Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2023: Undead tree

Gu Fei’s fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and he stepped into the depths of the restricted area and punched the master of the restricted area. The powerful punching power shook the sky and the earth, and the master of the restricted area could not help but move his face.

"You junior, you are looking for death."

The lord of the forbidden zone roared, a small human race with a quasi-sage level, dare to challenge it, it is crazy, isn’t he afraid of death,


The master of the restricted area directly stretched out the beast claws and greeted Gu Fei with his fist. On the dark beast claws, there was a cloud of light lingering.

A wave of peerlessly powerful power surged from the beast's claws, shocking all directions, everyone's heart was shaking, this is the real power of the holy rank,

The lord of the forbidden zone was actually a sacred beast, but this sacred beast has also sealed a holy level and cultivation base, but at this time, this sacred beast is the old palace lord of the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. The same, also unlocked several seals on the body,

If you don’t unlock a few seals, this holy beast must not be the opponent of the old palace lord of Zhongzhou.


Gu Fei’s fist and the black beast claw smashed into each other fiercely. There was no suspense. Even if Gu Fei used ten times the power of ascension, it was still difficult to compete with the holy beast, even the self-appointed holy beast.


Gu Fei only felt a sweetness in his mouth, a burst of blood spurted out, and a huge force that could not be beaten came from his right fist. The arm bone of his right arm broke instantly, and the whole person flew out upside down.


The sacred beast was shocked. This human race did not die under his own blow. It was just injured and not fatal. This made me feel extremely surprised.


The holy beast snorted coldly and was about to make another move, but at this time, the old palace lord of Zhongzhou Xianfu had already been killed. The old palace lord was like an ancient **** of fire, full of endless sacred fire, burning half of the sky. A flush,


The old palace master roared and waved his big hand, nine pillars of fire fell from the sky,




The earth quaked, and nine pillars of fire that reached the sky inserted into the earth, trapping the holy beast in the nine pillars of fire, and a series of blazing fire patterns rushed out on the nine pillars of fire, intertwined into a blazing fire. Array,


Above the nine pillars of fire, the sound of dragon chants faintly heard, and there was a fire dragon looming above them, and a wild aura, surging from the pillar of fire,

"The Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar."

The sacred beast was taken aback. It could sense the breath of the nine true dragons emanating from the nine divine fire pillars, which was the breath of the ancient fire dragon.

This Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar was also a famous killing formation in that ancient time. This is a godly weapon refined by the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable. This Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable is extremely powerful. It actually killed nine true fiery dragons and extracted true fiery dragons. The dragon soul and power of the dragon are sealed in the fire pillar of the Nine Dragon God,

The power of the Nine Dragons was originally enormous. After being refined into the Nine Dragon God Fire Pillars, the great array of the Nine Dragon God Fire Pillars is even more terrifying.

Even if the true saint falls into the huge array of fire pillars of the Nine Dragons God, they will be burned out, without any suspense,

"You know the goods, this time, you are not as lucky as the last time."

The old palace lord sat volleyed in the sky above the formation, fully controlling the formation. On the nine pillars of fire, nine dragon shadows and fiery dragons appeared. That was definitely the supreme existence of the holy rank.

The nine dragon souls have been wiped out of their minds and turned into puppets who only obey the orders of the owner of the Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar. The dragon soul and dragon power have been fused with the God Fire Pillar.

"Are you actually the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable."

The sacred beast was extremely shocked, and the terrifying divine fire blasted from the nine pillars of fire to the sky, burning the sky and the void, making it feel dangerous.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone has lived for endless years. He is an extremely powerful sacred beast in the ancient years. He knows the terrible Xianzun because it almost broke through to that realm.

If this old guy is really Nine Dragon Immortal, then he is in danger today.

In ancient times, this Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable was also a ruthless character. Otherwise, this Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable would not kill the Lair of True Fire Dragon, and with his own power, he would kill nine true Fire Dragons.

No one doubts the strength of the Real Fire Dragon, you know, it is a real dragon, with the blood of Ancestral Dragon in its body, which is not comparable to those of wild dragons.

Even the nine fierce fire dragons are not the opponents of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable, the owner of the restricted area will not think he is stronger than the nine fierce fire dragons no matter how arrogant he is.


The old palace master snorted coldly. He didn't admit it. At this time, the sound of the dragon roar sounded again, and the nine dragon shadows rushed out from the nine heavenly divine fire pillars and hovered in the sky.

At this time, the owner of the restricted zone could no longer maintain his composure. He felt a great threat.

Just when the two great holy rank powerhouses were confronting each other, they were shocked by the master of the restricted area and flew out a thousand feet away, smashed into a mountain forest, Gu Fei, rose again into the sky,


He used the power of eclosion, the shattered right arm bone was shaking and growing, and the broken flesh was repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in an instant, Gu Fei’s martial art was completely healed.

This is the magic of the power of eclosion, no matter what degree of severe damage, even the soul is broken up, as long as the divine mind is immortal, it can perform the eclosion secret technique, reunite the divine soul, and reshape the body,

The Eclosion Secret Art is among the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, it is called the Immortal Divine Art. It is very difficult to kill someone who has practiced the Eclosion Secret Art. Unless it is by special means, it is absolutely impossible to kill such a person. ,

Gu Fei’s power has returned to its peak state again. He has retreated from the ascended state. This is an experience he has summed up in the constant wars.

Instantly use the Ascension Secret Art to increase his strength. After sending out a blow, he can withdraw from the ascended state without having to maintain this state.

As a result, Gu Fei’s time to perform the Ascension Secret Art was greatly extended.

"What a powerful sacred beast, it still has this kind of combat power after proclaiming itself, it is really terrifying."

Gu Fei had a hard blow with the holy beast. He knew very well that this was not the true power of this holy beast. If the holy beast made a full effort, he would not be able to recover so easily.

"But how can I use my ultimate strength."

Gu Fei also has hole cards, but he will not show these hole cards so easily. Especially in this situation, the opponent will always be unable to figure out his own falsehood and reality, then the opponent will have doubts about himself and dare not dare. Easy to shoot yourself,

Although the holy beast was shot out from the depths of the restricted area, Gu Fei hurriedly saw the location of the undead tree.

The undead tree took root on a sacred stone. It was a red sacred stone. The entire undead tree was shrouded in a **** light from the sacred stone.

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