Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2024: Fight for the undead tree

The undead tree is rooted on a red sacred stone. The height of the tree is only about three feet high. The tree bears nine blood-red fruits. The blood-colored fruits are the legendary Hedao fruit.

The old palace lord of Zhongzhou was fighting with the sacred beast, and horrible fluctuations swept across the world, but it did not affect the undead tree.

A blood-colored mask appeared on the red sacred stone, and that blood-colored mask shrouded the undead tree inside, blocking the mighty energy fluctuations from the outside world.

With the protection of that scarlet mask, the undead tree did not escape from this place.

The immortal medicine is a spiritual thing, and you can feel the danger from the outside. This kind of magic medicine, which is claimed to be immortal, although it cannot be cultivated, but the sense of danger is beyond the reach of all living beings.

As long as you feel the danger, this undead tree will definitely escape here as soon as possible.


At this time, the old palace lord finally launched the Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar, and the monstrous fire rose into the sky from the great formation, covering half of the sky in.


The holy beast trapped in the fire pillar of the Nine Dragons roared, and the sound was earth-shaking. The holy beast encountered great danger. The power of the fire pillar of the Nine Dragons **** was not a joke.

You must know that even in those ancient years, when there were many strong men and saints alive, the reputation of the Nine Dragon God Pillar of Fire was not blown out, but blown out.

In those ancient years, I don’t know how many powerful people were trapped by the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable with the Nine Dragon God Pillar of Fire, and then they were refined into fly ash, their form and spirit disappeared.

Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable is a very powerful existence. There are countless powerhouses who died in his hands, especially those powerhouses of the demons.

The Dao patterns formed by the condensed fires are intertwined among the nine pillars of heavenly divine fire. The nine pillars of fire are the eyes of this large array, which continuously provides strength for this large array.

Nine fire dragons swim among the nine divine fire pillars, the terrifying divine fire spreading from the fire dragon, the burning void is silently annihilated, terrifying,

In the center of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Pillar, there was a group of blue light flickering. It was a big bell, which enveloped the holy beast and blocked the mighty divine fire outside.


A bell rang through the sky, and an invisible sound wave spread from the big bell, and turned into a human form. The holy beast sitting in the big bell is driving the power of the bell and the **** of Nine Dragons. Pillars of fire contend,

"Holy Soldier."

Above the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Array, the old palace lord of Zhongzhou Xianfu was shocked. This sacred beast was not simple, and he even had a holy artifact.

The invisible sound waves oscillated in the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Array, the fire power in the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Array was being weakened, and the nine dragon shadows were even more blurred.

The nine fire dragons are not the real dragon souls, but the dragon shadows formed by the essence of the nine fire dragons.

With the current cultivation base of the old palace lord, it is difficult to truly revive the dragon soul of the sleeping dragon in the fire pillar of the Nine Dragons.

This Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar is a magic weapon of the Immortal Venerable. Its quality is much higher than that of the ordinary holy rank magic weapon, and it is also more difficult to drive than the ordinary holy rank magic weapon.

"Go and take away the undead tree."

The old palace lord spoke to the eighteen old war gods. At this time, he had trapped this holy beast. Although he could not kill this guy, he could also make it difficult for this guy to stop the eighteen old war gods.


Eighteen ancient chariots rolled over from the sky, and the eighteen old war gods of Zhongzhou Xianfu moved, and they rushed directly into the depths of the restricted area.

But the thirteen disciples in white clothes from Zhongzhou Xianfu stayed outside the restricted area.

The thirteen disciples in white clothes from Zhongzhou Xianfu were injured in varying degrees in the battle between the eighteen old God of War and the Qiongqi beast and the wild elephant.

Even the three Zhongzhou sons are no exception.

Gu Fei killed the most powerful savage beast under the sacred beast. However, there are still many powerful savage beasts, raging in all directions, and the human monks continue to die under the claws of the beasts.


Thirteen disciples in white clothes from Zhongzhou Xianfu took action. They rushed into the group of brutal beasts, and the group of brutal beasts suddenly splattered blood, and heads of brutal beasts kept falling down.

The thirteen disciples in white were venting the sulking anger in their chests. Just now, they were guarded by the eighteen old war gods in the battle formation of the Immortal Venerable and passively beaten. Now, they are actively attacking.

With the addition of this force, the situation on the Human Race monk's side immediately showed signs of reversal.


A loud shout came from the depths of the restricted area. It was the voice of the eighteen old God of War.


Gu Fei couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard this voice. Then, without thinking about it, he went straight into the depths of the restricted area and came near the place where the undead tree took root.

