Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2005: Maddening opponent

Mingjing Lake is really a nice place with beautiful scenery, with weeping willows floating in the wind by the lake, and a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

When it came to Mingjing Lake, the Busan monk had already been waiting there.

This monk stood directly on the lake and saw Gu Fei's arrival. He said to Gu Fei, "Donor, you were almost late. It is a bad habit to be late. It is a sin in itself to ask others to wait for you. Shrimp tofu, sin. You know, you wasted your own time, and wasted other people's time. Wasting time is a waste of life. You know, dried shrimp tofu, just wasting your own time, why waste my time? Life is just fine, how can I waste my life together, dried shrimp tofu..."

"Shut up."

Gu Fei can't bear it. This dead bald head is like a fly, no, it's a lot of flies buzzing around, which is annoying.

"Shut up, you told me to shut up, dried shrimp tofu, you actually told me to shut up, you..."

Then Busan monk will say more,

"You, you, you have a big bald head, give me a punch."

Gu Fei didn't have time to talk with this big bald head. Before the Busan monk finished speaking, he punched it. The violent fist wind made the Busan monk involuntarily close the chattering mouth.


With just another punch, the Busan monk flew out, a string of blood beads flew out of his nose, and fell into the lake with a "normal" sound.

This time, Gu Fei sensed the jade medal from Busan monk, and at the same time he fought him, the jade medal from Busan monk had already fallen into his hand.

Without hesitation, Gu Fei directly crushed the jade medal of Busan monk, then turned and left.

Wow, that Busan monk emerged from the lake.

"You shouldn't care about your dried shrimp tofu..."

The Busan monk began to chatter again, but at this time, he was the only one acting, Gu Fei had already left.

I really don’t know how this bald head defeated his opponent. Could it be that his opponent was defeated by his stinky mouth?

Soon, new news continued on the jade plate belonging to Gu Fei.

"An hour later, Wuyunfeng, Yue Xiaoqun, a girl."

Gu Fei was a little surprised. The opponent in this third game was actually a girl. She was not martial. However, in order to set foot on the ancient road outside the human race, she had to meet the gods and kill the Buddhas.

Wuyunfeng, thousands of miles away from the Xianfu of Zhongzhou, is a mountain of thousands of feet. The peak is usually surrounded by clouds, so it is called Wuyunfeng by the locals.

An hour rushed to a thousand miles away. For Gu Fei, time was too much. When he arrived at Wuyun Peak, that Yue Xiaoqun was still missing.

Gu Fei found a big stone on the top of the peak, then sat cross-legged on the big stone, quietly waiting for the arrival of his opponent.

Just when time was approaching, a sword light flew from far away and landed on Wuyun Peak. The sword light dissipated, and one person appeared.


Gu Fei was even more surprised when he saw this person. This Yue Xiaoqun turned out to be a man, Nima, is there any mistake? A big man actually named a girl.

"You are Gu Fei."

That Yue Xiaoqun’s voice was gentle and delicate, with an overcast voice. It was a woman’s voice. Moreover, he took out a small embroidered handkerchief from his body and wiped the sweat from his forehead, the orchid fingers holding the handkerchief. Gu Fei almost spit out the meal overnight,

Nima, it’s disgusting enough for a big man to name a girl. If this big man is a sissy, it’s really disgusting.

Heaven, earth, who are the people who come to participate in the Zhongzhou Grand Competition,

Gu Fei had an urge to go crazy,

"Be careful, I practiced the jade girl swordsmanship, I'm here."

That Yue Xiaoqun directly used swordsmanship and attacked and killed Gu Fei. Although this guy is a man of five big and three thick, his gentle movements seem to be better than a real woman.

"Isn't she practicing the swordsmanship of the Jade Girl?

Gu Fei thought to himself, there are eight or nine reasons for this. It's a crime. Who is this sissy master? A good young man turned out to be like this. His master should be taken to feed the beast.


Gu Fei punched again and directly shook Yue Xiaoqun’s flying sword. His fist hit Yue Xiaoqun’s face, causing that Yue Xiaoqun to fly upside down and his nosebleeds.

"You, you, you..., you hit my nose and ruined my beautiful appearance, I tried to fight with you."

That Yue Xiaoqun had a disheveled hair, like a shrew, got up from the ground, fiercely rushed towards Gu Fei, like a desperate tigress,


Gu Fei was taken aback by Yue Xiaoqun’s actions. He hurriedly rose into the sky and flew into the air. Fortunately, when he flew this sissy, he had already taken away the jade card from this sissy, and the outcome was divided. ,

He didn't bother to pay attention to the sissy on the mountain, directly crushed the jade medal, and then left Wuyunfeng.

In this way, Gu Fei rushed from place to place, and constantly fought against various people. In one day, he actually played 12 games.

Among these twelve opponents, only a few are people who have real talents, and most of the others are soy sauce players. These people are simply vulnerable.

The first round of the competition ended at midnight. Gu Fei eliminated twelve opponents. Those who were brushed off in this round accounted for the majority of the competition.

People who are truly capable will not be eliminated so quickly, but if they meet Gu Fei, they will also have to be eliminated.

Gu Fei returned to the inner world,

"Master, how is this big match."

When Gu Fei returned to Inner World, Gu Zhong greeted him.

At this time, Zhong Limeng, Lao Jiao, and Gu Fei’s new disciple Yaoyue are all in retreat. In the past ten years, Yaoyue’s cultivation has improved the fastest.

With Gu Zhong’s help, she was already a demigod. In the past, such a speed of cultivation was absolutely unimaginable.

Hearing Gu Zhong's question about Da Bi, Gu Fei's face suddenly turned black, and then walked into the place where he usually practiced without saying a word.

"what happened."

Gu Zhong was left with a stunned look,

Seeing Master’s face, Gu Zhong knew it was not good. He didn’t dare to bother Master with his anger.

"According to the principle, Master will not lose. What is it that makes Master feel so bad."

Gu Zhong was inexplicable. He never thought of why Gu Fei had a black face. It was because of Gu Fei’s best opponents, Tai Chi.

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