Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2040: Injured Fire Lord


The shouts shook the world, and the three thousand silver armor immortal emperor soldiers turned into an unstoppable silver torrent, rushing towards the 100,000 Vulcan soldiers that had lifted into the sky.

The extremely powerful killing breath shocked everyone,

"Enemy attack."


In just an instant, the leader of the Ten Great Wars of the 100,000 Vulcan soldiers recovered, and then raised the magic spear, commanded the soldiers behind him, and rushed forward.


Hundreds of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, shaking the earth, chariots rumbling, flags spreading, endless formations loomed among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all fires lingering,

An unparalleled and powerful force wave emerged from the battle formation composed of one hundred thousand soldiers. The whole world was shaking, and the creatures within a radius of one hundred thousand li could sense this wave.

It’s too strong. The power of 100,000 Vulcan soldiers is gathered together, which is like a supreme being that is infinitely close to the holy order.

"These guys are really prepared."

The Promise City Lord was shocked, Huo Zun’s old man had been intercepted by Gu Fei, and Ziyun Dragon was also entangled by the iron-blooded Taoist during the war. I can’t think of it still having such terrifying power,


At this time, the arrow was already on the string, and he had to send it out. With a roar, he took the lead and rushed into the Vulcan battlefield.

The silver torrent, like an invincible sword, pierced into the battle formation composed of 100,000 Vulcan soldiers, and everything blocking the torrent was ruthlessly shattered and destroyed.

A cloud of blood mist appeared at once, broken **** soldiers, splashing flesh and blood, falling from the sky, like a rain of blood, just a simple dash, and thousands of Vulcan soldiers fell.

"Change formation, attack."

With loud shouts, the Vulcan battle formation began to move, countless figures flashed quickly, and the remaining countless Vulcan war soldiers surrounded the three thousand silver armor immortal emperor regiments.


Numerous formation patterns are looming, and a series of extremely pure fire powers are drawn and blessed on the Vulcan battle formation, which greatly increases the power of this battle formation.


The surprise of the Promise City Lord was really not trivial. He sprinted and thought that if he had destroyed thousands of Vulcan soldiers, this battle formation could become crippled and difficult to operate.

However, the scene before him exceeded the expectations of the Promise City Lord.

The Vulcan Battle Array is running, and the void surrounded by the Battle Array seems to have turned into a furnace. The endless sacred fire burns from all directions to the Wuji City Lord and others.


The Promise City Lord yelled, and the three thousand silver armor immortal emperor soldiers behind him immediately dispersed, protected him, and quickly formed a battle formation.

After all, this city of Xianzun is the gateway to Zhongzhou. The city guards stationed in Xianzun City of Zhongzhou City are much stronger than those in other places. The three thousand city guards are all soldiers of the Emperor.

The power of a battle formation that is no weaker than one hundred thousand Vulcan soldiers is rapidly condensing. The three thousand immortal emperors are definitely not weaker than the one hundred thousand Vulcan soldiers.

You must know that the cultivation bases of the 100,000 Vulcan war soldiers in the Fire God Palace are uneven. Among the war soldiers, there are veteran soldiers up to the emperor, and there are demigod-level monks who are not even the gods.

Among the 100,000 Vulcan soldiers, the true Immortal God-level soldiers will never exceed 30,000, and there are only a few hundred Immortal Emperor-level soldiers.

If it weren’t for the formation of the Vulcan battle formation, the silver armored city guards of the Three Thousand Immortal Venerable City would be able to beat the 100,000 Vulcan war soldiers.


The peerless power condensed by the Vulcan battle formation is colliding with the earth-shaking power from the battle formation composed of three thousand immortal imperial city guards. Where these two forces touch, countless Dao patterns are disillusioned.

The war broke out, and the two superpowers, each forming a battle formation, were attacking and killing each other. War soldiers continued to fall and fell from the sky.

Soon, the three-thousand-thousand immortal emperor-level soldiers of the Promise City Lord also suffered casualties.

Relatively speaking, the casualties of the Vulcan war soldiers are much larger than those of the Three Thousand Immortal Emperor war soldiers of the Promise City Lord. However, in the view of the Promise City Lord, even 10,000 Vulcan war soldiers will be replaced by one of his He also suffered a great loss for the fate of the immortal emperor’s soldiers.




The sound of killing shook the sky, the Vulcan soldiers and the city guards of Xianzun City killed a dim world, the sun and the moon were dark, and the mountains below were stained red by the blood spilling from the sky.


Suddenly, a muffled noise was heard from the battle formation formed by the immortal emperor's war soldiers in Xianzun City. Then, a big seal flew out of the battle formation and turned into the size of a mountain, facing the fire. The battle formation of the gods and soldiers smashed,

There are countless Dao patterns looming on the big seal on that side, and a vast and incomparable aura of the holy Dao comes out from the big seal on that side, and the world seems to be crushed by this force.

"this is……"

The immortal emperor-level leader among the Vulcan warriors sensed the irresistible power of the holy way coming out of the big seal, and all of them changed color. This is a holy-level magic weapon.


Before the leaders of the Vulcan soldiers could react, the big seal had already been smashed down. The huge seal like a mountain, with just one blow, killed nearly 10,000 Vulcan soldiers on the spot, countless The soldiers were affected,


Above the sky, the old **** of fire who saw this scene reddened his eyes and almost vomited blood. But this is a soldier that he has spent countless efforts to build. It suddenly suffered a tenth of casualties. , This result made him almost crazy,

"Wuji boy, I will kill you."

The old **** Huo Zun will desperately push Gu Fei away, and then drove his chariot, rushing to the Promise City Lord who was besieged in the Vulcan battle formation, killing the sky.

At this time, as soon as the Promise City Lord, who was guarded by the silver armor immortal emperor warriors, stretched out his hand, the big seal quickly shrank, flew back to him, and fell into his hands.


At the moment when the Old God of Fire was about to rush into the battle of Fire God, a palm of his hand was already slapped on his back, and he flew directly from the chariot with blood in his mouth. spray,

Exclamation suddenly broke out, seeing that the old **** Huo Zun was about to be beaten into flight, the countless soldiers in the Vulcan battle array couldn't help being shocked and commotion.

"Dare to take care of me when fighting against me. This is simply looking for death."

The owner of that palm said indifferently, this person is Gu Fei who was forced to retreat by the old **** Huo Zun, who still underestimated Gu Fei's moving speed.

The old **** Huo Zun will be beaten by Gu Fei with a palm. This is not an ordinary palm. On this palm, the power of the chaos avenue built by Gu Fei is contained, which not only hurts the old **** general Huo. , Even the primordial spirit of the old sage Huo Zun was shocked,

Several figures flew out of the Vulcan battle formation, caught the old Huo Zun general who was flying away, and hugged him back into the Vulcan battle formation.

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