Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1905: See the black water mysterious snake again

Pluto is a cold star, the temperature here is very low, not suitable for the survival of living things, and only monks like Gu Fei are not afraid of the cold here.

On this star, there is a ruin with a range of more than ten kilometers. In the center of this ruin, there is what Gu Fei is looking for, a formation,

It can be seen that this city used to be a city, but this city has become ruins, and it has been a long time since the city was destroyed.

Around this formation, there were a few people sitting awkwardly,

"this is……"

Gu Fei sensed that these few people sitting next to the formation did not have a trace of life in them. They were all dead, and there were five people in total.

"People from Kunlun Wonderland."

Gu Fei looked at the costumes of these people and recognized the origins of these people. This person was wearing clothes from the three great fairy gates of Kunlun. This is the people who had to leave the earth after the three great fairy gates had their lives dying.


These people can cultivate to the realm of Yuxu in the Kunlun Wonderland, their bones and muscles are absolutely amazing, otherwise, under such an environment, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate to the realm of Yuxu.

Among the five people sitting around the battlefield, there are men and women, old men with a childlike appearance, middle-aged people, and even young monks.

A monk who has cultivated to the realm of imperial emptiness can easily change his appearance.

How did these people die? Was their longevity exhausted and died of old age, or encountered something,

Gu Fei was about to step forward to check. At this moment, a yin wind suddenly emerged without warning, and then rolled towards Gu Fei. There was something else vaguely in the yin wind.


Gu Fei’s eyes burst into bright divine light, his eyes directly penetrated the yin wind and saw the thing in the yin wind.

He directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the thing that swooped at him. It was a small black snake like a little finger. The body of the snake was less than a foot, completely dark, and some markings could be seen vaguely.


The black snake was struggling in Gu Fei's hand and bit at Gu Fei's wrist. Gu Fei could clearly see the black snake's mouth with two black and blue fangs sticking to his wrist. ,

Gu Fei's martial arts are extremely powerful, and he is not afraid of the bite of this black snake. When he exerts force on his hand, he directly pinches the black band to death.

He threw away the black snake in his hand, and then went forward to check whether there were any wounds on the five people. At this time, he knew that this star was not safe.


When Gu Fei approached the five people, the five people who were sitting on the ground motionless, suddenly opened their eyes together.


Gu Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this scene. He was very clear that there was no trace of life in the five people, and those who were already dead could no longer die.

He was surprised to find that in the open eyes of no one, the pupils were actually black, like a bottomless black hole, there was a weird force that swallowed all human souls.

"Pretend to be a fool."

Gu Fei strode forward,

The five people stood up, greeted Gu Fei, and a trace of black energy emerged from them, and then hovered around them.

"There are people here who are proficient in ghost practice."

Gu Fei could feel that these five people have the aura of ghosts. This is the power of the Fengdu ghost emperor. Some people control the bodies of these five with ghosts and magical powers.


Without any hesitation, Gu Fei directly punched out, a powerful punch burst out, and there were visible ripples in the void in front of his fist.

The bodies of the five people immediately broke apart, and they were all broken into pieces by Gu Fei's punch and scattered all over the place.

Just when Gu Fei smashed the bodies of the five people with a punch, the martial arts shadow rushed out. There were five black snakes. These five black snakes were exactly the same as the black snakes that were pinched to death by Gu Fei.

"What is this."

Gu Fei stretched out his big hand, and the five black snakes that wanted to escape immediately flew back and fell into his hands.

At the moment the five black snakes were caught by him, the five black snakes suddenly exploded and turned into blood fog, which surprised Gu Fei.

It seems that someone is controlling these black snakes in secret,

"A rat with a hidden head and tail."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, a powerful wave of divine consciousness instantly rushed out of his eyebrows, and then spread in all directions, but within a few breaths, his divine consciousness enveloped the entire Pluto.

"This star is not easy."

In these few short breaths, Gu Fei sensed that there were several places on this star that were difficult for his own divine consciousness to enter.


At this moment, a dull roar came from the inside of the star, and then the entire star shook, and a shocking weather appeared between the sky and the earth.

"Finally can't help but jump out."

Gu Fei was muttering to himself, the divine light shining from his eyes became brighter, as if two divine lamps were lit in the dim void.


Outside the ruins, a ground suddenly exploded, and a huge black shadow rushed out of the ground among the mud splashing.

