Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2006: Zhongzhou Sanzi

After the first round of the Zhongzhou Grand Contest, you can take a day off, and then continue to the second round of the Grand Contest.

A day’s time passed quickly. At the sunrise in the East, Gu Fei’s jade card sent a new message. This time, his opponent was a man of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

Just when Gu Fei received new information, in a pavilion in Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, several gray-haired old people were talking.

"Is that okay, let my outstanding disciple from Zhongzhou Xianfu go to fight this Gu Fei."

An old man said, from his tone, you can hear that he is a little worried, Gu Fei's performance is very good, in the first round of the twelve games, no one can receive his punch.

In the second round of competition that started today, the people from Zhongzhou Xianfu arranged for an outstanding disciple of Zhongzhou Xianfu to play against Gu Fei. This was very risky.

"Only in this way can we try out the true strength of this person. We hold the big competition to discover the strong human race with unlimited potential."

Another white-haired old man said,

"The big brother said yes."

Several other old people said,

"This Gu Fei is not an unknown person either. He was born in the southern region and once defeated Ziyunxiao. I want to see how strong he is."

The big brother said,

"What, this person actually defeated the Ziyunxiao of the Ziyun family."

The other old people were shocked when they heard this.

There are three most famous people in Zhongzhou Xianfu. However, in addition to those three, there are also many less famous people. The cultivation base and strength of these people are not far from those of the three people. ,

Jun Wuya, one of the top ten outstanding people in Zhongzhou Xianfu, he asked himself, his cultivation is definitely not weaker than those three brothers, but he is not as famous as those three brothers.

"Gu Fei, why did the elder in the door arrange this Gu Fei to be his opponent in the second round."

Jun Wuya was talking to himself, he was a little puzzled, this Gu Fei, he knew, this person had defeated Ziyunxiao of the Ziyun family ten years ago.

Such a record can be regarded as brilliant. You know that Ziyunxiao was recognized as the number one young man in the south ten years ago.

This Ziyunxiao comes from the Supreme Family Ziyun Family, with the blood of Ziyun Supreme, is unique and powerful, that is beyond doubt.

Gu Fei's ability to defeat Ziyunxiao is enough to show his strength.

"Qianzhangya, Jun Wuya."

At this time, Gu Fei had already left Inner World, and he rushed directly to the location of Qianzhangya, which is not very far from Zhongzhou Xianfu, only eight hundred miles away.

Soon, Gu Fei came to Qianzhangya,

This Qianzhang cliff is just an ordinary cliff. On the top of the cliff, there is no grass, and the top of the cliff is only a hundred meters in circumference. You can see it is full of yellow sand.

When Gu Fei came to Qianzhangya, Na Jun Wuya was already waiting there.

"You are Gu Fei, who defeated Ziyunxiao that year."

Seeing Gu Fei's arrival, a light flashed when Jun Wuya's eyes were neutral, and a powerful fighting intent came out of Jun Wuya's body.

"You are Jun Wuya, one of the top ten outstanding people in Zhongzhou."

Gu Fei came to a place about thirty feet in front of Jun Wuya and stood still, and then looked at his opponent.

"let's start."

Gu Fei said, this is a good opponent, with the strength of a quasi-sage intermediate, but even if he is unlucky, when he meets himself, the end of this competition is already doomed.

In the next competition, there was no suspense. Jun Wuya still couldn't resist Gu Fei's punch. Jun Wuya was defeated. The defeat was so complete that he was blasted from Qianzhang Cliff with a punch.

Gu Fei had no killer, Jun Wuya only wounded but never died.

"It's still a trick."

The elders in Zhongzhou Xianfu were really shocked by Gu Fei’s methods. From the glare mirror, they could clearly see every movement of Gu Fei defeating Jun Wuya on Qianzhang Cliff.

"How is it possible, Jun Wuya is one of the top ten outstanding figures in Zhongzhou Xianfu."

"Jun Wuya was defeated by Gu Fei with a punch."

The elders of Zhongzhou Xianfu in the pavilion were stunned and unbelievable. Gu Fei’s combat power was too strong. Who can defeat Jun Wuya with one move?

Gu Fei did it,

Soon, the news that Gu Fei defeated Jun Wuya with one move spread throughout Zhongzhou Xianfu. The entire Zhongzhou Xianfu was shaken, and even the old palace lord who had not been in the world for many years was shocked.

Zhongzhou Grand Bi’s initiative is all controlled by Zhongzhou Xianfu, who will fight against whom and where they will fight.

"You arrange for one of the three to fight against Na Gu Fei."

The old palace lord himself sits in the pavilion of Dabi,


The elders became busy immediately,

People who can be followed by the elders are only an absolute minority. Other soy sauce guys, these elders simply don’t bother to pay attention to them, and leave them to their disciples to deal with them.

"It's a pity, I thought we could be on the list of the top ten outstanding people in Zhongzhou Xianfu."

