Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2017: The wild beasts come out

There are countless fierce beasts under the dominator in the restricted area. These fierce beasts are all wild alien species in the wild world. They are conquered by the dominator of the forbidden area and become a powerful force in the hands of the dominator of the forbidden area.

In the forbidden zone, the fierce aura is overwhelming, and terrible beast shadows are looming. It is the most powerful savage beast under the leader of the forbidden zone.


The savage beasts were roaring, their voices were shaking, and everyone couldn't help changing their colors. No one thought that there were so many beasts in this restricted area.

Some people immediately retreated to the distance, joking, if these fierce beasts burst out, who can stop them,

At this time, that poor beast had already fought with the eighteen old God of War of Zhongzhou Xianfu, and it was actually barely contending with the eighteen old God of War.

"What a wicked animal."

The old war **** roared, the battle formation of Immortal Venerable was evolving, the body of Immortal Venerable Dao was looming, and the powerful force knocked and flew away the legendary ancient beast again and again.

The ancient fierce beast is indeed well-deserved, and Qiongqi’s body is extremely powerful, even the strength of the Xianzun battle formation can hardly cause damage to it for a while.

However, the battle formation of Immortal Venerable in Zhongzhou Xianfu is also extraordinary. After the battle formation reaches a certain level, the Taoist body of the Immortal Venerable condensed from the battle formation gradually becomes clear.

The battle formation successfully condensed an immortal power,

Above the faint and inaccurate Dao body, there was a powerful aura that looked like the world, that hazy Dao body, holding a disc-like magical instrument,

Although just standing still, the aura seemed to be even more terrifying than the two true sacred auras erupting from the depths of the restricted area.


Qiongqi was roaring, and the Taoist Immortal Dao body made him feel very uneasy.

But at this moment, another ancient alien species rushed over. This is an idol. This idol is covered with long brown hair and is more than ten meters tall. It roars and moves the mountain. shake,


The eighteen old war gods of Zhongzhou Xianfu were taken aback. This black elephant was extraordinary, it was an ancient and wild alien species, and its brute force was unimaginable.

In ancient times, the power of the dragon and elephant was synonymous with powerfulness.

The idol rushed directly towards the battle formation of Xianzun, and the four hooves shook the entire void, and the ferocious aura swept across the fields.




There was a loud shout, and the eighteen old war gods in the Immortal Venerable Battle Formation were extremely nervous. This idol is different from the Qiongqi fierce beast. If hit by this idol, even if it is an ancient sacred mountain, Was crushed,


Void trembling, driven by the eighteen old war gods, the Dao pattern that formed the battle formation of the Immortal Venerable immediately radiated bright divine light, and all directions aura gathered frantically.

The Immortal Venerable Dao's body immediately became clear, as if he was about to walk out of the void, the immortal Dao aura swept across the world, and it seemed that the entire world was going to be crushed by this phantom shadow.


This supreme coercion caused everyone to be discolored, even Gu Fei had to move. This kind of battle formation was really powerful, and it attracted an immortal power to bless the battle formation.

If this kind of battle formation can run to the extreme, wouldn’t it be waiting if the ancient Immortal Venerable is taking action,


The huge figure, holding a disc-shaped magic weapon, greeted the colliding idol, and the two immediately collided together, causing a loud noise.

At the moment when the two hit, the whole world shook abruptly, and then, centered on the two, a circle of visible ripples spread quickly.

Where this transparent ripple passes, the void begins to collapse and annihilate,

Except for the thirteen white-clothed disciples of Zhongzhou Xianfu who were shrouded in the battle formation of Xianzun, within a radius of several thousand meters, they became a dead place, and everything was directly destroyed.

Some unlucky monks, who didn’t even have time to scream out, were annihilated in this wave of destruction, their body and spirit were destroyed, and the things on their bodies turned into fly ash.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the beast has already retreated thousands of miles away, avoiding this terrifying wave of destruction.

Under the impact of the powerful force, the entire Immortal Venerable Battle Formation was knocked out of the restricted area. Eighteen old Gods of War were greatly impacted, and blood leaked from the corners of some old Gods’ mouths.


Some of the thirteen disciples in white clothes from Zhongzhou Xianfu directly spouted a mouthful of blood, looking distraught, as if they had been severely injured by someone.

Although the collision force of the black idol was blocked by the Dao Xianzun Dao's body, this collision force was really too strong, even the Dacheng Quasi-sage was affected.

Even the third son of Zhongzhou was not immune, and suffered a lot of shock.

The black idol was not so comfortable either. The huge body like a hill was shaken out thousands of feet away and plunged into the depths of the restricted area.

At this time, all the monks are not immune. There are too many brutal beasts rushing out of the restricted area. Hundreds of human monks are in danger of being submerged by the beast tide.

However, these hundreds of human cultivators are the most powerful monks who stand out on the ancestors of Bu Zhou. These hundreds of people are the ones standing at the forefront of the cultivation world of ancestors of Bu Zhou.

Such a force, even a super power such as Zhongzhou Xianfu, is difficult to deal with, not to mention that among these people, there are strong people from the Supreme Family.

"The primordial spirit turns into an immeasurable clone."

In a valley, there was a loud shout, and then suddenly dense figures appeared in the entire valley, and a powerful immortal power came out.


In the valley, there was a savage beast roaring. The powerful savage beast sensed the danger and wanted to rush out of the valley. However, under the attack of countless figures, there was no sound in the valley.


Suddenly, countless figures disappeared, and then a young man dressed in Qingyi and an ancient sword on his back came out from the valley.

In the valley, there was a pungent smell of blood, and the corpses of hundreds of fierce beasts fell on the rocks, and they were killed on the spot.

In other places, there are also strong human races taking action, and the earth-shattering murderous aura makes the world discolored. These people are the strong among the strong, invincible, and constantly harvesting the lives of wild beasts.

However, there were also many monks who could not match those powerful beasts and died under the claws of the beasts.


A big bird shaped like a peacock stood on a mountain peak and opened its mouth to inhale. Immediately, several figures flew over from a distance and were swallowed by this fierce bird.

"It is said that the ancient Buddha, before he became enlightened, was cultivating on the top of the snow-capped mountains. He was once swallowed by a divine bird in one bite. Is this the kind of divine bird that can swallow people thousands of miles?"

In the distance, Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene. At this time, he realized that the divine bird above the mountain was actually looking towards him.

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