Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2019: Instant kill


Gu Fei punched it out, and the ancient fierce bird was immediately shaken out of the sky, with colorful feathers falling in the air.

The fierce bird neighed and immediately turned into a colorful divine light, rushing back from a distance, the fierce bird was angered by Gu Fei.


Nine multicolored divine lights turned into heaven-shattering divine rainbows, rushing out of the fierce bird, and piercing towards Gu Fei cave, like nine-handed heavenly swords, gathering the power of the five elements between heaven and earth, every divine light can penetrate through the world

The destructive power was so great that the nearby monks and fierce beasts were shocked, feeling the danger, and evaded away in panic.

Someone recognized Gu Fei, and even dare not approach it.

"Human, you are strong, but you angered me."

The voice of the fierce bird rang in Gu Fei’s heart. This is a communication of divine consciousness without any language barriers. This kind of communication was very common in the ancient times.

Even in this world, most monks still use this kind of communication,

"Huh, what a joke, should I stand obediently for you to eat."

Gu Fei gave a cold snort and said disdainfully, this is no longer the ancient prehistoric, this fierce bird is not its ancestor, the peacock beast, in the current world, the human race is the ruler.


The fierce bird was furious, and it didn't say anything. At this time, the nine divine rainbows had penetrated in front of Gu Fei, and the powerful fluctuation of power directly tore the void in front of him to pieces.


Gu Fei looked up to the sky and roared, he did not evade, an incredibly powerful chaotic power burst out of him, and a layer of chaotic air appeared on him.


The heaven-shattering divine rainbow formed by the essence of the nine elements and five elements directly collided with the layer of chaotic Qi outside Gu Fei, and the colorful divine light directly drowned him.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Is this guy crazy, dare to use his body to resist the five element magical powers of the ancient ferocious bird? This is simply looking for death.

This ancient fierce year swallows the general quasi-sage, it is as easy as pinching an ant to death. Although Gu Fei has defeated Ziyunxiao, he does not necessarily use the power of his flesh to counter the attack of ancient fierce birds. ,


The Jagged Daoist was also frightened when he saw this. If Gu Fei was killed by this ferocious bird, he would be unable to move in this wild and small world.

The Jagged Daoist is very aware of his cultivation and strength. It would be okay to meet a general Dacheng quasi-sage, but once he meets a Dacheng quasi-sage like Ziyunxiao, then he will be a tragedy.

"Boss, don't worry about it."

The Jagged Daoist was worried about Gu Fei’s safety, because he knew that as long as he followed Gu Fei, he would get some benefits. At least others would have scruples if they wanted to attack him.


The colorful divine light condensed by the essence of the nine endless five elements is constantly exploding. The destructive power of the five elements swept through the void of a radius of thousands of meters, the void shattered and annihilated, and the five elements divine light destroyed everything.

This is the horror of the ancient fierce bird with the blood of the ancient beast, the peacock,

"Hmph, it kills you like this, but it makes you cheaper."

The ancient ferocious birds hate it, this little human race dare to offend itself, it is **** it, in those ancient years, the human race was extremely weak, but the powerful ferocious beasts and savage beasts were superior.

In the ancient times, the human race is not the ruler of the heaven and the earth, and can only be enslaved by those powerful beings.

But now it’s different. The Human Race has gone through countless years of baptism and passed on tenaciously. On the contrary, those powerful races that were unparalleled in the ancient and desolate world have disappeared in the long river of years.

This ancient fierce bird still maintains the high mentality of the ancient years. From its point of view, the human race is a lot stronger, but in this wild and small world, the savage beast is still the ruler.


Just when everyone thought Gu Fei was doomed to escape, a roar came out from the broken void, and then a figure broke through the extremely chaotic void and rushed out.


A purple sword shadow shot out from Gu Fei’s eyebrows, and instantly penetrated the head of the ancient fierce bird. The head of the ancient fierce bird exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

What happened in that instant was so fast that everyone still had no response when the head of the ancient fierce bird exploded into blood fog.

A fierce bird with peacock blood on its body just fell. The colorful headless body fell from the sky, and the five elements of the essence overflowed from that body.

This is the essence of the five elements that the fierce bird has cultivated for endless years. When the fierce bird is alive, these five element essence will never leak.

The essence of the five elements began to overflow from the carcass of the fierce bird, which also indirectly indicates that this fierce bird was really beheaded by Gu Fei in an instant. You must know that even if the fierce bird’s body is destroyed, the soul is immortal, these five elements The essence will not leak out,

"Dead, I was killed like this."

Those who saw this scene were all moved. You know, that was a fierce bird that easily swallowed the quasi-sage, and was just beheaded.

This made the monks feel that the scene they saw before them was so unreal.


Just as the headless corpse of the fierce bird fell from the sky, a figure suddenly rushed into the distance. The man stretched out his hand and took the corpse of the fierce bird directly.

"Who is this person, dare to **** this god-killing thing."

Everyone was shocked again, and saw that this person was a little girl in purple. This little girl was full of spirituality, especially her big eyes, which was even more spiritual.

"This thing is useful to me, so how about giving it to me."

The little girl smiled and said to Gu Fei,

"Huh, you know the goods."

Gu Fei smiled, but he didn't mean to attack the little girl. The little girl in purple clothes is the younger sister of Zi Yunxiao, Zi Yuner.

Although ten years have passed, Zi Yuner is like an elf who never grows up. During these ten years, his appearance and height have not changed at all.

"Is there really that kind of physique in the world."

Looking at Zi Yun'er, Gu Fei thought of another thing.

At this time, the brutal beast army still had the upper hand, and there were too few human monks. Compared with countless brutal beasts, the individual's powerful combat power was difficult to reverse for a while.

However, as Gu Fei beheaded the five-element ferocious bird, the strength of the entire wild army was weakened a lot.


At this moment, there was an angry shout from a distance, high above the sky, a series of pictures were looming, and two terrifying wild beasts were jointly attacking the battle formation.

Eighteen veteran war gods shouted in unison, murderous, and the Immortal Venerable Dao Body showed great combat power, actually resisting the attack of two wild beasts.

Those two wild and wild beasts were too powerful, if it weren't for the protection of the Immortal Venerable Battle Formation, the eighteen old war gods would have been torn to pieces by these two strange beasts.

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