.

Tenglong Ancestor Star has not known how many things have happened in these hundred years. Gu Fei is going back. However, he does not have a starry sky map. This is a difficult problem.

Although his cultivation level has improved, it is difficult to say whether he can find a way back.

"This is for you. If there is destiny, we may still meet."

Gu Fei took out a small medicine king from Inner World and handed it to Fairy Mingxia. The fragrance spread immediately, and the three masters couldn't help but shake their minds.

Their insights are extraordinary. They know the value of this little medicine king. This is an immortal medicine that can increase lifespan. Even in Kunlun Immortal, this kind of immortal medicine that can extend lifespan has long been picked.

You know, no one wants to die old, especially those old guys who have lived for thousands of years.

Changchunzi and Yunzhongzi are extremely envious. Such a small medicine king can prolong the life span of at least hundreds of years. This fairy medicine is also very important to them.

The two great masters were jealous, but in front of Gu Fei, they did not dare to be presumptuous.

"This... is for me."

Fairy Mingxia's voice trembled. Such a small medicine king is important to her who has little lifespan. If this wait gave her a second life,

A little medicine king is equivalent to making Fairy Mingxia live in her second life.


Gu Fei said,

"I want to..."

Fairy Mingxia hurriedly took the Little Medicine King from Gu Fei's hand, her hands were trembling, hundreds of years of life, enough to make her cultivate a monk in the imperial realm.

In fact, Fairy Mingxia wanted to leave with Gu Fei, but once she left, Guanghanmen would be threatened by Taixu Immortal and Yuxu Palace.

A sect without the guard of a master cannot exist in Kunlun Immortal territory. Yuxu Palace and Taixu Immortal Gate will inevitably attack the Guanghan Gate.

You should know that there are so many cultivation resources in Kunlun Immortal. The three immortal gates seem to be harmonious, but the competition in secret is fierce.

Fairy Mingxia has concerns in her heart and cannot leave,

"Take this elixir immediately, and then I will help you refining the medicine."

Gu Fei said, he doesn’t mind doing a small favor to this fairy Mingxia and increasing her thousand years of life.

If Fairy Mingxia took this little medicine king herself, with her cultivation level, it would be difficult to completely refine the medicine power of the little medicine king, and some of the medicine power would be lost.

If Gu Fei takes action, then the medicinal power of this little medicine king can be fully utilized. In this way, Fairy Mingxia really gets a new life.

"Thank you senior."

Fairy Mingxia was extremely excited,


Changchunzi and Yunzhongzi couldn’t help but shake their hearts. The two of them even regretted their intestines at this time. Only then did they realize that they had missed a great opportunity.

They didn't show good wishes to Gu Fei. For more than a hundred years, they just had to deal with Gu Fei. They did not do their best for Gu Fei like Fairy Mingxia.

However, it is too late to regret now. There is no regret taking medicine in this world.

Fairy Mingxia took Little Medicine King, with Gu Fei’s help, she only used half an hour to dissolve the huge medicine power of Little Medicine King.

The divine soul that had already cracked had already been completely renewed at this time. The signs of the end of life had disappeared. Fairy Mingxia felt that her spirit had returned to its peak state.

She could feel that she might still live for a thousand years,

"Thank you senior..."

Fairy Mingxia didn't know what to say,

Gu Fei waved his hand, then walked directly onto the platform in front, then took out nine immortal crystals and drove them into the nine depressions on the edge of the platform.

"this is……"

The three great masters were surprised when they saw that Gu Fei had taken out nine crystal stones with huge spiritual energy. Even they had never seen this kind of crystal stones.

"That is the spirit of the fairy."

Changchunzi of Yuxu Palace said in shock,

"Fairy spirit."

Fairy Mingxia and Yunzhongzi were horrified. The spirit of the fairy, could it be that this predecessor turned out to be a fairy god, otherwise, how could he have such a spar with the spirit of immortality?

It’s a waste to drive this teleportation formation with a spar that contains fairy aura.

The three great masters of Kunlun are all in pain,

However, at this time, Gu Fei had no time to pay attention to the feelings of the three great masters. The teleportation formation had already been activated, and the spirits of the nine immortals poured into the teleportation formation.


Void shook, a group of divine light rushed from the teleportation array, and instantly enveloped Gu Fei. Then, the void suddenly collapsed and Gu Fei's figure disappeared from the teleportation array.


After seeing the disappearance of Gu Fei, the three great masters of Kunlun immediately took action to **** the nine fairy crystals on the teleportation array, which still contained the spirit of the spirit.

Once the teleportation array is activated, it will not consume much fairy qi,

The contention inevitably happened. A war broke out between the three great masters of Kunlun. Gu Fei never expected this. Nine pieces of fairy crystals actually caused a **** crime.

In the end, Fairy Mingxia grabbed six fairy crystals, while Changchunzi grabbed two, but Yunzhongzi only grabbed one. This result made Yunzhongzi vomit blood.

A hundred years ago, he was injured by Gu Fei once, and unexpectedly caused his cultivation to fall to the end of the three great masters. This is something he never expected.

After this battle, the relationship between the three great masters of Kunlun was completely broken, and the contradiction between the three immortal gates finally came to an outbreak.

But all this has nothing to do with Gu Fei.

"here is……"

After about an hour or so, Gu Fei appeared on a dim and cold star. The surface of the star was frozen by a thick layer of ice.

Of course, this degree of coldness did not have any impact on Gu Fei.

"No way."

When Gu Fei saw the surrounding situation clearly, he couldn't help being speechless. He realized that he was still in the solar system, and this cold star should be Pluto among the nine planets of the sun.

Gu Fei once experienced a process of refining the heart in the earth and human world. He naturally knew all kinds of conditions about the universe near the earth.

There is no life on this cold star, and no life can exist under this low temperature. Of course, except for the abnormal existence like Gu Fei,

Above the silent stars, there was no sound, it was as if even the air had solidified here.

This should be the first stop for the earth monks to come out of the earth, there must be a teleportation array here,

Gu Fei thought of this, and he began to look for it. The teleportation array that teleported out of the Kunlun immortal territory of the earth was a one-way teleportation array.

Sure enough, Gu Fei soon found an ancient ruin, and in the center of this ruin, there was an inconspicuous platform.

However, at the moment Gu Fei stepped into this site, a cloudy wind blew towards Gu Fei without warning. In the cold breath, something seemed to be approaching Gu Fei quickly.

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