Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2016: War broke out

Xianzun’s formation, gathering aura from all directions, eighteen ancient chariots, turned into 18 formations in the formation, among these 18 formations, murderous auras were soaring.

A faint and unreal figure stood up from the formation. This was the Dao body of the Immortal Venerable that year. When the formation of the Immortal Venerable was running, it could condense a Dao body.

This is the real horror of the Xianzun formation,

"Are there going to war."

Outside the restricted area, all the cultivators were nervously watching the scene in the restricted area. The strength displayed by the Zhongzhou Xianfu was too strong. Such a force was enough to sweep the entire barren world.


The old palace lord looked up to the sky and roared, his old physical body has undergone amazing changes.


"He is going to return to his peak state."


The monk outside the restricted area was shocked to the extreme, and saw the old palace master standing on the chariot, his long snow-white hair quickly turning into black.

And the wrinkled face of the old palace owner is also changing. The wrinkles are quickly dissolving, the muscles are rejuvenated, and the old face is changing.

The aura of the old palace lord's body became stronger and stronger, and a series of avenues of gods continuously rushed out of his body, and then collapsed into the surrounding void.

He is unsealing, the repair and strength of the seal are returning,

Soon, the old palace master turned into a tall, black hair flying, eyes like torch, and mighty middle-aged man.

"You are not afraid of just falling away."

In the forbidden area, the voice of the master of the forbidden area was heard. In today's world, there is no saint stranded in the human world who dares to completely unlock his seal.

The human world has become different. Although the power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth cannot harm the saint, the power that transcends the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth can cause the saint to fall.


The old palace lord didn’t say much, he drove the chariot and rushed towards the depths of the restricted area.

The war broke out, and the old palace master, who had already unlocked several seals on his body, had restored his cultivation base of three or four. The power of the saint path was extremely powerful.


The entire forbidden area was shaking, and there was a terrifying storm of destruction in the forbidden area, and the mountains were constantly swallowed by that storm, which was extremely frightening.

Cracks in the dark space, like dark lightning, spread out from the depths of the restricted area in an instant. This is a torn void.

The master in the restricted area is equally powerful, fighting endless battles with the old palace master,

Outside the restricted area, everyone was watching nervously, no one dared to enter the restricted area, because the eighteen old war gods were still there, the battle formation of Immortal Venerable was moving, and a huge phantom stood in the sky and earth.

The phantom condensed from the battle formation of the Immortal Venerable, giving people a great sense of oppression, just like a true saint standing there.

The eighteen old God of War did not make a move. Behind the old God of War were thirteen disciples in white, and these thirteen strong men of the younger generation showed no signs of making a move.

The force of horror came out violently, and the Xianzun battle map fixed a void, protected the eighteen old war gods, and also protected the thirteen strongmen of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

"Sage-level battle."

Gu Fei didn't make a move either. People who can't hold their breath will often plunge themselves into a dangerous situation. Now is not the time to make a move.

Not only Gu Fei thinks this way, most people think so too.

However, there are also some people who cannot resist the attraction of the elixir of death, wanting to fish in troubled waters while the old palace lord is fighting with the lord of the restricted area.


A sad scream sounded, a monk was very unlucky, he was directly torn apart by the space crack that rushed out from the depths of the restricted area, and then swallowed in by the space crack.

As powerful as a quasi-sage, it can't resist the destructive force formed by the tearing of space. The monk is completely destroyed in his body and spirit, and he can no longer die.


Seeing this scene, it shocked the monks who had already entered the restricted area. This place was too dangerous. The Dacheng Quasi-Sage would fall in danger here.


A roar came from the depths of the forbidden area. It was the voice of the owner of the forbidden area. The roar was earth-shattering, and it directly dropped several Dacheng quasi-sages who entered the forbidden area from the sky.

With a roar, it was really terrifying. Even the monks outside the restricted area were shocked by this roar. The monks who were close even had blood oozing out of their ears.

"very scary……"

Many cultivators hurriedly retreated to the distance. This type of battle was too terrifying. The Dacheng Quasi-Sage would die before coming forward and couldn't get involved.

Except for the existence of some heaven-defying ranks, other cultivators have directly withdrawn thousands of miles away, not daring to get too close to the restricted area in front.

"Children, kill me, kill all these human races, and leave none."

The voice of the ruler of the forbidden area sounded, and then, a powerful aura suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the forbidden area suddenly gusted with wind and horrible beasts rushed out.


The roar of the fierce beast resounded all over the world. Among them was a fierce tiger with wings on its back and a unicorn on its forehead. This is a wild alien, a strange beast.

The Qiongqi fierce beast leaped violently and rushed towards the battle formation of the eighteen old war gods. It was extremely fierce.

The ancient wild beasts are extremely powerful and powerful, but the power of this rush collapsed the space below, turning into an extinct force, sweeping down the battlefield laid down by the eighteen old war gods.


With a loud noise, the Qiongqi, relying on his supernatural powers, directly shook the Xianzun battle array with a hard blow. The faint and untruthful Dao body that appeared on the Xianzun battle formation dissipated, and the Qiongqi and fierce head The beast was stunned by the power of the Xianzun battle formation,

At this time, countless fierce beasts rushed out from the depths of the restricted area, fiercely rushing towards the monks outside the restricted area, and for a while, the surrounding area became chaotic.

"Naughty animal..."

On the mountain where Gu Fei was located, it was not safe. There was a fierce snake staring at them. It was a fierce snake with a length of hundreds of meters, and a tyrannical aura spread from this fierce snake. ,


Before the fierce snake rushed to it, it opened its mouth and expelled a black gas, which instantly enveloped the mountain where Gu Fei was on.

This is the poisonous mist produced by the cultivation of the fierce snake. With this poisonous mist sprayed out, the plants on the top of the mountain are rapidly losing their vitality and turning yellow.


Gu Fei was full of chaos and divine light, and blocked all the black energy surging towards him, making it difficult to get close. He just punched, and the fierce snake was blasted into countless segments by him. , Scattered from the sky,

At this time, even if they wanted to reap the benefits of the fishermen, countless fierce beasts slaughtered all the monks fiercely.

The war broke out,

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