"this is……"

Gu Fei came near the undead tree, and saw that the eighteen old war gods were attacking the blood-colored mask that enveloped the undead tree. The blood-colored mask was constantly oscillating under the attack of the eighteen old war gods. It may collapse like,


The old voice was roaring, one of the eighteen old war gods, a tall old war **** holding a spear, pointed forward, and the immortal formation composed of the eighteen old war gods quickly gathered a shocking force.


This power turned into a dazzling divine light, and violently hit the blood-colored mask outside the undead tree. Under the impact of this divine light, the blood-colored mask began to appear. crack,

Through those tiny cracks, the scent of medicine oozes out from the blood-colored mask, and the enlightening aura makes everyone's spirits refreshed.

The Hedao Fruit is mature. The nine Hedao Fruits are like nine blood-colored hearts, seeming to be beating, and under the blood-colored peel, it seems that there is a kind of life.


When Gu Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. Could it be that the He Dao fruit really bred life,

He was very careful, hidden from the side, and was not discovered by the eighteen old war gods. He was waiting for the best opportunity, and he discovered that he was not alone in thinking like this.

At least three people also sneaked into the depths of the restricted area,

As long as the blood-colored mask outside the undead tree is breached by the eighteen old war gods, the other strong men lurking nearby will also take action immediately.

No one can resist the temptation of Hedaoguo, because Hedaoguo is the hope of sanctification. As long as you take the Hedaoguo, you will wait if one foot has entered the holy step.

Since the ancient times, countless monks have been struggling hard for what,

Sanctification is the goal of all living beings. For this goal, all monks can do whatever they can, and the appearance of the fruit of harmony makes all monks crazy.

Even the old palace lord who has been sanctified, and the holy beast, are desperately trying,

"Damn it, despicable human race."

The holy beast trapped in the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Array was roaring, it was hitting the Array with all its strength, and the whole Array was shaking violently.

The nine real dragons condensed from the fire pillars of the Nine Dragons are also roaring. With the blessing of the real dragon, the terrifying fire of the real dragon trapped the big clock in the big formation. in,

No matter how the sacred beast aroused the power of the big bell to hit the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Array, it would be difficult to break through the Array and rush out.

"Hmph, despicable, why didn't you call yourself despicable in that battle."

The old man of Zhongzhou said coldly, he was still worried about the battle that year. Back then, Zhongzhou Xianfu attacked this restricted area, and was defeated by the master of the restricted area, causing a large number of strong men to fall into this restricted area. , So that the vitality of Zhongzhou Xianfu was greatly injured,

After hearing the words, the holy beast didn't speak any more, it just kept hitting the big formation,

With the protection of the big bell, this sacred beast has no worries about its life, but the old palace lord is committed to the undead tree and only wants to trap this sacred beast.

You know, holy beasts with holy rank magic weapons are not so easy to kill.


The old voice was full of warfare, and it rang back in between heaven and earth. This voice gave people a feeling of enthusiasm.

The blood-colored light covering the outside of the Undead Tree was under the attacks of the eighteen old God of War, and the cracks on it became more and more.


The old God of War was roaring, and countless array patterns radiated bright divine light, condensing the power of the heavens and the earth, and a faint and unreal figure appeared above the large array.

That is a strand of the Immortal Venerable Dao Body that condenses after the Xianzun battle formation reaches a certain state.


With a loud noise, the Immortal Venerable Dao's body lifted the disc-shaped magical instrument in his hand and slammed it on the scarlet mask. It seemed that something was broken, and the cracks on the scarlet mask began to spread. ,

Then the whole scarlet mask suddenly exploded with a touch.


At the moment when the blood-colored mask suddenly burst, the three figures suddenly rushed out, and instantly came to the side of the undead tree, reaching out to pick the Hedao fruit from the tree.

"court death."

The eighteen old war **** roared, and then, the power of the Immortal Venerable Battle Formation erupted, and the three powerful men who suddenly appeared directly shook away.

The eighteen old war gods control the battle formation of Immortal Venerable, they must envelop the undead tree into the battle formation of Immortal Venerable. When the undead tree was taken away, Gu Fei appeared.

Without any words, Gu Fei came up with a fist and blasted towards the Immortal Venerable, and at the same time opened the Inner Heaven and Earth, wanting to collect the undead tree into the Inner Heaven and Earth.


With a muffled sound, the power of Gu Fei's punch made the battle of Xianzun pause.


The power of the inner world swept out, and a red fruit flew out of the undead tree, and was pulled into the inner world by the power of the inner world.

And just when Gu Fei’s Inner Heaven and Earth was about to take the entire undead tree into Inner Heaven and Earth, something happened suddenly. The undead tree pulled out the rhizome that was stuck on the red **** stone, and then "swish", Ran away,

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