The old palace lord sighed, defeat is defeat. Although Jun Wuxie's potential is good, as long as he loses in the competition, he will also be brushed off and lose the qualification to set foot on the ancient road outside the human race.

"Jun Wuxie was defeated. I am looking forward to a fight with you."

In the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, a young man in white clothes sitting in a stone room said such words.

"Wu Daoyi, eight hundred miles of Black Magic Ridge."

After defeating Jun Wuya, Gu Fei’s jade card quickly received a message from Zhongzhou Xianfu. When he read this message, he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

Both the opponent and the place of the competition surprised him. This Wu Daoyi is one of the third sons of Zhongzhou, and the third son of Zhongzhou is the three most outstanding disciples of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

This Wu Daoyi's cultivation and strength are definitely the top of the top, and being able to fight against such a master is also a good thing for Gu Fei.

Among the top ten outstanding people in Zhongzhou, Jun Wuya’s cultivation base is middle and lower, but Wu Daoyi’s cultivation base is definitely in the top three, or even higher.

As for the place of the test, Gu Fei was surprised. The Black Demon Ridge was not an ordinary place. It was a Demon Ridge with an inexplicable magical atmosphere.

According to legend, it was the place where the Great Sage of the Human Race killed the devil, and the mountains of the Black Demon Ridge were all black, which was very different from other places.

Some people say that it was stained with the blood of the great demon who was beheaded by the great sage of the human race.

In general, the Black Devil Ridge is an ominous place, and even the birds will not fly there. On the Black Devil Ridge, no animals can be seen.

Moreover, Black Magic Ridge is far away from Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, a distance of tens of thousands of miles.

Of course, the distance of 10,000 miles is nothing to a master like Gu Fei.

When Gu Fei boarded the Black Demon Ridge, Wu Daoyi hadn't arrived yet, he had the world's top speed, and the speed was so fast that no quasi-sage could catch him.

"There is really weird here. Could it be that there was really a great demon beheaded here by the Great Sage of Human Race."

When Gu Fei boarded the Black Demon Ridge, he could clearly feel the magical aura emanating from this mountain.

Although the magic here is very weak, it does exist.

Just as Gu Fei wanted to carefully sense the magical nature on the mountain and find its source, a powerful aura suddenly appeared in the far sky.

"come yet."

Gu Fei looked up and saw a man in white, walking towards the Black Devil Ridge in a volley. Every time this man took a step, Dao lines appeared under his feet.

"Wu Daoyi."

When Gu Fei saw this man, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. This was a young man, a handsome and sunny young man, with a smile on his face forever.

"You are Gu Fei."

Wu Dao smiled and stopped about five feet in front of Gu Fei.

"I heard that you defeated Jun Wuya with just one move. It's really amazing."

Wu Dao has always held up his thumbs up with Gu Fei.

"This is nothing. If you let you make a move, I'm afraid that you can defeat that Jun Wuxie with one move."

Gu Fei said seriously, the strength of the ten great talents in Zhongzhou is indeed quite different. Wu Daoyi is very strong, at least much stronger than that of Jun Wuya.

If Wu Dao is innocent, he can easily defeat him,

"Haha, fellow Taoist joked."

Wu Dao said with a smile,

"let us start."

Gu Fei didn’t want to say anything more. He had already guessed that this so-called Zhongzhou Grand Competition was actually controlled by Zhongzhou Xianfu, and his opponents would become stronger and stronger.

He is looking forward to what masters Zhongzhou Xianfu will arrange to compete with himself.

"OK then."

Wu Dao smiled, and then, his whole person suddenly disappeared in place.


Gu Fei was taken aback. He instinctively took a step to the left. It was this step that avoided the cold light from Wu Daoyi, which was a silver needle.


Gu Fei’s heart beats, this silver needle is almost transparent, if it’s not for his good eyesight, he really can’t catch the movement of this silver needle.

"People hide a knife in a smile, this guy hides a needle in a smile."

Gu Fei did not dare to be careless, it was not a good thing to be stabbed by these needles.

"A big hand covering the sky."

Gu Fei directly displayed martial arts combat skills, a large chaotic hand appeared in the void, revealing unparalleled power fluctuations, and slapped Wu Daoyi.

The chaos enveloped all directions, so Wu Daoyi couldn't avoid it, so he could only take Gu Fei's trick.


With a loud noise, Wu Daoyi was directly slapped into the mountain by Chaos's big hand, and the entire Black Demon Ridge almost collapsed, and the mountain was cracked.

Through the dazzling mirror, the old palace lord and others in Zhongzhou Xianfu could not help but feel shocked when they saw this scene.

"This kind of combat technique is a martial art technique that has long been lost."

The old palace master said excitedly,

Zhongzhou Xianfu is different from ordinary forces. Zhongzhou Xianfu has passed on endless years and naturally knows a lot of the secrets between heaven and earth. In those ancient years, martial art was an extremely powerful combat technique.

There were even rumors of invincible warriors of the same rank in those ancient years,

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