Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2021: Comparing strength with the wild elephant


Gu Fei and Naqiong died moving fast in the sky. Even the Dacheng quasi-sages could hardly capture their shadows. Their shadows only appeared for a short time, and then disappeared in an instant.


The Qiongqi fierce beast is roaring. The speed of this human race is so amazing that it can catch up with itself. How is this possible? You know, you are the master of the power of wind.


A powerful force rushed from behind, rushing forward with the fast-moving Qiongqi, the blood in his body rolled, and a strand of blood leaked from the corner of Qiongqi’s mouth.

"how can that be……"

Qiongqi was almost crazy, his best speed was even compared to a human race, which made it hard for him to accept and unacceptable.


The void shook, Qiongqi's whole body was shaken, countless transparent wind blades rushed out of it, and each wind blade contained a transparent Dao pattern.

This is Qiongqi’s killer, which can kill people invisible,

The overwhelming transparent wind blade slashed behind him, covering the entire world, and every inch of the void was covered with this transparent blade.

Gu Fei rushed up directly, and a layer of chaotic air rushed out of his body, and all chaotic patterns appeared on his body. Those were nine indistinct patterns.




The transparent wind blade slashed on the chaotic Qi Gang outside Gu Fei's body, and the wind blades exploded. The destructive force made the chaotic Qi Gang vibrate.

However, countless transparent wind blades slashed on the Chaos Qi Gang, but they couldn't break the defensive force outside Gu Fei's body. Although the Chaos Qi Gang was shaking violently, it did not collapse.


Qiongqi was really shocked at this moment, this human race's body protection is so powerful, is it a descendant of the legendary martial ancestor?

In those ancient years, only the descendants of the martial ancestors had such a powerful body, a cultivated martial body that could compete with the innate beasts.


Gu Fei divided his hands, and five divine swords appeared around his body. These are five divine swords that condense the power of the five elements. This is the magical power derived from martial arts to a certain extent.

Heaven-shattering sword aura came out from the five-handed five-element divine sword, and the temperature of the entire world was falling rapidly under the fluctuation of this sword aura.

"go with."

Gu Fei waved his hands forward, and the five divine swords that hovered around him instantly turned into five dazzling sword lights, penetrating towards the Qiongqi hole ahead.


Qiongqi was taken aback. How could the Five Elements power appear in this human race? This made it unbelievable. This was beyond his cognition.

"Could it be that this human race is a chaotic body in the legend."

Although Qiongqi was shocked, it did not dare to underestimate Gu Fei's extreme attack, and quickly turned into a wisp of breeze, and immediately avoided.


At this moment, a powerful force suddenly burst out in front of Qiongqi, a big hand appeared without warning, and the breeze that Qiongqi turned into was caught in his hand.


Qiongqi was shaken out of the void, and then, the big hand closed in an instant, a scream came out, and then, a terrifying sound of broken bones sounded.

Scarlet blood oozes from between the fingers of the big hand, and then drips. The ancient beast was so strange that it was grabbed to pieces by one hand, and even the soul couldn't escape, so he died.


Everyone was stunned by this scene. The ancient fierce beast was so strange that he was caught to death with one hand, and it was Gu Fei who caught the beast.

At this time, two Gu Fei appeared in the sky,

"how is this possible……"

Unbelievable, two Gu Fei appeared, and the aura on the two Gu Fei seemed to be the same strong, this is definitely not as simple as an external incarnation.

You know, the power of the avatar cannot be compared with the deity on the same day, and there is a certain gap between the power of the avatar and the deity.

However, if this is not the art of incarnation outside the body, then what magical power is it,

"The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, one qi transforms three clears."

From a distance, the Ziyunxiao brother and sister who saw this scene couldn't help but glance at each other. Could this Gu Fei really get the complete Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao?

The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are the supreme great art created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor. In the ancient years, these nine secrets have been lost and are no longer complete.

Since then, no one has been able to gather these nine secret arts, can Gu Fei be able to gather these nine immortal secret arts,

Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters are very hard to believe, you know, it is too difficult to gather these nine kinds of fairy tale secret arts. Some people get one or two, which is already a great blessing.

"Finally killed this savage beast..."

Gu Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief. He used a Qi Transformation Sanqing Divine Art to separate out a Dao Body. This Dao Body was hidden in the void with the Anti-Void Secret Art, while taking advantage of this poor and strange beast. The flaw was revealed, and then he killed it in one fell swoop,

After killing Qiongqi, his Taoist body turned into a breath of fresh air, returned to the body, and sank into his body.


At this time, the black elephant that rushed out of the void again rushed towards Gu Fei, and its four hoofs stepped into the void, and the void was shaking violently.


Gu Fei didn't evade. His martial arts shook, and his whole body suddenly enlarged, becoming a giant tens of feet tall. His fists were like a hill, and he slammed toward the huge head of the smashing elephant.


With a loud noise, Gu Fei’s two fists slammed on the head of the wild elephant, and the power of the flesh was completely released. The chaotic true power condensed on the fists also burst out in an instant.

The perfect fusion of physical power and martial arts real power makes Gu Fei’s power of this blow to the extreme.

Two shocking brutal forces collided together, and a circle of visible ripples spread, and the vast void was shattered and torn apart, and the void was quickly annihilated.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and they did not expect that Gu Fei was shocked with this wild elephant directly. You must know that this wild and wild elephant is a prehistoric alien species known for its strength, even if it is an ancient sacred mountain. This elephant is smashed into pieces,

However, what is astounding is that Gu Fei used two fists to block the impact of this pretty elephant.


The giant that Gu Fei transformed into exhaled, and a more powerful force exploded on his fists against the head of the wild elephant.

The pretty elephant roared, and was shocked by this force and withdrew more than ten steps.

This is an unprecedented thing. It is incredible that a wild and wild elephant was retreated by people. You must know that this wild elephant can shake the arrogant existence of the immortal battle formation.

At the same time when everyone was shocked, Gu Fei had already grabbed the long nose of the wild elephant, roared, turned the giant beast into motion, and then threw the wild elephant into the depths of the restricted area.

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