Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2012: Deep in the world

Gu Fei's speed was too fast. He left an afterimage on the spot. His true body had already reached the sky above the white-clothed youth, and then he stepped down towards the white-clothed youth's Tianling Gai.


When the white-clothed youth noticed Gu Fei’s attack, Gu Fei’s right foot was about to land on his head, which made the white-clothed youth panic.


The white-clothed youth didn't even think about it, his body fell straight down, and then two golden lights rushed out from his hands and turned into two golden dragon claws, blocking upwards.


Gu Fei’s right foot rested on the two golden dragon claws, and the dragon claws formed by the power of the golden dragon broke apart immediately, turning into little golden glow, and dissipating into the void.

The power of his right foot was undiminished, stepping on the hands of the young man in white,


The sound of broken bones immediately sounded, and the white-clothed youth screamed, and Gu Fei stepped directly down from the sky, and hit the ground with a "touch."

All this happened so fast that even the iron-blooded Taoist was stunned. He never expected that Gu Fei used thunder means to step the white-clothed youth from the sky.

"The strength of the boss..."

The iron-blooded Taoist's mind was shaking, and the strength that Gu Fei showed was too amazing. The Dacheng quasi-sage, who was enough to cross the world, was simply vulnerable in front of him.


The young man in white roared and rushed up from the ground. He was stepped from the sky by Gu Fei just now, and the forearm bones of both arms were broken.

The resilience of Dacheng Quasi-sage’s body is still very abnormal. The forearm bones of the white-clothed youth have healed in an instant, as if they had never been injured.

At this time, the face of the young man in white was red and white. He stared at Gu Fei and wanted to attack him, but he hesitated when he thought of the strength of the other party.

The other party was merciful just now. If the other party wanted his own life, just now, he would not just break his two forearm bones.

The white-clothed youth is very clear that the power of Gu Fei’s kick is terrifying, but the power of the opponent’s kick is not fully demonstrated.

There is nothing more to say. Since you are not the opponent of the opponent, you have to hand over those jade cards. Didn’t the opponent intercept him for the jade cards?

Although the other party had told him to leave before, but now, when he really lost in the hands of the other party, he knew how powerful and terrifying this person was.

"This is the jade medal you want."

The white-clothed youth was very straightforward. He directly took out the jade medal he had obtained, together with his own piece, threw it at Gu Fei, then turned around and left.

There is such a character on the ancient road outside the human race, and he has no chance to become holy. It is better to just give up this opportunity and also fall on this ancient road without fail.

The young man in white has left, Gu Fei and the others don’t even know his name, but there are so many cultivators in the world, and they don’t need to know every cultivator.

"this is……"

Gu Fei took those jade plaques, but found that the young man in white clothes had collected twelve jade plaques.

"This guy is too cruel."

After seeing the jade medals in Gu Fei's hand, the Jie Xue Taoist couldn't help being shocked. This white-clothed young man defeated at least eleven opponents and got a jade medal.

"It's time to leave."

When Gu Fei got what he wanted, he wanted to leave this wild and small world. However, just when he and the iron-blooded Taoist were about to smash the jade medal, a strange fluctuation happened at this time. From the depths of the world,

"this is……"

When Gu Fei sensed this wave of fluctuations, his eyes suddenly lit up, he stopped quickly, and then turned to look into the depths of this world.

"Boss, what's wrong."

Although the Jagged Daoist also sensed the slight fluctuation, he did not know what had happened. He saw Gu Fei’s look and thought that Gu Fei must know what had happened.

"How can there be such a thing here."

Gu Fei ignored the iron-blooded Daoist, but was thinking about something. Isn’t the Wild Little World under the control of Zhongzhou Xianfu?

If the Wilderness World is under the complete control of Zhongzhou Xianfu, how could that kind of thing have not been taken away? This is unreasonable, because no one can resist the attraction of that kind of thing.

At this time, in the pavilion in Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, the old palace lord was extremely excited.

"The fruit of the Immortal Medicine is ripe, why is it so at this time..."

Zhongzhou Xianfu has dazzling stones and dazzling stones everywhere in the wild small world, which is an auxiliary material for the use of mysterious light.

In the pavilion, the old palace lord can see the scenery in the wild small world, and can also feel the various breaths in the wild small world.

This is a kind of magical ability of Xuan Guangshi. Not only can people’s voices and figures be displayed on the dazzling mirror, even the breath can be transmitted, making people feel like they are on the scene.

This is also a means by Zhongzhou Xian Mansion to monitor the Wild Little World. Gu Fei's battle with the white-clothed young man also saw the old mansion.

However, the depths of that savage little world is also a forbidden place for Zhongzhou Xianfu, where there is great danger, therefore, the people of Zhongzhou Xianfu will not come close.

No one knows what is in the depths of the wild world. Zhongzhou Xianfu has received a great lesson. The people of Zhongzhou Xianfu have attacked the depths of the wild Xiaotian and want to completely control this wild world.

However, that battle caused heavy losses to Zhongzhou Xianfu, and it almost fell to the ground. The loss that time caused Zhongzhou Xianfu to recuperate for thousands of years before it recovered.

Since then, Zhongzhou Xianfu has not dared to make any further ideas in this wild and small world.

The reason why Zhongzhou Xianfu attacked the depths of the wild Xiaotiandi at all costs was that it was an undead medicine. For the sake of an undead medicine, Zhongzhou Xianfu suffered heavy losses.

To this day, the fruit of the undead medicine has actually matured. This is the fruit of the undead medicine. How many times it has matured,

No one knows, because the Immortal Medicine has existed for too long. It was a lost time.

"I have to go see it myself."

The old palace lord left the attic as he said, the fruit of the immortal medicine matured, and even he could not sit still. You know, that is the fruit of the immortal medicine.

A group of high-level officials in Zhongzhou Xianfu also took action. The fruits of the immortal medicine made everyone jealous. Zhongzhou Xianfu quickly sent a team of strong people under the leadership of the old palace master. , Entered the wild little world,

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