Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2039: Promise City Lord

Huo Zun went crazy and the consequences were serious.

Even the Ziyun Dragon retreated far, not to mention the other Vulcan soldiers, even if they had formed a large formation, they had to retreat.


The old **** Huo Zun will rise to the sky and roar, and his hair dances white, and the light of fire like lightning emerges around him, lingering outside his body,

A violent aura that dominates the world erupted from the body of the old **** general of Huo Zun, surging between the heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the earth were eclipsed.

"Oh, I'm angry."

Gu Fei smiled and looked at the old **** Huo Zun, allowing him to increase his strength, but did not stop him. The old **** Huo Zun would be a good opponent.

It’s rare to meet a good opponent, Gu Fei certainly has to have fun,

"Boss, I will kill the Ziyun Dragon."

The iron-blooded Taoist stared at the Ziyun Dragon in the distance, almost bursting out of fire in his eyes. This Ziyun Dragon destroyed his phoenix nest, which was his birthplace.

At this time, in the direction of the Phoenix Nest, the flames were still flying in the sky, and among the monstrous flames, the figure of the golden crow could be vaguely seen.

"The Great Fire Golden Crow Array..."

Upon seeing this, the Jagged Daoist's pupils couldn't help but shrink. This is the town palace formation of the Fire God Palace. He has only heard of it, and has not really experienced the power of this kind of formation.

"Go, I'm angry looking at this guy."

Standing in the sky, Gu Fei said directly to the iron-blooded Taoist, he didn't seem to put the fire-sovereign old general in his eyes at all, and he didn't have any strength at all.


Upon seeing this, the old **** Huo Zun couldn't help rushing into the crown. In order to gather his strength, his old face was flushed, but the other party didn't care at all and dared to underestimate himself.

"Haha, be careful, don't hold back your shit."

Gu Fei laughed and said,

"Roar, you deceived too much."

The eyes of the old warrior Huo Zun are red, and the blue veins on his forehead are constantly beating. He can't wait to tear this guy in front of him to pieces, and suppress his soul in purgatory for thousands of years.


At this time, the strength of the old **** general of Huo Zun also climbed to the peak state, he stretched out his big hand, and directly displayed his big grasp.

The real fire of the sun came out from his hand, and condensed into a huge fire hand like a mountain, which was covered with a head towards Gu Fei.

"Play this hand with me."

Gu Fei smiled when he saw that the old **** Huo Zun will evolve into the primordial spirit, condensing his big hands, and using this magical power, he couldn't help but smile, and then he raised his right hand to print upward.


The big flame hand in the sky shook suddenly, and then a palm-shaped hole appeared in the middle of the big hand. Then, centered on the palm-shaped hole, the flame big hand began to dissipate and began to collapse.

The exclamation sounded, it was the old voice of the old **** Huo Zun,

"You are still a little bit worse."

Gu Fei soared into the sky and forced him directly towards the old God General who was on the fire. There was still no strong aura from his body, as if he were walking in a leisurely courtyard.

"How is it possible, your cultivation level has improved again."

The old **** of fire was extremely shocked, he had gathered the most powerful force, as this damned guy said, he almost suffocated shit, but this guy still easily resolved his own blow.

At this time, the iron-blooded Taoist had already swooped towards Ziyun Dragon, only to see an undead bird passing across the sky, and his claws slammed towards Ziyun Dragon.

"It turned out to be Phoenix Profound Art..."

Ziyunlong unfolded his body and instantly retreated. The claws of the phoenix could only shred the afterimage left by him.

The phoenix dissipated, and the figure of the iron-blooded Taoist appeared in the void. The pair of phoenix claws that tore the void were evolved from the iron-blooded Taoist.

The Jagged Daoist missed a hit, roared, and then turned into an undead bird, flapped its wings and flew towards the Ziyun Dragon, with a sound like a bird's singing, extremely ear-piercing,

"Purgatory in the palm."

Ziyunlong couldn't avoid it this time. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed it forward. A swallowing force appeared in his palm, and a dark whirlpool emerged, swallowing it towards the iron-blooded Taoist who was flying.

The pitch-black vortex in the palm is like a horrible purgatory that is really connected to the sky. There is a soaring evil spirit coming out of it, and there is a creepy feeling.

"Undead Firebird, burn it for me."

The Jagged Taoist shouted, an undead firebird appeared between the sky and the earth, flapped its wings high, circled in the sky, and then swooped down directly at the Ziyun Dragon below.

The fire bird turned into a ball of fire, like a divine sun falling from nine heavens, directly smashing at the Ziyun dragon, the powerful force shook the world,


Ziyunlong was taken aback. This iron-blooded Taoist seemed to be much stronger than he had imagined. No wonder this guy could subdue the thirteen great bandits by himself.

In the face of the strong move, Ziyunlong was shocked, but his face also showed a hint of excitement at the same time. This is an opponent worthy of his all-out effort.


Ziyunlong stretched his big hand up, and the pitch-black vortex in his palm instantly became larger, covering the entire sky, swallowing the fireball from the sky.


A muffled sound came out from the dark whirlpool. The whirlpool in Ziyunlong's palm was shaking violently, and fires burst out from it.

"Give me a hand."

Ziyunlong closed his big hands, and the huge vortex disappeared immediately, but a few drops of blood leaked out of his palm.

"Very well, except for Zi Yunxiao, you are the second person who can make me bleed."

Ziyunlong squeezed his right hand, he stared at the iron-blooded Taoist, with a cruel smile on his face, his eyes glowing with excitement.

For a while, the two powerful men confronted each other, and the aura of the Jagged Daoist and Ziyunlong were rapidly increasing, and an immortal shadow appeared on the Jagged Daoist.

On the other hand, a strange black vortex appeared on Ziyunlong's body. He was like a great demon from hell. He had demon power on his body.

At this time, in the other direction, Gu Fei and the old **** of fire fought together.

Above the sky, a middle-aged man wearing a battle armor is standing in the air, watching the battle ahead. Behind the middle-aged man are three thousand soldiers wearing silver fairy armor and holding divine spears.

That middle-aged man is the Promise City Lord,

"It's time, kill me."

The Promise City Lord waved his big hand forward, and the three thousand silver armored city guards behind him immediately turned into a silver torrent, rushing towards the Vulcan warriors ahead.

The shocking murderous aura suddenly broke out, which surprised everyone.

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