Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2020: Speed ​​with poor odds


The savage beast roared, shaking the earth, the Qiongqi with its wings on its back was fast to the extreme, its wings vibrated, and an invisible wind blade slashed out.


A series of wind blades slashed on the large array, causing the large array to scream, countless array patterns looming, and the condensed immortal powers resisted all this invisible attack.

The ancient strange beast, Qiongqi, is best at using the power of the wind between heaven and earth. This power is invisible and unpredictable, and its moving speed is very big for the eighteen old war gods. Threat,

On the other hand, the other brutal beast possesses extremely powerful power. It is the power of the idol of the dragon elephant. The black idol is rampant. Although it does not show too much magical power, its image power is great. , But it can almost break all magical powers,


The black elephant charged the Immortal Venerable Killing Array again, like a **** mountain, rushing in madly, hitting the Immortal Venerable Killing Array,

The entire killing formation shook, and the force of this collision caused countless lines to dissipate in the void, and the body of that Immortal Venerable was blurred, almost dissipating in the void.

In the killing array, the naked eye can see the ripples in the space. This is a ripple formed by a kind of shocking force. This kind of fluctuation, through the killing array, spreads into the killing array.

The corners of the mouths of the eighteen old war gods standing on the ancient chariots all seeped blood. The thirteen disciples in white clothes of the Zhongzhou Xianfu who were protected by the killing array were even more unbearable. Some people had fainted.

It is the third Zhongzhou who is the strongest among the thirteen disciples in white clothes. There are bloodstains oozing out between the mouth and nose.

At this time, he couldn't do anything, and was in a very embarrassing situation. From the beginning, they were protected by the Xianzun Killing Array.

Caused this situation,

At this time, if they lose the protection of the Immortal Venerable Killing Array, they will be directly tortured and killed by these two powerful and sky-defying wild beasts, without any suspense.

Although these two savage beasts are not sacred beasts, their flesh and power are extremely powerful, and they can become true sacred beasts in only half a step.

This kind of existence is much stronger than Dacheng Quasi-Holy. You must know that the flesh and power of beasts are inherently stronger than the human race. Even through acquired cultivation, the human race’s power will be stronger, but compared to the same For savage beasts, the human race is still a lot weaker.

What's more, these two wild and wild animals are wild and wild animals that have existed in the wild period.

This kind of wild alien species, the flesh is more powerful than the average savage beast, even if it is a true holy soldier, if it is not fully recovered, I am afraid it will be difficult to split their defense.

Once the wild beast is tamed, it is the most terrifying tool of killing in the world.

The Black Fiend Idol’s main attack, the idol seemed to be mad, hitting the Xianzun Killing Array one after another. The power of the Xianzun Killing Array can only injure it, but it can’t kill it.

That Qiongqi is very clever. It is only assisting the black evil idol to attack together. Its wind power can offset part of the black evil idol’s killing force.

In this way, the power of the Immortal Venerable Killing Array's damage to the Black Fiend Idol was minimized.

The war fell into a see-saw state. The two great wild beasts could not break through the Xianzun killing array, and the eighteen old war gods could hardly drive the Xianzun to kill the two wild beasts.

"Since you have killed an ancient savage beast and forged a big feud with the existence in the forbidden zone, let's have a fight."

Gu Fei stood in the void, seeing that the human monk was almost one-sided in defeat, the blood in his body couldn't help but boiled, and a shocking war intent rushed out of him.


Gu Fei rushed towards the two wild beasts who attacked the battle formation of Immortal Venerable.

"Big hands cover the sky."

Gu Fei slapped it with a palm, and a large chaotic hand immediately appeared in the void, revealing terrifying energy fluctuations, and slapped towards the black evil idol the size of a hill.


The powerful martial arts force crushed the void in front of the great chaos hand to be shattered and annihilated. The terrifying power made the black evil idol feel threatened.

The black elephant roared and turned directly to Gu Fei and slammed into Gu Fei. On the black body, the suffocation was dazzling, and this suffocation was almost materialized, and it can be vaguely observed with the naked eye.

How many creatures need to be killed in order to gather such evil aura,


The chaotic big hand fiercely slapped the black evil idol that rushed into it, and the powerful force directly drove this wild beast into the shattered void.


At the same time, Gu Fei came to the sky above Qiongqi instantly.

That Qiongqi was taken aback. It never expected that Gu Fei was so fast. At the same time it was shocked, its wings vibrated and rushed forward like lightning.


There was a muffled noise, and that Qiongqi quickly turned around to take a look, only to see that the human race actually stepped down, stepping out of a dark space where he was originally.

Qiongqi was shocked again. This human race's stepping power was so powerful that it could walk through the void of heaven and earth. Could it be that the human body of this human race was so powerful that it could not compete with that stupid elephant?

At this moment, Gu Fei’s figure suddenly disappeared.

Qiongqi felt the great danger, and without thinking about it, he unfolded his body skills and avoided.

Just as Qiongqi rushed out, Gu Fei's figure suddenly appeared where it was, and then his figure was blurred again and disappeared into the void.

"Haha..., you human race, are you even faster than me? It's really overwhelming."

Qiongqi was laughing, his voice sounded in Gu Fei's heart, his tone was full of disdain, you know, Qiongqi is the beast king who controls the power of wind.

Controlling the power of the wind makes Qiongqi move much faster than ordinary savage beasts. Even if the Five Elements Fierce Bird is killed by the human race in front of him, he will be much slower in speed.

Seeing that this human race wanted to catch up with him, Qiongqi felt that this human race was stupid.

"Hmph, you won't be able to laugh later."

Gu Fei stepped on the void, showing eight steps of extreme speed. Every step he took was like a teleport, disappearing in the void in an instant. When he appeared again, he almost hit the Qiongqi.

"So fast……"

Qiongqi’s surprise was really extraordinary. How could this human race be so fast? Could it be that this human race also controlled the power of wind?

This is absolutely impossible. You must know that the supernatural power of controlling the wind power is born to the Qiongqi family. It is a talented supernatural power and cannot be mastered through cultivation.

Soon, Qiongqi found in the chase that what this human race showed was a kind of magical footwork.

Just as Gu Fei and Qiongqi were chasing in the sky, a void in the sky suddenly shattered with a bang, and a black figure broke into the void and rushed out.

The black evil idol that was shot into the void by Gu Fei rushed out of the void.

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