Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2011: Dragon Qi

Now Gu Fei has collected three jade medals in his hand. As long as he gets two more jade medals, he can leave this wild and small world.

He knew that some truly powerful people, even if they had gathered all the jade medals, would not leave this wild world so easily.

You know, here is the world formed by a small fragment of the ancient primordial world. Here, some elixir growing in the mountains are very rare in the outside world.

Moreover, in this savage little world, there are other secrets, like the small fragments formed after the ancient primordial lands are broken, it is not something ordinary people can make into a small world.

They are human beings and all have curiosity. Immortals are also cultivated by human beings. In essence, even the supreme dignity in ancient times is also a human race.

Sure enough, Gu Fei had a good guess, and soon he stopped a young man in white who was heading towards the depths of this world.

The war inevitably broke out, because Gu Fei’s words completely angered this young man in white clothes. It’s not easy to enter the powerhouse in this world.

This white-clothed young man is obviously a super power from the ancestor star of Fuzhou, powerful combat power, shaking the world, and fighting Gu Fei endlessly.

"who are you."

The white-clothed youth became more and more frightened by the war. This person who dared to stop him was really strong. How could such a person have not collected five jade medals?

"This fellow Taoist, I think you should hand over the jade medal in your hand."

At this time, the iron-blooded Taoist also came nearby, and he said to the white-clothed young man, in his opinion, killing the young monk with two punches to kill the boss of the barbaric tribe is absolutely easy.

The reason why the boss has not taken action to bring down this young man is probably because he wants to see what the young man has.


The young people were frightened and angry, and the words of the iron-blooded Taoist passed into his ears. It was simply a shame that he asked himself to surrender and hand over the jade medal.

If I really do this, I’m afraid it will leave a shadow in my heart, it will be difficult to maintain my pure Taoism, and my cultivation will also stagnate.

"You want the jade card in my hand, unless you beat me."

The young man in white roared and said, "Today is really unlucky. He never thought that someone would block the road and rob in this place.


Gu Fei said, his tone was very plain,


The powerful fist strength directly broke through the great skill displayed by the white-clothed youth, and then hit the white-clothed youth as a chest, the void around the fist was distorted.


The young man in white was taken aback. Since his debut, he has experienced countless battles, but he has never encountered anyone who can break his fist with his fist.

"Nine Dragons Huntian."

The white-clothed youth roared, and a wave of dragon energy that was extremely powerful suddenly broke out from him. Nine dragons rushed out of him and faced Gu Fei’s fist. At the same time, he quickly retreated back. ,


Gu Fei's fist slammed on the nine dragon shadows that rushed towards him, and the nine dragon shadows shattered with one punch.

Although he smashed the nine dragon shadows with a single punch, the power of the nine dragon shadows also successfully blocked his offensive.

"Dragon Qi."

Gu Fei was very surprised. Only now did this white-clothed youth reveal his true strength. It seems that there are still many truly capable people on Zhou Zuxing.

"As a human race, you actually have the power of a true dragon in your body. Could it be that you have dragon blood in your body."

Gu Fei had to move. It’s not that Humans and Dragons can’t breed descendants, but the descendants of Humans and Dragons won’t be able to awaken the blood of the dragons in the body so easily.

Obviously, the background of this white-clothed youth is definitely not small, because the dragon blood in his body has definitely been awakened, otherwise, it is impossible for him to have dragon energy.

Only when the power of the true dragon is cultivated, can this white-clothed youth be surrounded by dragon aura.

"Huh, what does it matter to you."

The young man in white clothes looked at Gu Fei and said coldly, on his body, a phantom of a big dragon was looming, and a force of dragon might be revealed.

"I have some friendship with the dragon clan, you can go."

Gu Fei glanced at the white-clothed young man, then waved his hand, then turned and walked towards the iron-blooded Taoist man, and stopped attacking the white-clothed young man.

He had a life-long friendship with Laogui. Since this man has dragon spirit, he must be a descendant of Laogui's clan, but he was embarrassed to attack this young man.

"Hmph, by now, it's not that you don't fight, then you don't fight."

The white-clothed youth seemed to be irritated. He didn't care about Gu Fei's friendship with the Dragon Clan, and wanted him to stop, but it was difficult. Since his debut, he has not been ignored by anyone.

"My boss told you to go. You're already out of shit. If you don't go yet, is it really impatient to live."

The iron-blooded Taoist said, in his opinion, Gu Fei can let go of this young monk, this young monk is already smoking from the ancestral tomb, and dare to squeak,

"Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to speak? For a person like you, I can knock you down with one hand."

The young man glanced at the iron-blooded Taoist, his tone was still extremely cold, without a trace of emotion, the iron-blooded Taoist was simply vulnerable to his eyes.


At this moment, the Jagged Daoist was also a little angry. He kindly reminded the white-clothed youth, but he didn't expect this white-clothed youth to say such words.

"It seems that you don't receive a lesson, you are not convinced."

Gu Fei stopped, then turned around, and said to the white-clothed youth that although this white-clothed youth is strong, in his own opinion, this white-clothed youth can't handle his ten moves at all.

Gu Fei is also a Dacheng quasi-sage, Gu Fei is much stronger than the white-clothed youth, but the white-clothed youth is much stronger than the Jagged Taoist.

"If you have any ability, just let it go."

The young man in white felt a great deal of pressure from Gu Fei, because the other party was too calm, and the calmer the other party, the more confident the other party was. This is definitely not a good thing for him.

"as you wish."

Gu Fei smiled, and then his figure suddenly became blurred.

At this moment, the heart of the white-clothed youth suddenly beat, his pores shrank, and the hairs on his body stood up.

This is the most direct response of the body when a person feels extreme danger, like a civet being frightened.


Don’t ask, the danger naturally comes from the other party. The shock of the white-clothed youth is really not trivial. He didn’t know where the other party would attack him.

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