Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2018: War bird

A fierce bird capable of swallowing people for thousands of miles was approaching him, even Gu Fei couldn’t help being frightened. You know, this fierce year just swallowed several Dacheng quasi-sages in one breath.

This fierce bird is definitely one of the most powerful wild beasts in the restricted area.

In those ancient years, a peacock beast once swallowed the ancient Buddha who was practicing on the snow-capped mountains in one bite. Although this fierce bird is not the beast peacock, it definitely has the blood of the peacock clan in its body.

Gu Fei realized that the appearance of this fierce year was somewhat similar to the peacock beast that swallowed the ancient Buddha in one bite.


The fierce bird opened its mouth again,

Although it was hundreds of miles away, a huge suction instantly enveloped Gu Fei and the iron-blooded Taoist, and then wrapped them around and flew forward.


Gu Fei was frightened and angry. This fierce bird was too hateful. He thought he was as bullying as the ordinary Dacheng quasi-sage, and swallowed himself.


The Jagged Daoist was enveloped in that suction force, and couldn't help losing his color. He struggled to break the suction force and rushed out, but all this was in vain.

This suction is too strong, even if it is an existence like the Jagged Taoist, after being wrapped in this suction, there is no resistance at all.

"I will let you swallow it."

Gu Fei slapped forward with a punch, the powerful punch directly broke the suction force, and bombarded the fierce bird on the mountain.

Although the powerful fist strength hasn't come surging, but the mountain in front of Gu Fei's fist has shaken.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the fierce bird on the top of the mountain. It did not expect that this human race could break through its own devouring power.


The fierce bird spread its wings and rose into the sky,


As soon as the fierce bird soared into the sky, the mountain peak below the fierce bird exploded. Gu Fei punched a large mountain, the dust was soaring, and countless sand, gravel and mud splashed, covering hundreds of miles.

Many monks who were fighting with the beasts were affected, and they retreated in exclamation. Many of the hapless beasts were hit by the flying rocks, and the blood and blood were smeared.

Gu Fei’s fist is terrifying,

"Where is Gu Fei..."

Gu Fei blasted a mountain with a punch, and the movement made was so loud that it shocked everyone. Someone recognized him and exclaimed.

Although he had not been to Zhongzhou before, he was born in the southern region of Buzhou Zuxing and defeated Ziyunxiao, but he was famous in the whole Buzhou Zuxing cultivation world.

Even though many people have never seen Gu Fei, they have heard of his name.

"It's the man who defeated Zi Yunxiao ten years ago."

Someone was shocked,

"Gu Fei finally made a move."

Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters saw this scene in the distance, and couldn't help but feel shocked. Gu Fei was so powerful that no one knew better than Ziyunxiao.

Ten years have passed, Ziyunxiao is making progress, but Gu Fei has not been idle during these ten years.

If the two fight again, they don’t know who will win or lose.

In order to retrieve that drop of Supreme Divine Blood, Zi Yunxiao would definitely seek out Ancient Fei. You know, that drop of Supreme Divine Blood is too important to him.


At this time, after Gu Fei blasted the mountain with a punch, he stepped on the emptiness step, approached the fierce bird in an instant, and slammed it out again.

This is the simplest attack, but it shows a kind of invincible fist intent. It is so powerful that it can break all magical powers, and it is extremely powerful.

That fierce bird was obviously taken aback by Gu Fei’s punch. Gu Fei’s invincible fist intent made it very disturbed.


The feathers on the tail of the fierce bird spread out all at once, like a peacock's screen. It is nine feathers that form a fan shape. On each feather, there is a colorful light flowing.

"The Five Elements Power."

Gu Fei sensed the wave of power on the fierce bird, and couldn’t help but moved. This fierce bird is not simple. Perhaps its body contains the blood of a pure peacock beast.


The nine colorful feathers on the tail of the fierce bird flew up and turned into nine divine swords, screaming in bursts, and the sky-shaking sword aura erupted, and the temperature of the whole world was dropping rapidly.

The nine-handled divine sword with the power of the five elements in the sky greeted Gu Fei's fist.


Gu Fei’s fist instantly collided with the nine-handed divine sword. The nine-handed divine sword pierced Gu Fei’s fist and could not penetrate into the flesh.

However, the shocking sword energy from the nine-handed divine sword made Gu Fei feel a great deal of pressure. The sword energy penetrated into his fist and attacked his chest.


Gu Fei roared, and his long hair danced wildly, a powerful chaotic force rose from his dantian and gathered towards his right arm.

The sword energy that invaded Gu Fei’s right arm was immediately dissipated by the power erupting from his body. Not only that, the nine divine sword pierced on Gu Fei’s fist shook at the same time.

"This human race..."

This fierce bird was really shocked at this time. Someone could use a flesh and blood body to resist the Five Elements Excalibur that he had worked so hard to cultivate.

The magical powers of the ferocious bird are not trivial. Among all the wild ferocious beasts, only a few ferocious beasts are qualified to be its opponents.

But now, I can't even clean up a small human race, which makes me feel like a little self-confidence, and other wild beasts will inevitably laugh at themselves.

Although these ancient savage beasts showed their human beings in their true forms, the cultivation base of these savage beasts was enough to change their form and become other things, even humans, at will.

The nine-handed divine sword is shaking, it seems that it may be shaken by the opponent's fist at any time,

The Fierce Bird was extremely shocked. Since it was cultivated into supernatural powers, no human race has been able to shake it. Once the Five Elements Divine Sword is released, it must return in blood.

"Break it for me."

Gu Fei opened his eyes fiercely and roared, a stronger force rushed out of his pubic area, and instantly surged onto his right arm.


The power above Gu Fei’s right fist exploded, and the nine-handed five-element divine sword had no suspense, and was directly shocked by this power.

"how is this possible……"

The fierce bird was shocked, it was running profound arts, and the nine divine swords that were shaken by Gu Fei’s fist flew back again.

But at this time, Gu Fei’s fist came, and the force radiating from Gu Fei’s fist crushed the sky and the earth.

"Why is this human race so powerful."

The fierce bird fluttered its wings and retreated in an instant. However, this time, Gu Fei’s fist was in the same shape. No matter how quickly the fierce bird retreated, Gu Fei’s fist still hit the fierce bird. The fierce bird had a feeling that it was difficult to avoid,

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