"this is……"

A huge black shadow soared into the sky, the extremely powerful and fierce aura was vast in all directions. It was a large snake with a length of several thousand feet, a single horn, and no claws under its abdomen.

"Insignificant humans, you killed my offspring."

An icy voice sounded in Gu Fei’s heart. This was a kind of divine-minded communication. The **** snake was coiled in the air, raising the head of the giant high, with **** eyes, staring at Gu. fly,

With bursts of black air lingering, the figure of this giant snake is looming,

"Blackwater mysterious snake, how is it possible."

Gu Fei couldn't help being shocked when he saw this ferocious big snake. This big snake was actually the black water mysterious snake in ancient legends.


When the big snake saw that Gu Fei ignored him, he couldn't help being furious, and then let out a black breath at Gu Fei.

This black breath is not simple. It is this big snake who has cultivated for countless years of life-saving cold breath. With one breath, even a true fairy will be frozen to death.

The emptiness enveloped by black air is dying, and nothing is left wherever it passes.

The **** snake has an extraordinary origin. It was an ancient alien black water mysterious snake. This really surprised Gu Fei. You must know that this ancient alien species has long been extinct, and it is unexpected that there is one lurking on this Pluto.

The black air came in mighty, even Gu Fei felt the danger.


The void around Gu Fei's body was shaking, and a qi gang formed by chaotic true qi emerged from Gu Fei's body, covering Gu Fei to resist the black qi.

I saw that the black qi collided with the qi gangway outside Gu Fei, and the qi gangway immediately became dim, as if it might collapse at any time.

Gu Fei was taken aback. He quickly stepped on the Eight Desolation Void Steps, quickly backed away, and escaped the black air.


Seeing that Gu Fei hadn't been frozen to death by his own black breath, this black water mysterious snake was surprised. You must know that its life is extremely cold. As long as it is enveloped by this cold, there is nothing immortal.

"Your little guy's cultivation is pretty good."

The voice of the black water mysterious snake rang in Gu Fei’s heart.


When Gu Fei heard this black water mysterious snake calling himself like this, he couldn't help being a little speechless. Although this black water mysterious snake was powerful, it seemed that it could not exert the power of the holy order.

This is very strange, is it possible that this star also has the power to suppress their cultivation,

Gu Fei couldn't sense any seal power,

"Who is the little guy."

Gu Fei no longer hesitated, no longer concealed his own breath, a powerful breath erupted from him, his head full of long hair and no wind, his fighting spirit was like a rainbow.


The Black Water Profound Snake stared at Gu Fei and was shocked. It found that it had seriously underestimated the cultivation and combat power of the human monk in front of him.


The Black Water Black Snake turned around and left. Once this level of battle broke out, one of the parties was likely to die. The Black Water Black Snake asked himself that he was not yet Gu Fei’s opponent.

"Since it's here, just stay."

Gu Fei took a step, and instantly caught up with the black water mysterious snake, and then ascended to the sky, and came to the top of the black water mysterious snake. His right foot fell towards the black water mysterious snake.


The huge snake body of the Black Water Black Snake fell from the sky and smashed into the ground. The ground shook and it was undulating rapidly like a wave.

This black water mysterious snake actually hasn't grown up yet. If it were an adult black water mysterious snake, Gu Fei would have been hiding as far away as possible the first time.

You know, the adult black water mysterious snake is absolutely terrifying. Legend has it that the adult black water mysterious snake can directly fight against the saints, and even kill them.


Gu Fei suddenly realized something and rushed down from the sky. At this time, the black blood and black color had disappeared, and he escaped through the earth.


Gu Fei was frightened. The Black Water Black Snake must have escaped into its lair, but the place was terrible, even Gu Fei felt dangerous.

At this time, Gu Zhong and Lao Jiao, who were thrown into the inner world by Gu Fei, had closed in his inner world. It was difficult for him to find a helper.

This solar system is very unusual. There is the land of Wanlong Dynasty on Earth, and on this star named Pluto, there is a black water mysterious snake lurking.

He originally wanted to subdue this big snake, but now he doesn't want to have any extravagance. He returned to the ancient formation. When he looked at the ancient formation carefully, he couldn't help but be surprised.

It turns out that this ancient formation was damaged in several places. Of course, the broken teleportation formation is no longer needed.

However, Gu Fei knows some ways of formation. He began to think about how to repair this ancient teleportation formation. This will take a while to deduct.

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